Large Lan­guage Models

TagLast edit: 24 Nov 2023 16:38 UTC by Toby Tremlett🔹

This topic is for posts discussing Large Language Models (LLMs) -- for example, the GPT models produced by OpenAI.

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AI safety | Artificial intelligence | AI governance | AI forecasting

In­tro­duc­ing Senti—An­i­mal Ethics AI Assistant

Animal_Ethics9 May 2024 7:33 UTC
40 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

My Cur­rent Claims and Cruxes on LLM Fore­cast­ing & Epistemics

Ozzie Gooen26 Jun 2024 0:40 UTC
40 points
9 comments24 min readEA link

Sleeper Agents: Train­ing De­cep­tive LLMs that Per­sist Through Safety Training

evhub12 Jan 2024 19:51 UTC
65 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Ten­ta­tive prac­ti­cal tips for us­ing chat­bots in research

Erich_Grunewald29 Mar 2023 15:01 UTC
47 points
7 comments5 min readEA link

Briefly how I’ve up­dated since ChatGPT

rime25 Apr 2023 19:39 UTC
29 points
7 comments2 min readEA link

ChatGPT not so clever or not so ar­tifi­cial as hyped to be?

Haris Shekeris2 Mar 2023 6:16 UTC
−7 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

The case for more am­bi­tious lan­guage model evals

Jozdien30 Jan 2024 9:24 UTC
7 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Zach Stein-Perlman20 Jun 2024 18:00 UTC
31 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Pos­si­ble OpenAI’s Q* break­through and Deep­Mind’s AlphaGo-type sys­tems plus LLMs

Burnydelic23 Nov 2023 7:02 UTC
13 points
4 comments2 min readEA link

New Ar­tifi­cial In­tel­li­gence quiz: can you beat ChatGPT?

AndreFerretti3 Mar 2023 15:46 UTC
29 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Life of GPT

Odd anon8 Nov 2023 22:31 UTC
−1 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

Pros and Cons of boy­cotting paid Chat GPT

NickLaing18 Mar 2023 8:50 UTC
14 points
11 comments2 min readEA link

[Question] How would a lan­guage model be­come goal-di­rected?

David M16 Jul 2022 14:50 UTC
113 points
20 comments1 min readEA link

How to quickly set up Claude as a chat bot for on­line fel­low­ships and courses

Jamie_Harris22 Jul 2023 7:53 UTC
38 points
10 comments4 min readEA link

Dis­cussing AI-Hu­man Col­lab­o­ra­tion Through Fic­tion: The Story of Laika and GPT-∞

Laika27 Jul 2023 6:04 UTC
1 point
0 comments1 min readEA link

The Prospect of an AI Winter

Erich_Grunewald27 Mar 2023 20:55 UTC
56 points
13 comments1 min readEA link

Open Phil re­leases RFPs on LLM Bench­marks and Forecasting

Lawrence Chan11 Nov 2023 3:01 UTC
12 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

EA Ex­plorer GPT: A New Tool to Ex­plore Effec­tive Altruism

Vlad_Tislenko12 Nov 2023 15:36 UTC
12 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

LLMs won’t lead to AGI—Fran­cois Chollet

tobycrisford11 Jun 2024 20:19 UTC
37 points
23 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] What am I miss­ing re. open-source LLM’s?

another-anon-do-gooder4 Dec 2023 4:48 UTC
1 point
2 comments1 min readEA link

On the Dwarkesh/​Chol­let Pod­cast, and the cruxes of scal­ing to AGI

JWS 🔸15 Jun 2024 20:24 UTC
62 points
48 comments17 min readEA link

LLM-Se­cured Sys­tems: A Gen­eral-Pur­pose Tool For Struc­tured Transparency

Ozzie Gooen18 Jun 2024 0:20 UTC
20 points
1 comment21 min readEA link

In fa­vor of an AI-pow­ered trans­la­tion but­ton on the EA Forum

Alix Pham6 Jun 2024 20:29 UTC
49 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Fore­cast­ing With LLMs—An Open and Promis­ing Re­search Direction

Harrison Durland12 Mar 2024 4:23 UTC
13 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

On the fu­ture of lan­guage models

Owen Cotton-Barratt20 Dec 2023 16:58 UTC
115 points
3 comments36 min readEA link

AI scal­ing myths

Nicholas Kruus27 Jun 2024 20:29 UTC
30 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

LLMs can­not use­fully be moral patients

LGS2 Jul 2024 4:43 UTC
35 points
24 comments4 min readEA link

LLM Eval­u­a­tors Rec­og­nize and Fa­vor Their Own Generations

Arjun Panickssery17 Apr 2024 21:09 UTC
21 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Scal­ing of AI train­ing runs will slow down af­ter GPT-5

Maxime_Riche26 Apr 2024 16:06 UTC
10 points
2 comments3 min readEA link

An­i­mal ethics in ChatGPT and Claude

Elijah Persson-Gordon16 Jan 2024 21:38 UTC
46 points
2 comments9 min readEA link

The In­ten­tional Stance, LLMs Edition

Eleni_A1 May 2024 15:22 UTC
8 points
2 comments8 min readEA link

LLMs as a Plan­ning Overhang

Larks14 Jul 2024 4:57 UTC
41 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

RAND re­port finds no effect of cur­rent LLMs on vi­a­bil­ity of bioter­ror­ism attacks

Lizka26 Jan 2024 20:10 UTC
108 points
17 comments3 min readEA link

ChatGPT un­der­stands, but largely does not gen­er­ate Span­glish (and other code-mixed) text

Milan Weibel4 Jan 2023 22:10 UTC
6 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

Wor­ri­some mi­s­un­der­stand­ing of the core is­sues with AI transition

Roman Leventov18 Jan 2024 10:05 UTC
4 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Si­mu­lat­ing a pos­si­ble al­ign­ment solu­tion in GPT2-medium us­ing Archety­pal Trans­fer Learning

Miguel2 May 2023 16:23 UTC
4 points
0 comments18 min readEA link

ChatGPT & The EthiSizer Game(s)

Velikovsky_of_Newcastle24 May 2023 20:12 UTC
1 point
0 comments40 min readEA link

Google Deep­Mind re­leases Gemini

Yarrow B.6 Dec 2023 17:39 UTC
21 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

Sum­mary: In­tro­spec­tive Ca­pa­bil­ities in LLMs (Robert Long)

rileyharris2 Jul 2024 18:08 UTC
11 points
1 comment4 min readEA link

Can­cel­ling GPT subscription

adekcz20 May 2024 16:19 UTC
26 points
14 comments3 min readEA link

[Question] How in­de­pen­dent is the re­search com­ing out of OpenAI’s pre­pared­ness team?

Arden Wiese10 Feb 2024 16:59 UTC
17 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

How LLMs Work, in the Style of The Economist

utilistrutil22 Apr 2024 19:06 UTC
17 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

“Suc­cess­ful lan­guage model evals” by Ja­son Wei

Arjun Panickssery25 May 2024 9:34 UTC
11 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Have your timelines changed as a re­sult of ChatGPT?

Chris Leong5 Dec 2022 15:03 UTC
30 points
18 comments1 min readEA link

Ideas for Next-Gen­er­a­tion Writ­ing Plat­forms, us­ing LLMs

Ozzie Gooen4 Jun 2024 18:40 UTC
17 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Who owns AI-gen­er­ated con­tent?

Johan S Daniel7 Dec 2022 3:03 UTC
−2 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Share your re­quests for ChatGPT

Kate Tran5 Dec 2022 18:43 UTC
8 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

Straight­for­wardly elic­it­ing prob­a­bil­ities from GPT-3

NunoSempere9 Feb 2023 19:25 UTC
41 points
5 comments4 min readEA link

“Long-Ter­mism” vs. “Ex­is­ten­tial Risk”

Scott Alexander6 Apr 2022 21:41 UTC
513 points
81 comments3 min readEA link

Claude vs GPT

Maxwell Tabarrok14 Mar 2024 12:44 UTC
14 points
1 comment2 min readEA link

AI Ex­is­ten­tial Risk from AI’s Per­spec­tive (30-40%)

nobody4220 Mar 2024 12:18 UTC
0 points
1 comment2 min readEA link

Abil­ity to solve long-hori­zon tasks cor­re­lates with want­ing things in the be­hav­iorist sense

So8res24 Nov 2023 17:37 UTC
38 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Dona­tion offsets for ChatGPT Plus subscriptions

Jeffrey Ladish16 Mar 2023 23:11 UTC
76 points
10 comments3 min readEA link

[Linkpost] Vague Ver­biage in Forecasting

trevor122 Mar 2024 18:05 UTC
5 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] I’m in­ter­view­ing the au­thor of ‘Not Born Yes­ter­day’ — Hugo Mercier. He ar­gues peo­ple are less gullible and more savvy than you think. What should I ask him?

Robert_Wiblin17 Nov 2023 17:43 UTC
12 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Still no strong ev­i­dence that LLMs in­crease bioter­ror­ism risk

freedomandutility2 Nov 2023 21:23 UTC
57 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

Was Re­leas­ing Claude-3 Net-Negative

Logan Riggs27 Mar 2024 17:41 UTC
12 points
1 comment4 min readEA link

Open Prob­lems and Fun­da­men­tal Limi­ta­tions of RLHF

stecas17 Aug 2023 16:50 UTC
5 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

ChatGPT bug leaked users’ con­ver­sa­tion histories

Ian Turner27 Mar 2023 0:17 UTC
15 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Ex­plor­ing Tacit Linked Premises with GPT

RomeoStevens24 Mar 2023 22:50 UTC
5 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

AISN #35: Lob­by­ing on AI Reg­u­la­tion Plus, New Models from OpenAI and Google, and Le­gal Regimes for Train­ing on Copy­righted Data

Center for AI Safety16 May 2024 14:26 UTC
14 points
0 comments6 min readEA link

[Question] Could AI-gen­er­ated con­tent help think-tanks & re­search orgs be­come more effec­tive?

Justin Olive10 Jan 2023 22:58 UTC
13 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

ChatGPT is ca­pa­ble of cog­ni­tive em­pa­thy!

mikbp30 Mar 2023 20:42 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Γαμινγκ the Al­gorithms: Large Lan­guage Models as Mirrors

Haris Shekeris1 Apr 2023 2:14 UTC
5 points
3 comments4 min readEA link

GPTs are Pre­dic­tors, not Imitators

EliezerYudkowsky8 Apr 2023 19:59 UTC
74 points
12 comments1 min readEA link

Scale, schlep, and systems

Ajeya10 Oct 2023 16:59 UTC
59 points
3 comments6 min readEA link

Scal­able And Trans­fer­able Black-Box Jailbreaks For Lan­guage Models Via Per­sona Modulation

soroushjp7 Nov 2023 18:00 UTC
10 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

How to Catch a ChatGPT Cheat: 7 Prac­ti­cal Tips

Marshall27 Dec 2022 16:09 UTC
8 points
2 comments4 min readEA link
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