Syl­labus for Course on Effec­tive Altruism

egastfriend25 Apr 2018 21:53 UTC
9 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

Please Take the 2018 Effec­tive Altru­ism Sur­vey!

Tee25 Apr 2018 17:48 UTC
22 points
22 comments1 min readEA link

Ten Com­mand­ments for Aspiring Su­perfore­cast­ers

Evan_Gaensbauer25 Apr 2018 5:07 UTC
21 points
3 comments8 min readEA link

Em­piri­cal data on value drift

Joey 🔸22 Apr 2018 23:31 UTC
146 points
69 comments5 min readEA link

Ap­ply­ing EA Mea­sures to Peace­build­ing and Violent Conflict

frankfredericks20 Apr 2018 18:27 UTC
12 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

[Draft] Fight­ing Aging as an Effec­tive Altru­ism Cause

turchin16 Apr 2018 10:18 UTC
1 point
39 comments1 min readEA link

Ex­cerpt from ‘Do­ing Good Bet­ter’: How Vege­tar­i­anism De­creases An­i­mal Product Supply

Evan_Gaensbauer13 Apr 2018 22:10 UTC
12 points
21 comments2 min readEA link

The per­son-af­fect­ing value of ex­is­ten­tial risk reduction

Gregory Lewis🔸13 Apr 2018 1:44 UTC
64 points
33 comments4 min readEA link

Com­par­a­tive ad­van­tage in the tal­ent mar­ket

Denise_Melchin11 Apr 2018 23:48 UTC
27 points
23 comments7 min readEA link

UK In­come Tax & Donations

harald8 Apr 2018 11:40 UTC
69 points
11 comments6 min readEA link

Com­pila­tion of 32 new(ish) 80,000 Hours re­search pieces for the effec­tive al­tru­ist community

80000_Hours6 Apr 2018 1:06 UTC
5 points
5 comments2 min readEA link

Re­view of CZEA “In­tense EA Week­end” retreat

Jan_Kulveit5 Apr 2018 20:10 UTC
31 points
27 comments9 min readEA link

How to im­prove EA Funds

HenryStanley4 Apr 2018 9:27 UTC
43 points
33 comments3 min readEA link

An Ar­gu­ment To Pri­ori­tize “Pos­i­tively Shap­ing the Devel­op­ment of Crypto-as­sets”

rhys_lindmark3 Apr 2018 21:59 UTC
16 points
13 comments14 min readEA link

De­scrip­tive Pop­u­la­tion Ethics and Its Rele­vance for Cause Prioritization

David_Althaus3 Apr 2018 13:31 UTC
66 points
8 comments13 min readEA link

Job op­por­tu­nity at the Fu­ture of Hu­man­ity In­sti­tute and Global Pri­ori­ties Institute

HaydenW1 Apr 2018 13:13 UTC
3 points
8 comments2 min readEA link

Cost-effec­tive­ness of The Hu­mane League’s cor­po­rate cam­paigns: 2015-2017

Avi Norowitz31 Mar 2018 22:17 UTC
14 points
8 comments6 min readEA link

Manag­ing Fun­der-Gran­tee Dy­nam­ics Responsibly

EA Forum Archives31 Mar 2018 3:04 UTC
2 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

Would an EA world with limited money fund costly treat­ments?

RandomEA31 Mar 2018 1:20 UTC
1 point
4 comments12 min readEA link

Op­ti­mal level of hi­er­ar­chy for effec­tive altruism

Jan_Kulveit27 Mar 2018 22:32 UTC
9 points
10 comments2 min readEA link

Hi, I’m Holden Karnofsky. AMA about jobs at Open Philanthropy

Holden Karnofsky26 Mar 2018 16:32 UTC
18 points
113 comments1 min readEA link

When to fo­cus and when to re-evaluate

Joey 🔸24 Mar 2018 21:18 UTC
55 points
9 comments6 min readEA link

AI Sum­mer Fel­lows Pro­gram: Ap­pli­ca­tions open

RobBensinger23 Mar 2018 21:20 UTC
5 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Up­com­ing AMA with Holden Karnofsky on job open­ings at the Open Philan­thropy Pro­ject (Mon­day March 26, start­ing 9:30 am Pa­cific)

Julia_Wise🔸23 Mar 2018 13:57 UTC
9 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Cli­mate change, geo­eng­ineer­ing, and ex­is­ten­tial risk

John G. Halstead20 Mar 2018 10:48 UTC
20 points
8 comments1 min readEA link

A rough es­ti­mate of so­cial im­pact of a psy­chother­a­pist in QALYs added

tuukkasarvi19 Mar 2018 21:43 UTC
7 points
5 comments3 min readEA link

An easy way for char­i­ties to in­crease rev­enue: Add Ap­ple Pay and Google Pay to dona­tion checkout

nonzerosum18 Mar 2018 20:25 UTC
5 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Meta: notes on EA Fo­rum moderation

Denise_Melchin16 Mar 2018 21:14 UTC
9 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Char­ity Eval­u­a­tors In­tro­duces the Recom­mended Char­ity Quiz

EricHerboso15 Mar 2018 13:46 UTC
6 points
4 comments6 min readEA link

En­light­ened Con­cerns of Tomorrow

cassidynelson15 Mar 2018 5:29 UTC
15 points
7 comments4 min readEA link

Why we should be do­ing more sys­tem­atic research

Joey 🔸14 Mar 2018 18:58 UTC
31 points
5 comments4 min readEA link

EA Sur­vey: Sex­ual Harass­ment Ques­tions—Feed­back Requested

Kathy_Forth14 Mar 2018 15:07 UTC
2 points
11 comments10 min readEA link

Pre­dict­ing Slow Judg­ments: Prac­tice Pre­dict­ing and Gen­er­ate Data for AI Safety

ChrisCundy14 Mar 2018 11:01 UTC
6 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Cur­rent Think­ing on Pri­ori­ti­za­tion 2018

Dawn Drescher13 Mar 2018 19:22 UTC
13 points
6 comments37 min readEA link

Is Effec­tive Altru­ism fun­da­men­tally flawed?

Jeffhe13 Mar 2018 2:18 UTC
2 points
124 comments15 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing Czech As­so­ci­a­tion for Effec­tive Altru­ism—history

Jan_Kulveit12 Mar 2018 22:01 UTC
27 points
2 comments9 min readEA link

Avoid­ing AI Races Through Self-Regulation

Gordon Seidoh Worley12 Mar 2018 20:52 UTC
4 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Read­ing group guide for EA groups

Risto Uuk12 Mar 2018 18:59 UTC
27 points
4 comments17 min readEA link

Op­por­tu­ni­ties for in­di­vi­d­ual donors in AI safety

alexflint12 Mar 2018 2:10 UTC
13 points
11 comments10 min readEA link

Cog­ni­tive and emo­tional bar­ri­ers to EA’s growth

Geoffrey Miller9 Mar 2018 18:59 UTC
14 points
15 comments1 min readEA link

Policy pri­ori­ti­za­tion in a de­vel­oped country

janklenha8 Mar 2018 9:57 UTC
15 points
6 comments7 min readEA link

Why not to rush to trans­late effec­tive al­tru­ism into other languages

Benjamin_Todd5 Mar 2018 2:17 UTC
65 points
51 comments6 min readEA link

[Paper] Sur­viv­ing global risks through the preser­va­tion of hu­man­ity’s data on the Moon

turchin3 Mar 2018 18:39 UTC
11 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

A short re­view of the Effect Foun­da­tion in 2017

Jørgen Ljønes🔸3 Mar 2018 11:40 UTC
10 points
6 comments4 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing Re­think Pri­ori­ties

Marcus_A_Davis2 Mar 2018 21:03 UTC
50 points
16 comments2 min readEA link

The Values-to-Ac­tions De­ci­sion Chain: a rough model

Remmelt2 Mar 2018 14:54 UTC
1 point
5 comments2 min readEA link

Where I am donat­ing this year and meta pro­jects that need funding

weeatquince2 Mar 2018 13:42 UTC
11 points
2 comments6 min readEA link

AI im­pacts and Paul Chris­ti­ano on take­off speeds

Crosspost2 Mar 2018 11:16 UTC
4 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

New recom­mended ca­reer path for effec­tive al­tru­ists: China specialists

Benjamin_Todd1 Mar 2018 21:18 UTC
15 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

2017 LEAN Im­pact Assess­ment: Eval­u­a­tion & Strate­gic Conclusions

Richenda28 Feb 2018 7:14 UTC
18 points
6 comments29 min readEA link