Adam Steinberg

Karma: 152

Previous to my 15+ years as an international educator presenting chiefly English Language and Literature in Germany and Wales, I held a range of roles in editing, writing and project management, mostly in line with education and some in the philanthropic realm, in Chicago, Seattle and NYC. Highlights include serving as editor-in-chief an annual magazine for Earth Day Chicago, editing technical articles for Microsoft, and producing (product managing) award-winning educational software for Edmark. I also worked as a copywriter at a German high-tech industrial ad agency for some time.

Since 2019 I have been pursuing a career shift into a communications, outreach, PR, movement-building or related role in or near the EA space. (If it involves education, so much the better.) This effort eventually bore some tasty fruit: I am now communications lead (PT) for the Charity Elections program, a project cultivated by Giving What We Can. I am also Philanthropy Officer for The Life You Can Save. I continue to seek an additional part-time role, as both of these are PT.

Current interests related to EA include deepening my understanding of various areas of EA including longtermism and cause prioritization, exploring and developing the stories we use to bring EA to a wider audience, and looking at current thinking around the application of EA approaches and ideas in educational contexts and the working world.

I’m also a sometime volunteer editor for various EA organizations and, recently served on the Comms Team for High Impact Professionals, occasional editor for The Unjournal, and an amateur songwriter ( with musical theatre cred in the form of a Tisch MFA and various readings in Chicago and NYC. I’ve got one nice blog entry up for Giving What We Can. Meanwhile, writing and editing stuff can be glimpsed at