I researched this fairly extensively a few years ago, and it is a true (but maybe misleading, depending on context) claim.
The usual source for this claim is the Sentience Institute, although if you go to a huge amount of effort to check government records by hand you get basically the same number so I’m not worried that the source is somewhat biased. They get the 99% number by using USDA data on the size of farms, and then defining any farm over a certain size as a ‘factory’ farm. This makes sense to me, and is how I’d approach the definitional problem unless I was shown extremely compelling evidence of a farm processing eg 5000 pigs a year using traditional ‘mom and pop’ techniques.
The reason the claim might be misleading is that it is using ‘meat’ as a shorthand for ‘meat animals’ rather than eg ‘carcass weight’. Because the vast majority of farmed animals are chickens, and chickens are overwhelmingly factory farmed when farmed, the result of the Sentience Institute methodology is that it appears the overwhelming percentage of farmed animals are factory farmed. In fact, by carcass weight it is ‘only’ about 90% of meat which is factory farmed.
This could in theory drop a bit lower if you say that the process for factory farming cows is not all that morally relevant for the 2⁄3 of their life they spend in pastures and hence were very exacting with your definitions (ie maybe for the sake of argument we would say something like “85% of meat-by-weight is farmed in a way that would be extremely distressing for the animal” rather than “99% of meat is factory farmed”), but it is hard to get very much lower than this because pigs and chickens are almost exclusively raised in cramped factory conditions and also make up a great deal of the meat we eat.
Opposing the factory farms from which 99% of our meat comes requires the most basic moral commitment
The reason the claim might be misleading is that it is using ‘meat’ as a shorthand for ‘meat animals’ rather than eg ‘carcass weight’.
That seems very misleading! I think normal people interpret meat as a mass noun, with a pound of chicken being similar to a pound of beef. To make the example more extreme, suppose in the future 99.99% of all meat-by-weight was synthetic lab-grown, and 0.01% was from chickens. According to the OP’s methodology, 100% of meat would come from factory farms, but this seems clearly contrary to how any ordinary person would describe the situation.
To be clear the Sentience Institute itself is beyond reproach, describing their approach as being “We estimate that 99% of US farmed animals are living in factory farms at present”, which is totally unambiguous.
I’m quite sympathetic to the idea of moral arguments treating the basic unit of ‘meat’ as being the animal—that seems to be the morally relevant unit
Yes; the Environmental Protection Agency uses various criteria to distinguish between ‘Animal Feeding Operations’ (AFOs) and ‘Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations’ (CAFOs, aka Factory Farms). Within this, there is further subdivision between small, medium and large CAFOs. The definition of a ‘large CAFO’ relies exclusively on the number of animals in that AFO so you can confidently identify a ‘large CAFO’ using the Sentience Institute methodology. This will undercount the true number of factory farms, since it will miss eg some ‘Medium CAFOs’ which need to be a certain size AND meet some other criteria about how they handle sewage, but since most factory farmed animals are farmed in Large CAFOs it doesn’t make much difference.
I’m a bit confused. It answers your question unless you believe there are farms with more than half a million chickens / 5000 pigs under farm at a time which are not ‘Factory’ farms. Do you believe such farms exist? Do you have any evidence they exist? If not, in what way has your question not been answered?
Do you believe such farms exist? Do you have any evidence they exist?
I do know of one non-atrocity pig farm franchise that runs at least 5000 pigs worth of farms (IIRC they’re the main pork brand at most supermarkets in NZ) freedom farms. I’m having difficulty finding specifics about where the farms are and whether any individual freedom farm is huge. But they’d be good people to ask about this. Shall I?
Slow-growing chicken operations exist, why wouldn’t they aggregate into huge farms for economies of scale for the same reasons any industry does that?
That’s really interesting, and honestly pretty surprising—I’d really have to quite radically change my view if it turns out Freedom Farms have found a way to raise >5000 animals on one farm in conditions which are broadly acceptable. If I understand you correctly you’re saying that each individual farm could plausibly be much smaller than 5000 animals though, which I would still find interesting that there’s a way for the system to produce meat in aggregate without atrocity-level cruelty, but less challenging to my existing worldview because I think it is the ‘factory’ element of factory farms which is what drives them to be especially cruel.
I’d be very interested in anything you can find on the distribution of farm sizes—or if you can wait a week or two for me to get some work deadlines out the way I’d also be happy to investigate myself and get back to you.
I can certainly wait, as I still don’t eat pork for nutritional reasons (fat composition). I guess it should be you who makes contact, I’d be a lot less rigorous. If you need locals, I could connect you with people in the community. I don’t know anyone who’s been involved in pig welfare, but I know some people who’ve done chicken stuff (meat chicken welfare in NZ is still bad, but egg chicken welfare is mostly fine.)
At this point I’m expecting we’re going to find that yes, humane farms would benefit from aggregating, but still, very large contiguous parcels of land are just rare or hard to acquire, so a large number of stock on a single farm is going to be strongly correlated with overcrowding, as you expect.
the ‘factory’ element of factory farms
You still haven’t explained what you mean by this. A factory is just a process that produces something. A factory can have humans monitoring every stage of the process and making sure nothing is going wrong. A factory can be subject to certification requirements.
Yes, this is true. There is a huge difference between dairy and eggs (very low neg-utility by euro of final product), rumiants (medium neg utility), and chicken and pigs (hell on earth)
This difference matters A LOT to any policy proposal.
Even assuming cows and egg-laying hens live equally bad lives (egg-laying hens have it far worse), from one hen you can get about 40,000 calories worth of eggs—from one cow it’s 500,000 calories of beef (rough calculations). I’d definitely say buying eggs is far worse than buying beef.
Of course, if “moral weigth” of a chicken is equal to that of a cow, then, it is always better to sacrifice cows. My view is that moral weight grows more than linearly with relative encephalic mass
I’m not sure about what you mean by “relative encephalic mass”, but you can see a model of the relative harm of various animal products here. It suggests that (ignoring the effects on climate change), you would need to weigh the suffering of 1 cow >50 times more than the equivalent suffering of a hen to consider eggs less harmful per-kcal
You can find more estimates here. The vast majority of estimates consider eggs more harmful than beef, but indeed, they don’t weigh by neuron count (it might be worth noting that, afaik, estimates like QALYs used for humans also don’t weigh by neuron count or brain mass)
I researched this fairly extensively a few years ago, and it is a true (but maybe misleading, depending on context) claim.
The usual source for this claim is the Sentience Institute, although if you go to a huge amount of effort to check government records by hand you get basically the same number so I’m not worried that the source is somewhat biased. They get the 99% number by using USDA data on the size of farms, and then defining any farm over a certain size as a ‘factory’ farm. This makes sense to me, and is how I’d approach the definitional problem unless I was shown extremely compelling evidence of a farm processing eg 5000 pigs a year using traditional ‘mom and pop’ techniques.
The reason the claim might be misleading is that it is using ‘meat’ as a shorthand for ‘meat animals’ rather than eg ‘carcass weight’. Because the vast majority of farmed animals are chickens, and chickens are overwhelmingly factory farmed when farmed, the result of the Sentience Institute methodology is that it appears the overwhelming percentage of farmed animals are factory farmed. In fact, by carcass weight it is ‘only’ about 90% of meat which is factory farmed.
This could in theory drop a bit lower if you say that the process for factory farming cows is not all that morally relevant for the 2⁄3 of their life they spend in pastures and hence were very exacting with your definitions (ie maybe for the sake of argument we would say something like “85% of meat-by-weight is farmed in a way that would be extremely distressing for the animal” rather than “99% of meat is factory farmed”), but it is hard to get very much lower than this because pigs and chickens are almost exclusively raised in cramped factory conditions and also make up a great deal of the meat we eat.
That seems very misleading! I think normal people interpret meat as a mass noun, with a pound of chicken being similar to a pound of beef. To make the example more extreme, suppose in the future 99.99% of all meat-by-weight was synthetic lab-grown, and 0.01% was from chickens. According to the OP’s methodology, 100% of meat would come from factory farms, but this seems clearly contrary to how any ordinary person would describe the situation.
To be clear the Sentience Institute itself is beyond reproach, describing their approach as being “We estimate that 99% of US farmed animals are living in factory farms at present”, which is totally unambiguous.
I’m quite sympathetic to the idea of moral arguments treating the basic unit of ‘meat’ as being the animal—that seems to be the morally relevant unit
Agreed, the issue is with the OP, not SI.
Does the size tell you what sorts of methods are being used? I’m confused as to how it could.
Yes; the Environmental Protection Agency uses various criteria to distinguish between ‘Animal Feeding Operations’ (AFOs) and ‘Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations’ (CAFOs, aka Factory Farms). Within this, there is further subdivision between small, medium and large CAFOs. The definition of a ‘large CAFO’ relies exclusively on the number of animals in that AFO so you can confidently identify a ‘large CAFO’ using the Sentience Institute methodology. This will undercount the true number of factory farms, since it will miss eg some ‘Medium CAFOs’ which need to be a certain size AND meet some other criteria about how they handle sewage, but since most factory farmed animals are farmed in Large CAFOs it doesn’t make much difference.
That sure is some information. Doesn’t address my question.
I’m a bit confused. It answers your question unless you believe there are farms with more than half a million chickens / 5000 pigs under farm at a time which are not ‘Factory’ farms. Do you believe such farms exist? Do you have any evidence they exist? If not, in what way has your question not been answered?
I do know of one non-atrocity pig farm franchise that runs at least 5000 pigs worth of farms (IIRC they’re the main pork brand at most supermarkets in NZ) freedom farms. I’m having difficulty finding specifics about where the farms are and whether any individual freedom farm is huge. But they’d be good people to ask about this. Shall I?
Slow-growing chicken operations exist, why wouldn’t they aggregate into huge farms for economies of scale for the same reasons any industry does that?
That’s really interesting, and honestly pretty surprising—I’d really have to quite radically change my view if it turns out Freedom Farms have found a way to raise >5000 animals on one farm in conditions which are broadly acceptable. If I understand you correctly you’re saying that each individual farm could plausibly be much smaller than 5000 animals though, which I would still find interesting that there’s a way for the system to produce meat in aggregate without atrocity-level cruelty, but less challenging to my existing worldview because I think it is the ‘factory’ element of factory farms which is what drives them to be especially cruel.
I’d be very interested in anything you can find on the distribution of farm sizes—or if you can wait a week or two for me to get some work deadlines out the way I’d also be happy to investigate myself and get back to you.
I can certainly wait, as I still don’t eat pork for nutritional reasons (fat composition). I guess it should be you who makes contact, I’d be a lot less rigorous. If you need locals, I could connect you with people in the community. I don’t know anyone who’s been involved in pig welfare, but I know some people who’ve done chicken stuff (meat chicken welfare in NZ is still bad, but egg chicken welfare is mostly fine.)
At this point I’m expecting we’re going to find that yes, humane farms would benefit from aggregating, but still, very large contiguous parcels of land are just rare or hard to acquire, so a large number of stock on a single farm is going to be strongly correlated with overcrowding, as you expect.
You still haven’t explained what you mean by this. A factory is just a process that produces something. A factory can have humans monitoring every stage of the process and making sure nothing is going wrong. A factory can be subject to certification requirements.
Yes, this is true. There is a huge difference between dairy and eggs (very low neg-utility by euro of final product), rumiants (medium neg utility), and chicken and pigs (hell on earth)
This difference matters A LOT to any policy proposal.
Even assuming cows and egg-laying hens live equally bad lives (egg-laying hens have it far worse), from one hen you can get about 40,000 calories worth of eggs—from one cow it’s 500,000 calories of beef (rough calculations). I’d definitely say buying eggs is far worse than buying beef.
Of course, if “moral weigth” of a chicken is equal to that of a cow, then, it is always better to sacrifice cows. My view is that moral weight grows more than linearly with relative encephalic mass
I’m not sure about what you mean by “relative encephalic mass”, but you can see a model of the relative harm of various animal products here. It suggests that (ignoring the effects on climate change), you would need to weigh the suffering of 1 cow >50 times more than the equivalent suffering of a hen to consider eggs less harmful per-kcal
You can find more estimates here. The vast majority of estimates consider eggs more harmful than beef, but indeed, they don’t weigh by neuron count (it might be worth noting that, afaik, estimates like QALYs used for humans also don’t weigh by neuron count or brain mass)
Dear Lorenzo,
Thank you very much. It is clear that there is consensus on the large neg-utility of eggs. I correct this in my post.