Cause area focus will be determined by the initiatives themselves so I’ll leave it to any of the founders to comment on this further should they wish to!
For a sense of what this might look like see what the GWWC research team found when they looked into how our donors’ giving is distributed across cause areas in our recent 2020-2022 impact evaluation:
Cause area
Proportion of pledge donations 2020–2022
Proportion of non-pledge donations 2020–2022
Improving human wellbeing
Improving animal welfare
Creating a better future
*These results based on data from for both pledge and non-pledge donations, however, we analysed only donations to charities and funds for which we recorded more than $500,000 USD received over 2020–2022. See our impact evaluation for a complete picture of what the data shows.
Probably majority AI, given the organizations being given to and the distribution of funding. This contrasts with the non-GWWC EG organizations in Europe, where I believe there is a much greater focus on climate, mainly to meet donors where they are at.
These are very exciting! Could you say more about the foci of these orgs within EA cause areas?
Cause area focus will be determined by the initiatives themselves so I’ll leave it to any of the founders to comment on this further should they wish to!
My quick sense is that most are cause open and will end up similar to GWWC or effektiv-spenden.
For a sense of what this might look like see what the GWWC research team found when they looked into how our donors’ giving is distributed across cause areas in our recent 2020-2022 impact evaluation:
*These results based on data from for both pledge and non-pledge donations, however, we analysed only donations to charities and funds for which we recorded more than $500,000 USD received over 2020–2022. See our impact evaluation for a complete picture of what the data shows.
That’s very helpful. Do you have a rough idea proportions within creating a better future, e.g. climate, nuclear, bio, and AI?
Probably majority AI, given the organizations being given to and the distribution of funding. This contrasts with the non-GWWC EG organizations in Europe, where I believe there is a much greater focus on climate, mainly to meet donors where they are at.
Note that I expect more recent numbers will be significantly different, if nothing else because of this $10,000,000 donation to the Giving Green Fund (which is more than the total for “Creating a better future” in the linked spreadsheet)