Com­pute governance

TagLast edit: 22 Jul 2022 20:49 UTC by Leo

Compute governance is the subfield of AI governance concerned with controlling and governing access to computational resources.[1]

Further reading

Heim, Lennart (2021) Compute governance and conclusions, Effective Altruism Forum, October 14.

Kirchner, Jan Hendrik (2022) Compute governance: the role of commodity hardware, LessWrong, March 26.

Related entries

AI governance | quantum computing | semiconductors

  1. ^

    Kirchner, Jan Hendrik (2022) Compute governance: the role of commodity hardware, LessWrong, March 26.

On the com­pute gov­er­nance era and what has to come af­ter (Len­nart Heim on The 80,000 Hours Pod­cast)

80000_Hours23 Jun 2023 20:11 UTC
37 points
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Some AI Gover­nance Re­search Ideas

MarkusAnderljung3 Jun 2021 10:51 UTC
101 points
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Trans­for­ma­tive AI and Com­pute [Sum­mary]

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Re­port: Eval­u­at­ing an AI Chip Regis­tra­tion Policy

Deric Cheng12 Apr 2024 4:40 UTC
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What would a com­pute mon­i­tor­ing plan look like? [Linkpost]

Akash26 Mar 2023 19:33 UTC
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AGI ris­ing: why we are in a new era of acute risk and in­creas­ing pub­lic aware­ness, and what to do now

Greg_Colbourn2 May 2023 10:17 UTC
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Im­pli­ca­tions of large lan­guage model diffu­sion for AI governance

Ben Cottier21 Dec 2022 13:50 UTC
14 points
0 comments38 min readEA link

Com­pute Re­search Ques­tions and Met­rics—Trans­for­ma­tive AI and Com­pute [4/​4]

lennart28 Nov 2021 22:18 UTC
18 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Un­der­stand­ing the diffu­sion of large lan­guage mod­els: summary

Ben Cottier21 Dec 2022 13:49 UTC
127 points
18 comments22 min readEA link

Com­pute & An­titrust: Reg­u­la­tory im­pli­ca­tions of the AI hard­ware sup­ply chain, from chip de­sign to cloud APIs

HaydnBelfield19 Aug 2022 17:20 UTC
32 points
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Com­pute Gover­nance and Con­clu­sions—Trans­for­ma­tive AI and Com­pute [3/​4]

lennart14 Oct 2021 7:55 UTC
20 points
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Ques­tions for fur­ther in­ves­ti­ga­tion of AI diffusion

Ben Cottier21 Dec 2022 13:50 UTC
28 points
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What is Com­pute? - Trans­for­ma­tive AI and Com­pute [1/​4]

lennart23 Sep 2021 13:54 UTC
48 points
6 comments18 min readEA link

Re­think Pri­ori­ties is hiring a Com­pute Gover­nance Re­searcher or Re­search Assistant

MichaelA7 Jun 2023 13:22 UTC
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The state of AI in differ­ent coun­tries — an overview

Lizka14 Sep 2023 10:37 UTC
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Me­tac­u­lus Launches Chi­nese AI Chips Tour­na­ment, Sup­port­ing In­sti­tute for AI Policy and Strat­egy Research

christian6 Dec 2023 11:26 UTC
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RP’s AI Gover­nance & Strat­egy team—June 2023 in­terim overview

MichaelA22 Jun 2023 13:45 UTC
68 points
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What does it mean to be­come an ex­pert in AI Hard­ware?

Toph9 Jan 2021 4:15 UTC
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[Question] Track­ing Com­pute Stocks and Flows: Case Stud­ies?

Cullen 🔸5 Oct 2022 17:54 UTC
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A com­pute-based frame­work for think­ing about the fu­ture of AI

Matthew_Barnett31 May 2023 22:00 UTC
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War in Taiwan and AI Timelines

Jordan_Schneider24 Aug 2022 2:24 UTC
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AGI Timelines in Gover­nance: Differ­ent Strate­gies for Differ­ent Timeframes

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TomWestgarth3 Oct 2022 10:25 UTC
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Fore­cast­ing Newslet­ter: Fe­bru­ary 2021

NunoSempere1 Mar 2021 20:29 UTC
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0 comments7 min readEA link

Ap­pli­ca­tions Open: GovAI Sum­mer Fel­low­ship 2023

GovAI21 Dec 2022 15:00 UTC
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An­nounc­ing the first is­sue of Asterisk

Clara Collier21 Nov 2022 18:51 UTC
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47 comments1 min readEA link

Trends in the dol­lar train­ing cost of ma­chine learn­ing systems

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Largest AI model in 2 years from $10B

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0 comments7 min readEA link

As­ter­isk Magaz­ine Is­sue 03: AI

Alejandro Ortega24 Jul 2023 15:53 UTC
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AI safety ad­vo­cates should con­sider pro­vid­ing gen­tle push­back fol­low­ing the events at OpenAI

I_machinegun_Kelly22 Dec 2023 21:05 UTC
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Trans­for­ma­tive AI and Com­pute—Read­ing List

Frederik Berg4 Sep 2023 6:21 UTC
24 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

A New Model for Com­pute Cen­ter Verification

Damin Curtis🔹10 Oct 2023 19:23 UTC
21 points
2 comments5 min readEA link

The US ex­pands re­stric­tions on AI ex­ports to China. What are the x-risk effects?

Stephen Clare14 Oct 2022 18:17 UTC
155 points
20 comments4 min readEA link
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