What consequences?
This is the first in a series of posts exploring consequentialist cluelessness and its implications for effective altruism:
This post describes cluelessness & its relevance to EA; arguing that for many popular EA interventions we don’t have a clue about the intervention’s overall net impact.
The second post considers a potential reply to concerns about cluelessness.
The third post examines how tractable cluelessness is – to what extent we can grow more clueful about an intervention through intentional effort?
The fourth post discusses how we might do good while being clueless to an important extent.
My prior is that cluelessness presents a profound challenge to effective altruism in its current instantiation, and that we need to radically revise our beliefs about doing good such that we prioritize activities that are robust to moral & empirical uncertainty.
My goal in writing this piece is to elucidate this position, or to discover why it’s mistaken. I’m posting in serial form to allow more opportunity for forum readers to change my mind about cluelessness and its implications.
By “cluelessness”, I mean the possibility that we don’t have a clue about the overall net impact of our actions.[1] Another way of framing this concern: when we think about the consequences of our actions, how do we determine what consequences we should consider?
First, some definitions. The consequences of an action can be divided into three categories:
Proximate consequences – the immediate effects that occur soon afterward to intended object(s) of an action. Relatively easy to observe and measure.
Indirect consequences – the effects that occur soon afterward to unintended object(s) of an action. These could also be termed “cross-stream” effects. Relatively difficult to observe and measure.
Long-run consequences – the effects of an action that occur much later, including effects on both intended and unintended objects. These could also be termed “downstream” effects. Impossible to observe and measure; most long-run consequences can only be estimated.[2]
Effective altruist approaches towards consequences
EA-style reasoning addresses consequentialist cluelessness in one of two ways:
1. The brute-good approach – collapsing the consequences of an action into a proximate “brute-good” unit, then comparing the aggregate “brute-good” consequences of multiple interventions to determine the intervention with the best (brute good) consequences.
For example, GiveWell uses “deaths averted” as a brute-good unit, then converts other impacts of the intervention being considered into “deaths-averted equivalents”, then compares interventions to each other using this common unit.
This approach is common among the cause areas of animal welfare, global development, and EA coalition-building.
2. The x-risk reduction approach – simplifying “do the actions with the best consequences” into “do the actions that yield the most existential-risk reduction.” Proximate & indirect consequences are only considered insofar as they bear on x-risk; the main focus is on the long-run: whether or not humanity will survive into the far future.
Nick Bostrom makes this explicit in his essay, Astronomical Waste: “The utilitarian imperative ‘Maximize expected aggregate utility!’ can be simplified to the maxim ‘Minimize existential risk!’”
This approach is common among the x-risk reduction cause area.
EA focus can be imagined as a bimodal distribution – EA either considers only the proximate effects of an intervention, ignoring its indirect & long-run consequences; or considers only the very long-run effects of an intervention (i.e. to what extent the intervention reduces x-risk), considering all proximate & indirect effects only insofar as they bear on x-risk reduction.[3]
Consequences that fall between these two peaks of attention are not included in EA’s moral calculus, nor are they explicitly determined to be of negligible importance. Instead, they are mentioned in passing, or ignored entirely.
This is problematic. It’s likely that for most interventions, these consequences compose a substantial portion of the intervention’s overall impact.
Cluelessness and the brute-good approach
The cluelessness problem for the brute-good approach can be stated as follows:
Due to the difficulty of observing and measuring indirect & long-run consequences of interventions, we do not know the bulk of the consequences of any intervention, and so cannot confidently compare the consequences of one intervention to another. Comparing only the proximate effects of interventions assumes that proximate effects compose the majority of interventions’ impact, whereas in reality the bulk of an intervention’s impact is composed of indirect & long-run effects which are difficult to observe and difficult to estimate.[4]
The brute-good approach often implicitly assumes symmetry of non-proximate consequences (i.e. for every indirect & long-run consequence, there is an equal and opposite consequence such that indirect & long-run consequences cancel out and only proximate consequences matter). This assumption seems poorly supported.[5]
It might be thought that indirect & long-run consequences can be surfaced as part of the decision-making process, then included in the decision-maker’s calculus. This seems very difficult to do in a believable way (i.e. a way in which we feel confident that we’ve uncovered all crucial considerations). I will consider this issue further in the next post of this series.
Some examples follow, to make the cluelessness problem for the brute-good approach salient.
Example: baby Hitler
Consider the position of an Austrian physician in the 1890s who was called to tend to a sick infant, Adolf Hitler.
Considering only proximate effects, the physician should clearly have treated baby Hitler and made efforts to ensure his survival. But the picture is clouded when indirect & long-run consequences are added to the calculus. Perhaps letting baby Hitler die (or even committing infanticide) would have been better in the long-run. Or perhaps the German zeitgeist of the 1920s and 30s was such that the terrors of Nazism would have been unleashed even absent Hitler’s leadership. Regardless, the decision to minister to Hitler as a sick infant is not straightforward when indirect & long-run consequences are considered.
A potential objection here is that the Austrian physician could in no way have foreseen that the infant they were called to tend to would later become a terrible dictator, so the physician should have done what seemed best given the information they could uncover. But this objection only highlights the difficulty presented by cluelessness. In a very literal sense, a physician in this position is clueless about what action would be best. Assessing only proximate consequences would provide some guidance about what action to take, but this guidance would not necessarily point to the action with the best consequences in the long run.
Example: bednet distributions in unstable regions
The Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) funds bed net distributions in developing countries, with the goal of reducing malaria incidence. In 2017, AMF funded its largest distribution to date, over 12 million nets in Uganda.
Uganda has had a chronic problem with terror groups, notably the Lord’s Resistance Army operating in the north and Al-Shabab carrying out attacks in the capital. Though the country is believed to be relatively stable at present, there remain non-negligible risks of civil war or government overthrow.
Considering only the proximate consequences, distributing bednets in Uganda is probably a highly cost-effective method of reducing malaria incidence and saving lives. But this assessment is muddied when indirect and long-run effects are also considered.
Perhaps saving the lives of young children results in increasing the supply of child-soldier recruits for rebel groups, leading to increased regional instability.
Perhaps importing & distributing millions of foreign-made bed nets disrupts local supply chains and breeds Ugandan resentment toward foreign aid.
Perhaps stabilizing the child mortality rate during a period of fundamentalist-Christian revival increases the probability of a fundamentalist-Christian value system becoming locked in, which could prove problematic further down the road.
I’m not claiming that any of the above are likely outcomes of large-scale bed net distributions. The claim is that the above are all possible effects of a large-scale bed net distribution (each with a non-negligible, unknown probability), and that due to many possible effects like this, we are prospectively clueless about the overall impact of a large-scale bed net distribution.
Example: direct-action animal-welfare interventions
Some animal welfare activists advocate direct action, the practice of directly confronting problematic food industry practices.
In 2013, animal-welfare activists organized a “die-in” at a San Francisco Chipotle. At the die-in, activists confronted Chipotle consumers with claims about the harm inflicted on farm animals by Chipotle’s supply chain.
The die-in likely had the proximate effect of raising awareness of animal welfare among the Chipotle consumers and employees who were present during the demonstration. Increasing social awareness of animal welfare is probably positive according to consequentialist perspectives that give moral consideration to animals.
However, if considering indirect and long-run consequences as well, the overall impact of direct action demonstrations like the die-in is unclear. Highly confrontational demonstrations may result in the animal welfare movement being labeled “radical” or “dangerous” by the mainstream, thus limiting the movement’s influence.
Confrontational tactics may also be controversial within the animal welfare movement, causing divisiveness and potentially leading to a schism, which could harm the movement’s efficacy.
Again, I’m not claiming that the above are likely effects of direct-action animal-welfare interventions. The claim is that indirect & long-run effects like this each have a non-negligible, unknown probability, such that we are prospectively clueless regarding the overall impact of the intervention.
Cluelessness and the existential risk reduction approach
Unlike the brute-good approach, which tends to overweight the impact of proximate effects and underweight that of indirect & long-run effects, the x-risk reduction approach focuses almost exclusively on the long-run consequences of actions (i.e. how they effect the probability that humanity survives into the far future). Interventions can be compared according to a common criterion: the amount by which they are expected to reduce existential risk.
While I think cluelessness poses less difficulty for the x-risk reduction approach, it remains problematic. The cluelessness problem for the x-risk reduction approach can be stated as follows:
Interventions aimed at reducing existential risk have a clear criterion by which to make comparisons: “which intervention yields a larger reduction in existential risk?” However, because the indirect & long-run consequences of any specific x-risk intervention are difficult to observe, measure, and estimate, arriving at a believable estimate of the amount of x-risk reduction yielded by an intervention is difficult. Because it is difficult to arrive at believable estimates of the amount of x-risk reduction yielded by interventions, we are somewhat clueless when trying to compare the impact of one x-risk intervention to another.
An example follows to make this salient.
Example: stratospheric aerosol injection to blunt impacts of climate change
Injecting sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere has been put forward as an intervention that could reduce the impact of climate change (by reflecting sunlight away from the earth, thus cooling the planet).
However, it’s possible that stratospheric aerosol injection could have unintended consequences, such as cooling the planet so much that the surface is rendered uninhabitable (incidentally, this is the background story of the film Snowpiercer). Because aerosol injection is relatively cheap to do (on the order of tens of billions USD), there is concern that small nation-states, especially those disproportionately affected by climate change, might deploy aerosol injection programs without the consent or foreknowledge of other countries.
Given this strategic landscape, the effects of calling attention to stratospheric aerosol injection as a cause are unclear. It’s possible that further public-facing work on the intervention results in international agreements governing the use of the technology. This would most likely be a reduction in existential risk along this vector.
However, it’s also possible that further public-facing work on aerosol injection makes the technology more discoverable, revealing the technology to decision-makers who were previously ignorant of its promise. Some of these decision-makers might be inclined to pursue research programs aimed at developing a stratospheric aerosol injection capability, which would most likely increase existential risk along this vector.
It is difficult to arrive at believable estimates of the probability that further work on aerosol injection yields an x-risk reduction, and of the probability that further work yields an x-risk increase (though more granular mapping of the game-theoretic and strategic landscape here would increase the believability of our estimates).
Taken together, then, it’s unclear whether public-facing work on aerosol injection yields an x-risk reduction on net. (Note too that keeping work on the intervention secret may not straightforwardly reduce x-risk either, as no secret research program can guarantee 100% leak prevention, and leaked knowledge may have a more negative effect than the same knowledge made freely available.)
We are, to some extent, clueless regarding the net impact of further work on the intervention.
Where to, from here?
It might be claimed that, although we start out being clueless about the consequences of our actions, we can grow more clueful by way of intentional effort & investigation. Unknown unknowns can be uncovered and incorporated into expected-value estimates. Plans can be adjusted in light of new information. Organizations can pivot as their approaches run into unexpected hurdles.
Cluelessness, in other words, might be very tractable.
This is the claim I will consider in the next post. My prior is that cluelessness is quite intractable, and that despite best efforts we will remain clueless to an important extent.
The topic definitely deserves careful examination.
Thanks to members of the Mather essay discussion group for thoughtful feedback on drafts of this post. Views expressed above are my own. Cross-posted to my personal blog.
[1]: The term “cluelessness” is not my coinage; I am borrowing it from academic philosophy. See in particular Greaves 2016.
[2]: Indirect & long-run consequences are sometimes referred to as “flow-through effects,” which, as far as I can tell, does not make a clean distinction between temporally near effects (“indirect consequences”) and temporally distant effects (“long-run consequences”). This distinction seems interesting, so I will use “indirect” & “long-run” in favor of “flow-through effects.”
[3]: Thanks to Daniel Berman for making this point.
[4]: More precisely, the brute-good approach assumes that indirect & long-run consequences will either:
Be negligible
Cancel each other out via symmetry (see footnote 5)
On net point in the same direction as the proximate consequences (see Cotton-Barratt 2014: “The upshot of this is that it is likely interventions in human welfare, as well as being immediately effective to relieve suffering and improve lives, also tend to have a significant long-term impact. This is often more difficult to measure, but the short-term impact can generally be used as a reasonable proxy.”)
[5]: See Greaves 2016 for discussion of the symmetry argument, and in particular p. 9 for discussion of why it’s insufficient for cases of “complex cluelessness.”
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I’d be curious how much you think previous attempts at calculating multiple impacts address cluelessness, such as Causal Networks Model, saving lives in the present generation and reducing X risk for AI and alternate foods, and cause area comparison.
(Sorry I never replied to this!)
I’m generally skeptical of our ability to model far future outcomes quantitatively, given our present level of information. I haven’t thought particularly carefully about the specific examples you link to, though.
Another attempt.
I think this example undermines, rather than supports, your point. Of course it’s possible the baby would have grown up to be Hitler. It’s also possible the baby would have grown up to be a great scientist. Hence, from the perspective of the doctor, who is presumably working on expected value and has no reason to think one special case is more likely than the other, these presumably just do cancel out. Hence the doctors looks the obvious causes. This seems like a case of what Greaves calls simple cluelessness.
A couple of general comments. There is already an academic literature of cluelessness and it’s known to some EAs. It would be helpful therefore if you make it clear what you’re doing that’s novel. I don’t mean this in a disparaging way. I simply can’t tell if you’re disagreeing with Greaves et al. or not. If you are, that’s potentially very interesting and I want to know what the disagreement exactly is so I can assess it and see if I want to take your side. If you’re not presenting a new line of thought, but just summarising or restating what others have said (perhaps in an effort to bring this information to new audiences, or just for your own benefit) you should say that instead so that people can better decided how closely to read it.
Additionally, I think it’s unhelpful to (re)invent new terminology without a good reason. I can’t tell the clear different between proximate, indirect and long-run consequences. I would much have preferred it if you’d explained cluelueness using Greaves’ set up and then progressed from there as appropriate.
Do you know of worthwhile work on this beyond Greaves 2016? (Please point me to it, if you do!)
Greaves 2016 is the most useful academic work I’ve come across on this question; I was convinced by their arguments against Lenman 2000.
I stated my goal at the top of the piece.
I don’t think Greaves presented an analogous terminology?
“Flow-through effects” & “knock-on effects” have been used previously, but they don’t distinguish between temporally near & temporally distant effects. That distinction seems interesting, so I decided to not those terms.
Thanks for the thoughtful comment :-)
I’m fuzzy on Greaves’ distinction between simple & complex cluelessness. Greaves uses the notion of “systematic tendency” to draw out complex cluelessness from simple, but “This talk of ‘having some reasons’ and ‘systematic tendencies’ is not as precise as one would like;” (from p. 9 of Greaves 2016).
Perhaps it comes down to symmetry. When we notice that for every imagined consequence, there is an equal & opposite consequence that feels about as likely, we can consider our cluelessness “simple.” But when we can’t do this, our cluelessness is complex.
This criterion is unsatisfyingly subjective though, because it relies on our assessing the equal-opposite consequence as “about as likely,” plus relying on whether we are able to imagine an equal-opposite consequence or not.
I take Greaves’ distinction between simple and complex cluelessness to be in the symmetry (just as you seem to do). However, I believe that this symmetry consists in that we are evaluating the same consequences following from either an act A, or a refraining of act A. For every story of long-term consequences happening from performing act A, there is a parallel story of these consequences C happening from refraining to do A. Thus, we can invoke a specific Principle of Indifference, where we take the probabilities of the options to be equal, reflecting our ignorance. Thus, P(C|A) = P(C|~A), where C is a story of some long-term consequences of either performing or refraining from doing A.
In complex cases, this symmetry does not exist, because we’re trying to compare different consequences (C1, C2, .., Cn) resulting from the same act.
Robin Hanson has some posts which are skeptical. I think there’s probably a power law distribution of impact on the far future, and most actions are relatively unimpactful. You could argue that the scale of the universe is big enough in time & space that even a small relative impact on the far future will be large in absolute terms. But to compromise with near future focused value systems, maybe we should still be focused on near-term effects of interventions which seem relatively unimpactful in the long run.
BTW, your typology neglects work to prevent s-risks.
Thanks for the pointers to Hanson on this!
Agreed, and I think part of the trouble is that it’s very hard to tell prospectively whether an action is going to have a large impact on the far future.
I’m not convinced of that.
Do you have examples of heuristics you use to prospectively assess whether an action is going to have a large impact on the far future?
Is it similar to the sort of actions I believe have had a large impact on the future in the past?
Got it. Is there an easy-to-articulate description of how you build the set of past actions that you believe had a large impact on the future?
Use what I’ve read about history to try & think of historical events I think were pivotal which share important similarities with the action in question, and also try to estimate the base rate of historical people taking actions similar to the action in question in order to have an estimate for the denominator.
If I was trying to improve my ability in this area, I might read books by Peter Turchin, Yuval Noah Harari, Niall Ferguson, Will and Ariel Durant, and people working on Big History. Maybe this book too. Some EA-adjacent discussion of this topic: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Good point; for the purposes of the argument they could be grouped with x-risks.
I’m not sure what meta-ethical framework we would use to broker such a compromise. Perhaps some kind of moral congress (a)?
I haven’t yet figured out how to allot the proportions of such a congress in a way that feels principled. Do you know of any work on this?
Not offhand, but I would probably use some kind of Bayesian approach.
See toy dialogue.
Thanks for writing this. I think the problem of cluelessness has not received as much attention as it should.
I’d add that, in addition to the brute good and x-risks approaches, there are approaches which attempt to reduce the likelihood of dystopian long-run scenarios. These include suffering-focused AI safety and values-spreading. Cluelessness may still plague these approaches, but one might argue that they are more robust to both empirical and moral uncertainty.
Good point, I was implicitly considering s-risks as a subset of x-risks.
It’s worth noting that long-run consequences doesn’t necessarily imply just looking at x-risks. A fully fleshed out long-run evaluation looks at many factors of civilization quality and safety, and I think it is good enough to dominate other considerations. It’s certainly better than allowing mere x-risk concerns to dominate.
I don’t think this is true. Killing a random baby on the off chance that it might become a dictator is a bad idea. You can do the math on that if you want, or just trust me that the expected consequences of it are hurtful to society.
Intuitively, I completely agree that killing a random baby is socially harmful.
The example is interesting because it’s tricky to “do the math” on. (Hard to arrive at a believable long-run cost of a totalitarian dictatorship; hard to arrive at a believable long-run cost of instituting a social norm of infanticide.)