Washington Post article about EA university groups

The article is here (note that the Washington Post is paywalled[1]). The headline[2] is “How elite schools like Stanford became fixated on the AI apocalypse,” subtitled “A billionaire-backed movement is recruiting college students to fight killer AI, which some see as the next Manhattan Project.” It’s by Nitasha Tiku.

Notes on the article:

  • The article centers on how AI existential safety concerns became more of a discussion topic in some communities, especially on campuses. The main example is Stanford.

  • It also talks about:

    • EA (including recent scandals)

    • Funding for work on alignment and AI safety field-building (particularly for university groups and fellowships)

    • Whether or not extinction/​existential risk from AI is plausible in the near future (sort of in passing)

  • It features comments from:

    • Paul Edwards, a Stanford University fellow “who spent decades studying nuclear war and climate change, considers himself ‘an apocalypse guy’” and who developed a freshman course on human extinction —and generally focuses on pandemics, climate change, nuclear winter, and advanced AI. (He’s also a faculty co-director of SERI.)

    • Gabriel Mukobi, a Stanford graduate who organized a campus AI safety group

    • And in brief:

      • Timnit Gebru (very briefly)

      • Steve Luby, an epidemiologist and professor of medicine and infectious disease and Edwards’s teaching partner for the class on human extinction (very briefly) (who’s the other faculty co-director of SERI)

      • Open Philanthropy spokesperson Mike Levine (pretty briefly)

I expect that some folks on the Forum might have reactions to the article — I might share some in the comments later, but I just want to remind people about the Forum norms of civility.

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    Up to some number of free articles per month

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    My understanding is that journalists don’t generally choose their headlines. Someone should correct me in the comments if this is wrong!