My view is at current time there are 3 main and overlapping issues going on—COVID, global warming, and civil unrest about racism and policing (which sort of started in USA but now is global).
These all will impact ‘mental health’.
I agree with another comment that some of the graphs are not that easy to decipher. Its interesting that while most of the ‘mechanical ’ and ‘intuitive’ measures agree or correlate, at the end of the list you have some mental interventions in which the mechanical scores are like −1 (unlike the other interventions) while the intuitive ones are still around 7--similar to the other intuitive scores --- (so they anti-correlate ). I wonder why these studies are so different (i can guess).)
I have seen 2 recent very well researched and hence convincing studies regarding the effect of social interventions on COVID pandemic (from teams of researchers in UK—imperial college, oxford, Stanford, Harvard, etc.) which came to opposite conclusions regarding the effect of ‘lockdowns’. One study said lockdowns had no effect; the other said they prevented possibly 100,000s of deaths. The graphs in these studies were not easy to interpret either, for me.
Since i dabble in ‘complexity theory’ , I dislike the use of the term ‘mechanical model’ here though its well defined---( cost X effectiveness) . i just don’t view it as what i call mechanical—though it can be interpreted that way. .
i view ‘mechanical ’ as referring to a newtonian classical physics type model. Many people into complexity theory (some experts and some amateurs) reject what they call ‘mechanical models’. They prefer what they call nonequilibrium, open system models with emergent properties . I personally don’t think there is any difference between these. Terms like ‘mechanical’, ‘emergent’ or ‘intuitive’ almost become like labels, brand names, ideologies, or ‘races’. Its a fuzzy concept unless you agree on the definitions—like mental illness.
I’m only slightly familiar with R Hanson’s writings—though i am familiar with some of the other people’s writings at GMU he’s sort of affiliated with—and i once checked out GMU for grad study and decided against it. One paper by Hanson i did find interesting was in physics—his approach to derivation of ‘Born’s rule’ in quantum theory—this ‘rule’ i think is is one of the largest mysteries in physics—but it works. Hanson’s approach among many others seems to be a candidate for explaining it (but there is no consensus in physics—i also tend to think many of the different approaches will turn out to be basically the same—quantum theory already had 2 or 3 different versions or more (Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Dirac, maybe Feynman (much later)… ) before they were basically shown to be equivalent.
Some of these debates are sort of like going to one of the BLM protests which we have locally (i go mostly as a tourist or observer though i’m aquainted with a few of the protestors—i basically don’t like activism or protesting since i grew up around that --tired of repeating hallelujah or BLM or no justice no peace. If you say it once, dont say it again.) At these protests sometimes you have anti-BLM people—some are explicit and just as militant as some of the BLM people, some are ‘infiltrators’ or ‘provacateurs’—sort of try to get trouble started. You also have a few people who appear to be opportunists—looking for ‘free stuff’.
I dont really align with either the BLM (sometimes derisively called SJWs) people or their opponents. I think the issues they bring up are as complex as figuring out which interpretation of ‘Born’s rule’ is the correct one, or the best one and neither the SJWs, ‘proud boys’ or ‘alt-right’ seem to have thought this through (and guns and slogans i dont think will do.) As a side note Born lost his job under Hitler(he was jewish), went to UK and i think hitler actually invited him back (wthout his wife—didnt want him to reproduce, but did want him to working on making a bomb)--born declined (maybe in Uk they already had enough bombs falling from the sky).
I rarely read slate but the article on Hanson has an amusing title. I view slate as sort of the modern equivalent of the New Yorker, NY Review of Books, Atlantic, Vox, and maybe ‘on the left’ Jacobin and on the right ‘National Review’ or ‘American Conservative’. I think this is what is called part of ‘civil society’ and forums for ‘public intellectuals’. In the past, Einstein, B Russell, E B Dubois, maybe Emma Goldman and many more were public intellectuals , but some had a bit more background than the current ones.