I feel especially irritated with people who are ready to change their entire utilitarian philosophy just because someone associated with ours (probably) committed a major crime and got caught
I agree that this is pretty weird. There were presumably a bunch of historical contingencies that went into whether the FTX implosion occurred; it seems weird if we should endorse some moral philosophy X in the world where all those contingencies occurred, and some different moral philosophy Y in the world where not all of those contingencies occurred.
And it also seems weird if we should endorse the same moral philosophy in both worlds, but this one data point—an important data point EV-wise, but still a single event, historical contingency and all—is crucial evidence about such a high-level proposition. Evidence that we somehow didn’t acquire via looking at the entirety of human history, the entire psychology and sociology literature, etc.
The least-weird versions of this update I can imagine are:
“This isn’t a large update about high-level questions like that, but it’s at least an interesting case study. We shouldn’t treat it as a huge deal evidentially, but having a Schelling case study we can all drill down on is still a useful exercise, since we usually don’t take the time to be this thorough.”
“This is a large update for me, exactly because my perspective on the world is heavily influenced by things like the status hierarchies I perceive, which things are seen as socially acceptable or unacceptable, which people I personally like or dislike, etc. Events that cause a realignment in the status hierarchy are a bit like taking antidepressants, and observing that some of my world-models change when I’m on the antidepressants.
There’s no a priori guarantee that my epistemics are more accurate on antidepressants versus off them; but having the extra vantage point can help me reflect on these two perspectives, and it’s not weird if I end up deciding that one vantage point is better than the other, and thereby updating my object-level world-models to better match that vantage point.”
There’s also a 3rd option—we should have been updating based on what was already talked about re SBF before the implosion (his pathological behaviour, his public statements essentially agreeing he’s running a Ponzi scheme, and people warning other people about these). So the implosion makes us realise that, in a world where FTX didn’t implode we still should have disassociated from SBF very early on, and be doing some soul searching about why UK EA leaders were [/are, in this hypothetical world] choosing to hype up someone with a track record of being so terrible
I think it’s very worth reflecting on strategic decisions that were made around Sam. I just don’t think what happened is very significant to whether utilitarianism is the correct moral philosophy.
I agree that these events are separate from arguments for & against utilitarianism as a criterion of rightness. But they do undermine the viability of the act utilitarian calculus as adecision procedure. Sam seems to have thought of himself as an act utilitarian, but by neglecting to do the utilitarian calculus correctly or at all, he did massive harm, making it clear that we can’t rely on this decision procedure to avoid such harms. Instead, we need utilitarians to adopt a decision procedure that includes constraints on certain behaviour.
I think what does the FTX case provides some evidence for, is some fraction of smart EAs exposed to utilitarianism being prone to attempt to rely on the explicit act utilitarianism, despite the warnings.
I think part of the story here is the a weird status dynamic where... 1. I would basically trust some people to try the explicit direct utilitarian thing: eg I think it is fine for Derek Parfit or Toby Ord. 2. This creates some weird correlation where the better you are on some combination of (smartness/understanding of ethics/power in modelling the world), the more you can try to be actually guided by consequences 3. This can make being ‘hardcore’ consequentialist …sort of cool and “what the top people do” 4. … which is a setup where people can start goodhart/signal on it
Yeah, I think it’s a severe problem that if you are good at decision theory you can in fact validly grab big old chunks of deontology directly out of consequentialism including lots of the cautionary parts, or to put it perhaps a bit more sharply, a coherent superintelligence with a nice utility function does not in fact need deontology; and if you tell that to a certain kind of person they will in fact decide that they’d be cooler if they were superintelligences so they must be really skillful at deriving deontology from decision theory and therefore they can discard the deontology and just do what the decision theory does. I’m not sure how to handle this; I think that the concept of “cognitohazard” gets vastly overplayed around here, but there’s still true facts that cause a certain kind of person to predictably get their brain stuck on them, and this could plausibly be one of them. It’s also too important of a fact (eg to alignment) for “keep it completely secret” to be a plausible option either.
Sam seems to have thought of himself as an act utilitarian, but by neglecting to do the utilitarian calculus correctly or at all, he did massive harm, making it clear that we can’t rely on this decision procedure to avoid such harms.
I completely agree that a motivated person could easily believe that any decision is the right act utilitarian decision because there aren’t clear rules for determining the right act utilitarian decision and checking your answer. Totally.
But idk if it’s even fair to say Sam was using act utilitarianism as a decision procedure. It’s not clear to me if he even believed that while he was (allegedly) committing the fraud.
I totally agree. But even if we conservatively say that it’s a 50% chance that he was using act utilitarianism as his decision procedure, that’s enough to consider it compromised, because it could lead to bad consequencesmultiple billions of dollars of damages (edited).
There are also subtler issues: if you intend to be act utilitarian but aren’t and do harm, that’s still an argument against intending to use the decision procedure. And if someone says they’re act utilitarian but aren’t and does harm, that’s an argument against trusting people who say they’re act utilitarian.
Not trying to take this out on you, but I’m annoyed by how much all this advocacy of deontology all of sudden overlaps with covering our own asses. I don’t buy it as a massive update about morality or psychology from the events themselves but a massive update about optics.
Reposting from twitter: It’s a moderate update on the prevalence of naive utilitarians among EAs.
Classical problem with this debate on utilitarianism is the vocabulary used makes motte-and-bailey defense of utilitarianism too easy. 1. Someone points to a bunch problems with a act consequentialist decision procedure / cases where naive consequentialism tells you to do bad things 2. The default response is “but this is naive consequentialism, no one actually does that” 3. You may wonder that while people don’t advocate for or self-identify as naive utilitarians … they actually make the mistakes
The case provides some evidence that the problems can actually happen in practice in important enough situations to care. [*]
Also, you have the problem that sophisticated naive consequentialists could be tempted to lie to you about their morality (“no worries, you can trust me, I’m following the sensible deontic constraints!”). Personally, before the recent FTX happenings, I would be more of the opinion “nah, this sounds too much like an example from a philosophical paper, unlikely with typical human psychology ”. Now I take it as more real problem.
[*] What I’m actually worried about …
Effective altruism motivated thousands of people to move into highly leveraged domains, with large and potentially deadly consequences—powerful AI stuff, pandemics, epistemic tech. I think that if just 15% of them believe in some form of hardcore utilitarianism where you drop integrity constrains and trust your human brain ability to evaluate when to be constrained and when not, it’s … actually a problem?
I’d agree with this statement more if it acknowledged the extent to which most human minds have the kind of propositional separation between “morality” and “optics” that obtained financially between FTX and Alameda.
I don’t buy it as a massive update about morality or psychology from the events themselves but a massive update about optics.
This will be a relief if true. I am much more worried about people not having principles (or their principles guided by something other than morality) than people being overly concerned about optics. The latter is a tactical concern (albeit a big one) and hopefully fixable, the former is evidence that people in our movement is too conformist or otherwise too weak or too evil to confront moral catastrophes.
This strikes me as a bad play of “if there was even a chance”. Is there any cognitive procedure on Earth that passes the standard of “Nobody ever might have been using this cognitive procedure at the time they made $mistake?” That more than three human beings have ever used? I think when we’re casting this kind of shade we ought to be pretty darned sure, preferably in the form of prior documentation that we think was honest, about what thought process was going on at the time.
Why require surety, when we can reason statistically? There’ve been maybe ten comparably-sized frauds ever, so on expectation, hardline act utilitarians like Sam have been responsible for 5% of the worst frauds, while they represent maybe 1/50M of the world’s population (based on what I know of his views 5-10yrs ago). So we get a risk ratio of about a million to 1, more than enough to worry about.
Anyway, perhaps it’s not worth arguing, since it might become clearer over time what his philosophical commitments were.
I guess it’s some new evidence that one person was maybe using act utilitarianism as a decision procedure and messed up? Also not theoretically impossible he was correct in his assessment of the possible outcomes, chose the higher EV option, and we just ended up in one of the bad outcome worlds.
But even if we conservatively say that it’s a 50% chance that he was using act utilitarianism as his decision procedure, that’s enough to consider it compromised, because it could lead to bad consequences.
I don’t understand this argument at all. I assume nobody thought it was literally impossible for the implementation of a moral theory (any moral theory!) to lead to bad consequences before. Maybe I’d understand your point more if you stated it quantitatively. Like:
“Previously, I thought it was x% likely that a random act utilitarian would be led by their philosophy to do worse stuff than if they’d endorsed most other moral theories. After seeing the case of SBF, I now think the probability is y% instead, because our sample size is small enough that a single data point can be a large update.”
Looks like Eliezer was similarly confused by your phrasing; your new argument (“almost no multibillion dollar frauds have ever happened, so we should do a very large update about the badness of everything that might have contributed to SBF defrauding people”) sounds very different, and makes more sense to me, though I suspect it won’t end up working.
Sam seems to have thought of himself as an act utilitarian, but by neglecting to do the utilitarian calculus correctly or at all, he did massive harm, making it clear that we can’t rely on this decision procedure to avoid such harms.
This seems to me like it’s overstating the strength of evidence, as though FTX is a disproof rather than one data point among many.
It is a disproof for extremely strong claims like “people who endorse act utilitarianism never do unethical things”, but those claims should have had extremely low probability pre-FTX.
How much of an update is this really, though? Am I wrong that it’s already the majority utilitarian view that act utilitarianism may be theoretically correct, but individual humans don’t have the foresight to know the full consequences of every act and humans trying to work together need to be able to predict what others will do --> something like rule utilitarianism or observing constraints? Seems like the update should be about much you can know how things will turn out and whether you can get away with cutting corners.
It does seem like Sam had pathological beliefs re:St. Petersburg paradox but that seems like more than wanting to maximize EV too much—it’s not caring about the longterm future (where everyone’s inevitably dead after enough coin flips) enough. I really don’t see how that can be attributed to act utilitarianism either.
I agree that most utilitarians already thought act utilitarianism as a decision procedure was bad. Still, it’s important that more folks can see this, with higher confidence, so that this can be prevented from happening again.
I think I agree that the St Petersburg paradox issue is orthogonal to choice of decision procedure (unless placing the bet requires engaging in a norm-violating activity like fraud).
I agree that this is pretty weird. There were presumably a bunch of historical contingencies that went into whether the FTX implosion occurred; it seems weird if we should endorse some moral philosophy X in the world where all those contingencies occurred, and some different moral philosophy Y in the world where not all of those contingencies occurred.
And it also seems weird if we should endorse the same moral philosophy in both worlds, but this one data point—an important data point EV-wise, but still a single event, historical contingency and all—is crucial evidence about such a high-level proposition. Evidence that we somehow didn’t acquire via looking at the entirety of human history, the entire psychology and sociology literature, etc.
The least-weird versions of this update I can imagine are:
“This isn’t a large update about high-level questions like that, but it’s at least an interesting case study. We shouldn’t treat it as a huge deal evidentially, but having a Schelling case study we can all drill down on is still a useful exercise, since we usually don’t take the time to be this thorough.”
“This is a large update for me, exactly because my perspective on the world is heavily influenced by things like the status hierarchies I perceive, which things are seen as socially acceptable or unacceptable, which people I personally like or dislike, etc. Events that cause a realignment in the status hierarchy are a bit like taking antidepressants, and observing that some of my world-models change when I’m on the antidepressants.
There’s no a priori guarantee that my epistemics are more accurate on antidepressants versus off them; but having the extra vantage point can help me reflect on these two perspectives, and it’s not weird if I end up deciding that one vantage point is better than the other, and thereby updating my object-level world-models to better match that vantage point.”
There’s also a 3rd option—we should have been updating based on what was already talked about re SBF before the implosion (his pathological behaviour, his public statements essentially agreeing he’s running a Ponzi scheme, and people warning other people about these). So the implosion makes us realise that, in a world where FTX didn’t implode we still should have disassociated from SBF very early on, and be doing some soul searching about why UK EA leaders were [/are, in this hypothetical world] choosing to hype up someone with a track record of being so terrible
I think it’s very worth reflecting on strategic decisions that were made around Sam. I just don’t think what happened is very significant to whether utilitarianism is the correct moral philosophy.
I agree that these events are separate from arguments for & against utilitarianism as a criterion of rightness. But they do undermine the viability of the act utilitarian calculus as a decision procedure. Sam seems to have thought of himself as an act utilitarian, but by neglecting to do the utilitarian calculus correctly or at all, he did massive harm, making it clear that we can’t rely on this decision procedure to avoid such harms. Instead, we need utilitarians to adopt a decision procedure that includes constraints on certain behaviour.
In practice I think utilitarians should adopt mostly a skillful combination of virtue ethics, deontic rules, and explicit calculations.
I think what does the FTX case provides some evidence for, is some fraction of smart EAs exposed to utilitarianism being prone to attempt to rely on the explicit act utilitarianism, despite the warnings.
I think part of the story here is the a weird status dynamic where...
1. I would basically trust some people to try the explicit direct utilitarian thing: eg I think it is fine for Derek Parfit or Toby Ord.
2. This creates some weird correlation where the better you are on some combination of (smartness/understanding of ethics/power in modelling the world), the more you can try to be actually guided by consequences
3. This can make being ‘hardcore’ consequentialist …sort of cool and “what the top people do”
4. … which is a setup where people can start goodhart/signal on it
Yeah, I think it’s a severe problem that if you are good at decision theory you can in fact validly grab big old chunks of deontology directly out of consequentialism including lots of the cautionary parts, or to put it perhaps a bit more sharply, a coherent superintelligence with a nice utility function does not in fact need deontology; and if you tell that to a certain kind of person they will in fact decide that they’d be cooler if they were superintelligences so they must be really skillful at deriving deontology from decision theory and therefore they can discard the deontology and just do what the decision theory does. I’m not sure how to handle this; I think that the concept of “cognitohazard” gets vastly overplayed around here, but there’s still true facts that cause a certain kind of person to predictably get their brain stuck on them, and this could plausibly be one of them. It’s also too important of a fact (eg to alignment) for “keep it completely secret” to be a plausible option either.
I completely agree that a motivated person could easily believe that any decision is the right act utilitarian decision because there aren’t clear rules for determining the right act utilitarian decision and checking your answer. Totally.
But idk if it’s even fair to say Sam was using act utilitarianism as a decision procedure. It’s not clear to me if he even believed that while he was (allegedly) committing the fraud.
I totally agree. But even if we conservatively say that it’s a 50% chance that he was using act utilitarianism as his decision procedure, that’s enough to consider it compromised, because it could lead to
bad consequencesmultiple billions of dollars of damages (edited).There are also subtler issues: if you intend to be act utilitarian but aren’t and do harm, that’s still an argument against intending to use the decision procedure. And if someone says they’re act utilitarian but aren’t and does harm, that’s an argument against trusting people who say they’re act utilitarian.
Not trying to take this out on you, but I’m annoyed by how much all this advocacy of deontology all of sudden overlaps with covering our own asses. I don’t buy it as a massive update about morality or psychology from the events themselves but a massive update about optics.
Reposting from twitter: It’s a moderate update on the prevalence of naive utilitarians among EAs.
Classical problem with this debate on utilitarianism is the vocabulary used makes motte-and-bailey defense of utilitarianism too easy.
1. Someone points to a bunch problems with a act consequentialist decision procedure / cases where naive consequentialism tells you to do bad things
2. The default response is “but this is naive consequentialism, no one actually does that”
3. You may wonder that while people don’t advocate for or self-identify as naive utilitarians … they actually make the mistakes
The case provides some evidence that the problems can actually happen in practice in important enough situations to care. [*]
Also, you have the problem that sophisticated naive consequentialists could be tempted to lie to you about their morality (“no worries, you can trust me, I’m following the sensible deontic constraints!”). Personally, before the recent FTX happenings, I would be more of the opinion “nah, this sounds too much like an example from a philosophical paper, unlikely with typical human psychology ”. Now I take it as more real problem.
[*] What I’m actually worried about …
Effective altruism motivated thousands of people to move into highly leveraged domains, with large and potentially deadly consequences—powerful AI stuff, pandemics, epistemic tech. I think that if just 15% of them believe in some form of hardcore utilitarianism where you drop integrity constrains and trust your human brain ability to evaluate when to be constrained and when not, it’s … actually a problem?
I’d agree with this statement more if it acknowledged the extent to which most human minds have the kind of propositional separation between “morality” and “optics” that obtained financially between FTX and Alameda.
This will be a relief if true. I am much more worried about people not having principles (or their principles guided by something other than morality) than people being overly concerned about optics. The latter is a tactical concern (albeit a big one) and hopefully fixable, the former is evidence that people in our movement is too conformist or otherwise too weak or too evil to confront moral catastrophes.
I don’t think they know they are concerned about optics. My suspicion was that the bad optics suddenly made utilitarian ideas seem false or reckless.
This strikes me as a bad play of “if there was even a chance”. Is there any cognitive procedure on Earth that passes the standard of “Nobody ever might have been using this cognitive procedure at the time they made $mistake?” That more than three human beings have ever used? I think when we’re casting this kind of shade we ought to be pretty darned sure, preferably in the form of prior documentation that we think was honest, about what thought process was going on at the time.
Why require surety, when we can reason statistically? There’ve been maybe ten comparably-sized frauds ever, so on expectation, hardline act utilitarians like Sam have been responsible for 5% of the worst frauds, while they represent maybe 1/50M of the world’s population (based on what I know of his views 5-10yrs ago). So we get a risk ratio of about a million to 1, more than enough to worry about.
Anyway, perhaps it’s not worth arguing, since it might become clearer over time what his philosophical commitments were.
I guess it’s some new evidence that one person was maybe using act utilitarianism as a decision procedure and messed up? Also not theoretically impossible he was correct in his assessment of the possible outcomes, chose the higher EV option, and we just ended up in one of the bad outcome worlds.
I don’t understand this argument at all. I assume nobody thought it was literally impossible for the implementation of a moral theory (any moral theory!) to lead to bad consequences before. Maybe I’d understand your point more if you stated it quantitatively. Like:
“Previously, I thought it was x% likely that a random act utilitarian would be led by their philosophy to do worse stuff than if they’d endorsed most other moral theories. After seeing the case of SBF, I now think the probability is y% instead, because our sample size is small enough that a single data point can be a large update.”
Looks like Eliezer was similarly confused by your phrasing; your new argument (“almost no multibillion dollar frauds have ever happened, so we should do a very large update about the badness of everything that might have contributed to SBF defrauding people”) sounds very different, and makes more sense to me, though I suspect it won’t end up working.
I think you’re right—I could have avoided some confusion if I said it could lead to “multi-billion-dollar-level bad consequences”. Edited to clarify.
This seems to me like it’s overstating the strength of evidence, as though FTX is a disproof rather than one data point among many.
It is a disproof for extremely strong claims like “people who endorse act utilitarianism never do unethical things”, but those claims should have had extremely low probability pre-FTX.
How much of an update is this really, though? Am I wrong that it’s already the majority utilitarian view that act utilitarianism may be theoretically correct, but individual humans don’t have the foresight to know the full consequences of every act and humans trying to work together need to be able to predict what others will do --> something like rule utilitarianism or observing constraints? Seems like the update should be about much you can know how things will turn out and whether you can get away with cutting corners.
It does seem like Sam had pathological beliefs re:St. Petersburg paradox but that seems like more than wanting to maximize EV too much—it’s not caring about the longterm future (where everyone’s inevitably dead after enough coin flips) enough. I really don’t see how that can be attributed to act utilitarianism either.
I agree that most utilitarians already thought act utilitarianism as a decision procedure was bad. Still, it’s important that more folks can see this, with higher confidence, so that this can be prevented from happening again.
I think I agree that the St Petersburg paradox issue is orthogonal to choice of decision procedure (unless placing the bet requires engaging in a norm-violating activity like fraud).
Risking the entire earth seems like a norm violation to me