I’m a Research Fellow at Forethought; before that, I ran the non-engineering side of the EA Forum (this platform), ran the EA Newsletter, and worked on some other content-related tasks at CEA. [More about the Forum/CEA Online job.]
Some of my favorite of my own posts:
I finished my undergraduate studies with a double major in mathematics and comparative literature in 2021. I was a research fellow at Rethink Priorities in the summer of 2021 and was then hired by the Events Team at CEA. I later switched to the Online Team. In the past, I’ve also done some (math) research and worked at Canada/USA Mathcamp.
Some links I think people should see more frequently:
As a quick update: I did not in fact share two posts during the week. I’ll try to post another “DAW post” (i.e. something from my drafts, without spending too much time polishing it) sometime soon, but I don’t endorse prioritizing this right now and didn’t meet my commitment.