News rele­vant to effec­tive altruism

TagLast edit: 11 Oct 2023 11:40 UTC by Amber Dawn

News relevant to effective altruism collects news that is relevant to doing good effectively: for example, medical breakthroughs that might mean improvements in global health, new laws about animal welfare requirements for farms, or technology news that might have implications for AI safety.

For media coverage of the effective altruism movement, use effective altruism in the media instead.

Related entries

Future Perfect | journalism | effective altruism in the media | public communication on AI safety

What hap­pens on the av­er­age day?

rosehadshar17 Aug 2022 10:09 UTC
357 points
33 comments6 min readEA link

William Shat­ner joins Pa­cific Wild in mes­sage against fish farms.

Nathan Cashion24 Jun 2024 21:33 UTC
6 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

We can pro­tect mil­lions of kids from a global kil­ler — with­out billions of dol­lars (Wash­ing­ton Post)

Aaron Gertler 🔸23 Sep 2024 19:16 UTC
178 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Nether­lands plans 2.4 billion euro aid spend­ing cut

freedomandutility16 May 2024 17:53 UTC
69 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

[Link Post] Rus­sia and North Korea sign part­ner­ship deal that ap­pears to be the strongest since the Cold War

Rockwell20 Jun 2024 2:40 UTC
26 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

“Den­mark will be first to im­pose CO2 tax on farms, gov­ern­ment says”

defun26 Jun 2024 19:27 UTC
22 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare is now en­shrined in the Bel­gian Constitution

Bob Jacobs 🔸3 May 2024 22:26 UTC
95 points
9 comments10 min readEA link

UK moves to­ward manda­tory an­i­mal welfare labelling

AdamC29 Mar 2024 16:50 UTC
152 points
11 comments1 min readEA link

War­ren Buffett changes giv­ing plans (for the worse)

katriel15 Jul 2024 22:02 UTC
150 points
14 comments1 min readEA link

Farm­ing groups and vet­eri­nar­i­ans sub­mit am­i­cus briefs against cru­elty to chickens

Sage Max11 Sep 2024 22:32 UTC
50 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

EU poli­cy­mak­ers reach an agree­ment on the AI Act

tlevin15 Dec 2023 6:03 UTC
109 points
13 comments1 min readEA link

xAI raises $6B

andzuck5 Jun 2024 15:26 UTC
18 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Break­through in AI agents? (On Devin—The Zvi, linkpost)

SiebeRozendal20 Mar 2024 9:43 UTC
16 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

Malaria vac­cine R21 is pre-qualified

JoshuaBlake22 Dec 2023 8:49 UTC
59 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

White House pub­lishes frame­work for Nu­cleic Acid Screening

Agustín Covarrubias 🔸30 Apr 2024 0:44 UTC
30 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

What do the Pol­ish 2023 par­li­a­men­tary elec­tions mean for an­i­mals?

Pawel Rawicki27 Dec 2023 17:47 UTC
50 points
5 comments13 min readEA link

Sam Alt­man re­turn­ing as OpenAI CEO “in prin­ci­ple”

Fermi–Dirac Distribution22 Nov 2023 6:15 UTC
55 points
37 comments1 min readEA link

NYT: Google will ‘re­cal­ibrate’ the risk of re­leas­ing AI due to com­pe­ti­tion with OpenAI

Michael Huang22 Jan 2023 2:13 UTC
173 points
8 comments1 min readEA link

Claude Doesn’t Want to Die

Garrison5 Mar 2024 6:00 UTC
22 points
14 comments10 min readEA link

Fore­cast in the Un­der­stand­ing AI Series With Ti­mothy B. Lee

christian28 Mar 2024 22:27 UTC
12 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

‘Open to De­bate’ Singer/​Crary EA de­bate—July 10

Richard Y Chappell🔸8 Jul 2024 19:54 UTC
111 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

UK Prime Minister Rishi Su­nak’s Speech on AI

Tobias Häberli26 Oct 2023 10:34 UTC
112 points
6 comments8 min readEA link

New sur­vey: 46% of Amer­i­cans are con­cerned about ex­tinc­tion from AI; 69% sup­port a six-month pause in AI development

Akash5 Apr 2023 1:26 UTC
143 points
34 comments1 min readEA link

Merger of Deep­Mind and Google Brain

Greg_Colbourn20 Apr 2023 20:16 UTC
11 points
12 comments1 min readEA link

New story about Dustin Moskovitz, EA, his meet­ing with Joe Bi­den, plans for the 2024 elec­tion, and his beef with Marc An­dreessen over AI

teddyschleifer20 Mar 2024 20:32 UTC
19 points
15 comments2 min readEA link

Dengue rates drop 77-95% af­ter re­lease of bac­te­ria-in­fected mosquitoes in Colombia

SiebeRozendal7 Nov 2023 10:39 UTC
96 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

World’s first ma­jor law for ar­tifi­cial in­tel­li­gence gets fi­nal EU green light

Dane Valerie24 May 2024 14:57 UTC
3 points
1 comment2 min readEA link

Stop scold­ing peo­ple for wor­ry­ing about mon­key­pox (Vox ar­ti­cle)

Lizka31 May 2022 8:37 UTC
39 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Sam Alt­man /​ Open AI Dis­cus­sion Thread

John Salter20 Nov 2023 9:21 UTC
40 points
36 comments1 min readEA link

Jan Leike: “I’m ex­cited to join @An­throp­icAI to con­tinue the su­per­al­ign­ment mis­sion!”

defun28 May 2024 18:08 UTC
35 points
11 comments1 min readEA link

He­len Toner (ex-OpenAI board mem­ber): “We learned about ChatGPT on Twit­ter.”

defun29 May 2024 7:40 UTC
123 points
13 comments1 min readEA link

Florida and Alabama ban cul­ti­vated meat

Ben Millwood🔸30 May 2024 14:51 UTC
94 points
12 comments1 min readEA link

Gavin New­som ve­toes SB 1047

Larks30 Sep 2024 0:06 UTC
39 points
14 comments1 min readEA link

Pos­si­ble OpenAI’s Q* break­through and Deep­Mind’s AlphaGo-type sys­tems plus LLMs

Burnydelic23 Nov 2023 7:02 UTC
13 points
4 comments2 min readEA link

Na­ture: Nu­clear war be­tween two na­tions could spark global famine

Tyner15 Aug 2022 20:55 UTC
15 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing a $6,000,000 en­dow­ment for NYU Mind, Ethics, and Policy

Sofia_Fogel31 May 2024 22:45 UTC
132 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

GWWC Pledge fea­tured in new book from Head of TED, Chris Anderson

Giving What We Can25 Jan 2024 21:33 UTC
156 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

We­bi­nar in­vi­ta­tion: learn how to use Re­think Pri­ori­ties’ new pri­ori­ti­za­tion tool

Rethink Priorities10 Nov 2023 20:35 UTC
38 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

X-risk dis­cus­sion in a col­lege com­mence­ment speech

SWK22 May 2023 11:01 UTC
37 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

Re­think Pri­ori­ties: Seek­ing Ex­pres­sions of In­ter­est for Spe­cial Pro­jects Next Year

kierangreig🔸29 Nov 2023 13:44 UTC
58 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

Vox on cash trans­fers vs “grad­u­a­tion pro­grams” for fight­ing ex­treme poverty

Lizka7 Jul 2022 15:09 UTC
29 points
5 comments5 min readEA link

Ma­jor up­date to EA Giv­ing Tuesday

Giving What We Can4 Nov 2022 3:10 UTC
51 points
11 comments2 min readEA link

Fruit flies act de­pressed, AI reg­u­la­tion might pass in Cal­ifor­nia, and more. [EA Newslet­ter]

Toby Tremlett🔹19 Sep 2024 9:52 UTC
10 points
0 comments6 min readEA link

The Tech In­dus­try is the Biggest Blocker to Mean­ingful AI Safety Regulations

Garrison16 Aug 2024 19:37 UTC
139 points
8 comments8 min readEA link

UNGA Re­s­olu­tion on AI: 5 Key Take­aways Look­ing to Fu­ture Policy

Heramb Podar24 Mar 2024 12:03 UTC
17 points
1 comment3 min readEA link

GiveDirectly to Ad­minister Cash Grants Pilot in Chicago

Lizka20 Jun 2022 12:46 UTC
20 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Mon­key­pox: Is it worth wor­ry­ing about?

MarcusAbramovitch17 Aug 2022 5:59 UTC
27 points
11 comments4 min readEA link

Zach Robin­son will be CEA’s next CEO

Ben_West🔸28 Dec 2023 15:57 UTC
182 points
51 comments1 min readEA link

Press­ing News Front Page

AndreFerretti24 Aug 2022 9:54 UTC
80 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

EA Wins 2023

Shakeel Hashim31 Dec 2023 14:07 UTC
356 points
9 comments3 min readEA link

2023: news on AI safety, an­i­mal welfare, global health, and more

Lizka5 Jan 2024 21:57 UTC
54 points
1 comment12 min readEA link

2023: high­lights from the year, from the EA Newsletter

Lizka5 Jan 2024 21:57 UTC
68 points
2 comments33 min readEA link

Malaria ‘break­ing’ news, quick com­ment­ing Call To Ac­tion, in­fluence opportunity

Ariadne Skovgaarde29 Jul 2024 9:24 UTC
5 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Have your say on the fu­ture of AI reg­u­la­tion: Dead­line ap­proach­ing for your feed­back on UN High-Level Ad­vi­sory Body on AI In­terim Re­port ‘Govern­ing AI for Hu­man­ity’

Deborah W.A. Foulkes29 Mar 2024 6:37 UTC
17 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

[TIME mag­a­z­ine] Deep­Mind’s CEO Helped Take AI Main­stream. Now He’s Urg­ing Cau­tion (Per­rigo, 2023)

Will Aldred20 Jan 2023 20:37 UTC
93 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Po­ten­tially effec­tive ca­reer high­lighted by UK Public Spend­ing Audit

Joe W30 Jul 2024 11:57 UTC
1 point
1 comment1 min readEA link

Be­fore Alt­man’s Ouster, OpenAI’s Board Was Di­vided and Feuding

Jonathan Yan22 Nov 2023 1:01 UTC
25 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

First FDA Cul­tured Meat Safety Ap­proval

Ben_West🔸19 Nov 2022 0:09 UTC
131 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

The AI in­dus­try turns against its fa­vorite philosophy

Jonathan Yan22 Nov 2023 0:11 UTC
14 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Data In­sights by Our World in Data

Vasco Grilo🔸10 Jul 2024 15:54 UTC
12 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Plan­ning ‘re­sis­tance’ to illiber­al­ism and authoritarianism

david_reinstein16 Jun 2024 17:21 UTC
29 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

Afri­can Heads of States Ban Don­key Skin Trade

Daniel Abiliba22 Feb 2024 19:20 UTC
17 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

[Link] New data poi­son­ing tool lets artists fight back against gen­er­a­tive AI

rileyharris20 Nov 2023 1:35 UTC
10 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Up­com­ing speaker se­ries on emerg­ing tech, na­tional se­cu­rity & US policy careers

ES10 Jul 2024 19:59 UTC
16 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Dean Kar­lan is now Chief Economist of USAID

Henry Howard🔸24 Jan 2023 9:19 UTC
222 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

My ar­ti­cle in The Na­tion — Cal­ifor­nia’s AI Safety Bill Is a Mask-Off Mo­ment for the Industry

Garrison15 Aug 2024 19:25 UTC
134 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

In DC, a new wave of AI lob­by­ists gains the up­per hand

Chris Leong13 May 2024 7:31 UTC
97 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

Pre­sent­ing nine new char­i­ties—a record for the AIM (CE) In­cu­ba­tion Program

CE14 May 2024 10:12 UTC
203 points
3 comments16 min readEA link

This is why we can’t have nice laws

LewisBollard28 Feb 2024 18:44 UTC
241 points
25 comments5 min readEA link

New vol­un­tary com­mit­ments (AI Seoul Sum­mit)

Zach Stein-Perlman21 May 2024 11:00 UTC
12 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Can AI power the Global Map­ping and Quan­tifi­ca­tion of An­i­mal Suffer­ing? The Pain At­las Project

Wladimir J. Alonso25 Jun 2024 21:48 UTC
33 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

To Be Born in a Bag

Niko McCarty7 Oct 2024 12:39 UTC
18 points
1 comment16 min readEA link

Aus­trian heiress Mar­lene En­gelhorn an­nounces plan for €25m giveaway

Dave Cortright 🔸10 Jan 2024 16:16 UTC
12 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

ACE’s New Ap­pli­ca­tion Pro­cess for Our 2024 Char­ity Evaluations

Animal Charity Evaluators3 Apr 2024 0:00 UTC
36 points
4 comments3 min readEA link

Ran­dom ad­ver­sar­ial thresh­old search en­ables au­to­mated DNA screening

Metacelsus2 Apr 2024 19:49 UTC
12 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Avian flu: Birds, cows, and now a human

Shin2 Apr 2024 20:56 UTC
9 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend: why an­i­mal ad­vo­cates should help slaugh­ter­house workers

Valerie_Monckton3 Apr 2024 22:43 UTC
12 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

Me­tac­u­lus: Q2 Cup Kick­off + Q1 Winners

christian10 Apr 2024 21:30 UTC
9 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Get the lat­est ver­sion of Chat-GPT for your in­sti­tu­tion or per­sonal work.

Wes Reisen14 Jan 2024 13:42 UTC
−13 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

How the Open Wing Alli­ance has helped free hun­dreds of mil­lions of chick­ens from cages

Open Philanthropy31 Jul 2024 17:38 UTC
78 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Egre­gious Cru­elty: Hum­boldt Farm Sued for Put­ting Salt in Cows’ Eyes, Starv­ing Cattle

Sage Max1 Oct 2024 22:38 UTC
84 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Launch­ing the AI Fore­cast­ing Bench­mark Series Q3 | $30k in Prizes

christian8 Jul 2024 17:20 UTC
17 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

“Vol­un­tary En­ergy—To­gether for An­i­mals” brought to­gether more than 100 defen­ders of the an­i­mal cause

Leo Arruda6 Sep 2024 21:19 UTC
10 points
1 comment4 min readEA link

Bloomberg: FTX Has Billions More Than Needed to Pay Bankruptcy Victims

AnonymousTurtle8 May 2024 10:43 UTC
50 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Ap­ply now to EAGxVir­tual 2024 | 15–17 November

AllisonA7 Oct 2024 19:17 UTC
44 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Last days to ap­ply to EAGxLATAM 2024

Daniela Tiznado17 Jan 2024 20:24 UTC
16 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Where to Give Lo­cally? Lack of Na­tional Eval­u­a­tors and the Case of Baby Lasagna

Adrian Satja Kurdija16 May 2024 12:29 UTC
10 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Ex­cit­ing News: My New Role and the Path For­ward for Re­search and In­no­va­tion at Plateau State University

emmannaemeka26 Sep 2024 3:20 UTC
53 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

The (UK) Gen­eral Elec­tion is on 4th July

Rasool26 May 2024 15:49 UTC
2 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Sub­mit Your Tough­est Ques­tions for Hu­man­ity’s Last Exam

Matrice Jacobine18 Sep 2024 8:03 UTC
6 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

The Giv­ing Green Fund is evolving

Giving Green16 Jul 2024 23:48 UTC
46 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

I’m build­ing a long-ter­mist ‘neo-news’ platform

William Jewers13 Jun 2024 9:43 UTC
7 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

Up­date on the wild an­i­mal welfare fund­ing landscape

Cameron Meyer Shorb 🔸2 Oct 2024 23:56 UTC
116 points
5 comments4 min readEA link

DC Butcher Shop Sued for De­cep­tively Ad­ver­tis­ing the “Fatty Liver” as Hu­mane

Sage Max15 Oct 2024 15:24 UTC
23 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Ve­gan­uary’s im­pact has been huge – here are the stats to prove it

Nicholas Kruus26 Jan 2024 14:50 UTC
25 points
22 comments1 min readEA link

Musk’s Ques­tion­able Ex­is­ten­tial Risk Rhetoric Amidst Le­gal Challenges

M31 Jan 2024 7:40 UTC
5 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

UPDATE: Crit­i­cal Failures in the World Hap­piness Re­port’s Model of Na­tional Satisfaction

Alexander Loewi24 Feb 2024 4:54 UTC
120 points
26 comments2 min readEA link

GWWC Newslet­ter: Jan­uary 2024

Giving What We Can25 Jan 2024 21:28 UTC
23 points
0 comments8 min readEA link

Launch­ing the Re­s­pi­ra­tory Out­look 2024/​25 Fore­cast­ing Series

christian17 Jul 2024 19:51 UTC
8 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Poul­try gi­ant Foster Farms caught driv­ing fork­lifts over chick­ens, throw­ing them, and kick­ing them; DA contacted

alene8 Oct 2024 3:24 UTC
19 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Giv Effek­tivt (DK) need ~110 more mem­bers to be able to offer tax de­duc­tions of around $66.000)

Ulrik Johnsen11 Sep 2024 17:07 UTC
92 points
16 comments1 min readEA link

New Book: ‘Nexus’ by Yu­val Noah Harari

timfarkas3 Oct 2024 13:54 UTC
14 points
2 comments5 min readEA link

Ad­ja­cent News—Ar­ti­cles driven by fore­cast­ing platforms

Lucas Kohorst18 Oct 2024 13:19 UTC
1 point
0 comments1 min readEA link

To­mor­row we fight for the fu­ture of one billion chick­ens.

Molly Archer-Zeff22 Oct 2024 13:29 UTC
96 points
4 comments4 min readEA link

[Link] “Would Hu­man Ex­tinc­tion Be a Tragedy?”

zdgroff17 Dec 2018 17:50 UTC
19 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Launch­ing a pe­ti­tion to END pre­pro­grammed suffer­ing in broiler chick­ens in Switzerland

Zoe Newton2 Sep 2024 6:58 UTC
55 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Non-item­iz­ing US tax­pay­ers can deduct $300 of their 2020 donations

mike_mclaren4 Jan 2021 19:04 UTC
18 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

2023 Fu­ture Perfect 50

Toby Tremlett🔹29 Nov 2023 15:12 UTC
10 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

[Linkpost] Na­ture Aging: A new Na­ture jour­nal ded­i­cated to ag­ing research

ShayBenMoshe15 Jan 2021 17:50 UTC
17 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

EA events in Africa In­ter­est Form: Ex­plor­ing EA events on the continent

Hayley Martin19 Dec 2023 14:12 UTC
110 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Is there a news-tracker about GPT-4? Why has ev­ery­thing be­come so silent about it?

Franziska Fischer29 Oct 2022 8:56 UTC
10 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

[Linkpost] How Hu­man­ity Gave It­self an Ex­tra Life—NYT

DM1 May 2021 7:34 UTC
10 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

RCTs in Devel­op­ment Eco­nomics, Their Crit­ics and Their Evolu­tion (Og­den, 2020) [linkpost]

KarolinaSarek6 Apr 2021 12:29 UTC
78 points
5 comments12 min readEA link

[BBC News] Post­par­tum haem­or­rhage: Niger halves blood-loss deaths at clinics

Sean Ericson21 Jan 2023 18:36 UTC
32 points
4 comments2 min readEA link

[Question] How good/​bad is the new Bing AI for the world?

Nathan Young17 Feb 2023 16:31 UTC
21 points
14 comments1 min readEA link

Peter Singer joins BOAS as an in­vestor and you can too

Vincent van der Holst8 Jan 2024 14:59 UTC
3 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

Cal­ifor­nia AI Bill, SB 1047, cov­ered in to­day’s WSJ.

Emerson8 Aug 2024 12:27 UTC
5 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Feed­back wanted: EA-al­igned news cu­ra­tion service

OdinMB10 Jun 2024 2:06 UTC
12 points
7 comments3 min readEA link

An­thropic is be­ing sued for copy­ing books to train Claude

Remmelt31 Aug 2024 2:57 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

EA Or­ga­ni­za­tion Up­dates: Au­gust 2023

JP Addison🔸14 Aug 2023 20:55 UTC
36 points
1 comment7 min readEA link

New Prince­ton course on longtermism

Calvin_Baker1 Sep 2023 20:31 UTC
88 points
7 comments6 min readEA link

Me­tac­u­lus An­nounces Fore­cast­ing Tour­na­ment to Eval­u­ate Fo­cused Re­search Or­ga­ni­za­tions, in Part­ner­ship With the Fed­er­a­tion of Amer­i­can Scien­tists

christian3 Oct 2023 16:44 UTC
21 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Me­tac­u­lus Launches Con­di­tional Cup to Ex­plore Linked Forecasts

christian18 Oct 2023 20:41 UTC
11 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Dou­glas Hoft­stadter con­cerned about AI xrisk

Eli Rose3 Jul 2023 3:30 UTC
64 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

The Plant-Based Univer­si­ties open let­ter has now gone public

Oisín Considine4 Sep 2023 20:12 UTC
113 points
13 comments2 min readEA link

[Question] Thoughts on con­se­quen­tial­ism?

Daniel Birnbaum3 Nov 2023 2:41 UTC
3 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Sam Alt­man fired from OpenAI

Larks17 Nov 2023 21:07 UTC
133 points
91 comments1 min readEA link

Sup­port “Do Good Move­ment” NGO: A Call for Mem­bers in EU/​EEA Countries

Jacob Steinitz7 Sep 2023 7:51 UTC
4 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

I’m a Former Is­raeli Officer. AMA

Yovel Rom10 Oct 2023 10:35 UTC
65 points
33 comments1 min readEA link

The Over­ton Win­dow widens: Ex­am­ples of AI risk in the media

Akash23 Mar 2023 17:10 UTC
112 points
11 comments1 min readEA link

Tran­script: NBC Nightly News: AI ‘race to reck­less­ness’ w/​ Tris­tan Har­ris, Aza Raskin

WilliamKiely23 Mar 2023 3:45 UTC
47 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

[Question] Is Bill Gates overly op­tomistic about AI?

Dov22 Mar 2023 12:29 UTC
11 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

EA and SBF on the front page of BBC… and its OK!

NickLaing10 Oct 2023 14:30 UTC
64 points
8 comments2 min readEA link

In­ves­tiga­tive Jour­nal­ists are more effec­tive al­tru­ists than most

AlanGreenspan27 Sep 2023 12:26 UTC
2 points
8 comments1 min readEA link

Deep­Mind and Google Brain are merg­ing [Linkpost]

Akash20 Apr 2023 18:47 UTC
32 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

FT: We must slow down the race to God-like AI

Angelina Li24 Apr 2023 11:57 UTC
33 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

The Ab­sti­nence Vio­la­tion Effect and the pro­ject of plant-based meals for soldiers

Rakefet Cohen Ben-Arye12 Oct 2023 11:39 UTC
2 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Over 350,000 lay­ing hens com­mit­ted to cage-free hous­ing in Ghana

Daniel Abiliba13 Sep 2023 19:24 UTC
69 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

AISN #18: Challenges of Re­in­force­ment Learn­ing from Hu­man Feed­back, Microsoft’s Se­cu­rity Breach, and Con­cep­tual Re­search on AI Safety

Center for AI Safety8 Aug 2023 15:52 UTC
12 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

Is­raeli Prime Minister, Musk and Teg­mark on AI Safety

Michaël Trazzi18 Sep 2023 23:21 UTC
23 points
13 comments1 min readEA link

OpenAI board re­ceived let­ter warn­ing of pow­er­ful AI

JordanStone23 Nov 2023 0:16 UTC
26 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Would an An­thropic/​OpenAI merger be good for AI safety?

M22 Nov 2023 20:21 UTC
6 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Rishi Su­nak men­tions “ex­is­ten­tial threats” in talk with OpenAI, Deep­Mind, An­thropic CEOs

Arjun Panickssery24 May 2023 21:06 UTC
44 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Your Chance to Save Lives. To­day.

LiaH13 Oct 2023 23:48 UTC
−7 points
7 comments2 min readEA link

Most effec­tive solu­tion to get 100mil­lions of peo­ple out of poverty

AlanGreenspan28 Aug 2023 5:29 UTC
−15 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

doebem: Char­ity Eval­u­a­tion and Effec­tive Giv­ing in Brazil

Bruno Sterenberg30 Oct 2023 16:14 UTC
61 points
6 comments4 min readEA link

Me­tac­u­lus’s New Side­bar Helps You Find Fore­casts Faster

christian8 Nov 2023 20:56 UTC
8 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Sam Alt­man’s Chip Am­bi­tions Un­der­cut OpenAI’s Safety Strategy

Garrison10 Feb 2024 19:52 UTC
279 points
20 comments3 min readEA link

Bi­den-Har­ris Ad­minis­tra­tion An­nounces First-Ever Con­sor­tium Ded­i­cated to AI Safety

ben.smith9 Feb 2024 6:40 UTC
15 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

My cover story in Ja­cobin on AI cap­i­tal­ism and the x-risk debates

Garrison12 Feb 2024 23:34 UTC
154 points
10 comments6 min readEA link

FTX ex­pects to re­turn all cus­tomer money; claw­backs may go away

MikhailSamin14 Feb 2024 3:43 UTC
38 points
23 comments1 min readEA link

Trump talk­ing about AI risks

defun14 Jun 2024 12:24 UTC
43 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Help Fund In­sect Welfare Science

Bob Fischer14 Jun 2024 21:11 UTC
234 points
30 comments2 min readEA link

Peter Singer’s Re­cent Ar­ti­cle on Profit for Good Busi­nesses, and a Re­sponse to His Call to Action

Brad West15 Feb 2024 13:55 UTC
16 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Dis­rupt­ing mal­i­cious uses of AI by state-af­fili­ated threat actors

Agustín Covarrubias 🔸14 Feb 2024 21:28 UTC
22 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Bloomberg: Unac­knowl­edged prob­lems with LLINs are caus­ing a rise in malaria.

Ian Turner24 Feb 2024 21:13 UTC
77 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

Mr Beast is now offi­cially en­gaged in effec­tive giv­ing!

Dave Cortright 🔸16 Jun 2024 12:29 UTC
89 points
29 comments1 min readEA link

[Linkpost] Sam Bankman-Fried funded a group with racist ties. FTX wants its $5m back

Pancakes4all17 Jun 2024 16:47 UTC
5 points
21 comments1 min readEA link

Creative video ads sig­nifi­cantly in­crease GWWC’s so­cial me­dia en­gage­ment and web traf­fic to pledge page

James Odene [User-Friendly]29 Feb 2024 8:28 UTC
96 points
11 comments3 min readEA link

Run­ning Cage-Free Pro­jects in Africa: Case Stud­ies of Three Afri­can An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Organisations

AnimalAdvocacyAfrica1 Mar 2024 6:30 UTC
36 points
1 comment10 min readEA link

Progress Stud­ies Vs EA

Daniel Birnbaum18 Jun 2024 18:00 UTC
8 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Ilya Sutskever is start­ing Safe Su­per­in­tel­li­gence Inc.

defun19 Jun 2024 19:11 UTC
26 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

NIST staffers re­volt against ex­pected ap­point­ment of ‘effec­tive al­tru­ist’ AI re­searcher to US AI Safety Institute

Phib8 Mar 2024 17:47 UTC
39 points
16 comments1 min readEA link

Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Zach Stein-Perlman20 Jun 2024 18:00 UTC
31 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

We Did It! - Vic­tory for Oc­to­pus in Wash­ing­ton State

Tessa @ ALI15 Mar 2024 14:28 UTC
211 points
3 comments3 min readEA link

Ja­panese or­ga­ni­za­tion for atomic bomb sur­vivors Nihon Hi­dankyo has been awarded the No­bel Peace Prize

Jonny Spicer 🔸11 Oct 2024 11:31 UTC
6 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Un­der­stand­ing prob­lems with U.S.-China hotlines

christian.r24 Jun 2024 13:39 UTC
11 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Me­tac­u­lus Launches Ques­tion Series With Bryan Caplan

christian21 Mar 2024 19:18 UTC
16 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

How to be an effec­tive sci­ence funder

rSanti9712 Dec 2023 11:09 UTC
2 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

A Sys­tem­atic Re­sponse to FTX/​SBF-Based Crit­i­cisms of EA

Alex Strasser26 Sep 2023 7:21 UTC
37 points
4 comments1 min readEA link
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