Does anyone know of any previous work looking at different factors that might contribute to the pace at which some area or technology develops?
I have had a look at the differential technological progress tag and Michael Aird’s very useful collection of resources on DTD. However, most of these seem more geared towards explaining the concept and its importance, rather than attempting to find levers that we may be able to pull to influence things, which I am more interested in.
A couple of examples of the flavour of work that I’m more interested in are:
A 2017 Open Phil report called Some Case Studies in Early Field Growth, which looks at times philanthropists tried to grow a young field.
Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of this paper by MIRI (the “speed bumps” and “accelerators” sections), which talks about a few relatively concrete factors that could affect AI development pace.
I’m particularly interested in any work on factors that might apply to the development of a wide range of technologies, and that apply for early field development.
Any suggestions would be really helpful to me, even if they are more loosely related to this area.
One good resource is Innovation in Cultural Systems: Contributions from Evolutionary Anthropology. I think that is kind of what you’re after? I wrote a little about this here:
Here are some EA Forum things that might be relevant:
The posts tagged Scientific progress or Meta-science
Stefan Torges’ post on Ingredients for creating disruptive research teams
The posts tagged Speeding up development
But as with the posts tagged Differential progress, I think these are more about how valuable this is and why, rather than how to do it
Maybe some posts tagged cultural evolution and/or economic growth
But that seems less relevant
And here are some non-EA-Forum things that might be relevant, which I learned about from Max Daniel (I think) and which I haven’t read myself:
Fortunato et al. (2018), Science of science
Farmer & Lafond (2016), How predictable is technological progress?
Nagy et al. (2013), Statistical basis for predicting technological progress
Chad Jones (2005), The Shape of Production Functions and the Direction of Technical Change
Ruby, Potential factors in Bell Labs’ intellectual progress, Pt. 1
Clauset et al. (2017), Data-driven predictions in the science of science
(Also, glad to hear you found the differential progress tag and my related collection of sources useful!)
The roots of progress blog by Jason Crawford might be worth a look. It often discusses topics like technological stagnation or how quick technologies grow.
Yeah, this seems relevant. There’s also a Forum tag for posts relevant to progress studies. might be relevant.
The Geels book cited in the article (Geels, F.W., 2005. Technological transitions and system innovations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.) has a bunch of interesting case studies I read a while ago and a (I think popular) framework for technological change, but I am not sure the framework is sufficiently precise to be very predictive (and thus empirically validatable).
I don’t have any particular sources on this, but the economic literature on the effects of regulation might be quite relevant. In particular, I do remember attending a lecture arguing that limited liability played an important role for innovation during the industrial revolution.