Farmed an­i­mal welfare

TagLast edit: 16 Mar 2023 20:32 UTC by Pablo

Over 60 billion land-dwelling animals are killed each year. The overwhelming majority of these animals are raised in factory farms, where conditions can involve “intense confinement, inhibition of natural behaviors, untreated health issues, and numerous other causes of suffering”.[1] It’s difficult to measure and quantify the welfare of farmed animals, but some have suggested that the lives of many farmed animals are net-negative—that is, their negative experiences outweigh their positive experiences.[2][3]

There are a number of promising ways to improve farmed animal welfare.[4] One approach is to reduce the number of farm animals, by persuading the public to reduce the consumption of animal products or by facilitating the development of animal product alternatives.[5] Another approach is to reduce the suffering farm animals experience, by improving the conditions under which these animals live. Open Philanthropy estimates that corporate cage-free campaigns have spared about 250 hens a year of confinement in a cage per each dollar spent. They also claim that the cost-effectiveness of these campaigns is higher than any of the other approaches they have investigated.[6]

Further reading

MacAskill, William & Darius Meissner (2020) Cause prioritization: Farm animal welfare, in ‘Acting on utilitarianism’, Utilitarianism.

Whittlestone, Jess (2017) Animal welfare, Effective Altruism, November 16.

Related entries

animal welfare | animal product alternatives | cultured meat | dietary change | global health and wellbeing

  1. ^

    Reese, Jacy (2016) Why animals matter for effective altruism, Effective Altruism Forum, August 22.

  2. ^

    Tomasik, Brian (2007) How much direct suffering is caused by various animal foods?, Essays on Reducing Suffering.

  3. ^

    Norwood, F. Bailey & Jayson L. Lusk (2011) Compassion, by the Pound: The Economics of Farm Animal Welfare, New York: Oxford University Press.

  4. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2013) Treatment of animals in industrial agriculture, Open Philanthropy, September.

  5. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2015) Animal product alternatives, Open Philanthropy, December.

  6. ^

    Bollard, Lewis (2016) Initial grants to support corporate cage-free reforms, Open Philanthropy, March 31.

Es­ti­mates of global cap­tive ver­te­brate numbers

saulius18 Feb 2020 17:05 UTC
162 points
11 comments61 min readEA link

Will com­pa­nies meet their an­i­mal welfare com­mit­ments?

saulius1 Feb 2019 10:24 UTC
116 points
23 comments12 min readEA link

How much do Euro­peans care about fish welfare? (An anal­y­sis of rele­vant sur­veys)

saulius22 Jun 2020 15:08 UTC
61 points
4 comments11 min readEA link

Cor­po­rate cam­paigns af­fect 9 to 120 years of chicken life per dol­lar spent

saulius8 Jul 2019 8:01 UTC
173 points
21 comments48 min readEA link

The scale of di­rect hu­man im­pact on invertebrates

abrahamrowe2 Sep 2020 13:22 UTC
87 points
6 comments13 min readEA link

Man­aged Honey Bee Welfare: Prob­lems and Po­ten­tial Interventions

Jason Schukraft14 Nov 2019 19:03 UTC
76 points
5 comments67 min readEA link

Re­search Sum­mary: The In­ten­sity of Valenced Ex­pe­rience across Species

Jason Schukraft11 Nov 2020 17:26 UTC
63 points
6 comments4 min readEA link

Effec­tive An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Resources

saulius24 Oct 2019 10:41 UTC
118 points
4 comments7 min readEA link

The Sub­jec­tive Ex­pe­rience of Time: Welfare Implications

Jason Schukraft27 Jul 2020 13:24 UTC
106 points
21 comments49 min readEA link

Differ­ences in the In­ten­sity of Valenced Ex­pe­rience across Species

Jason Schukraft30 Oct 2020 1:13 UTC
93 points
42 comments52 min readEA link

How to Mea­sure Ca­pac­ity for Welfare and Mo­ral Status

Jason Schukraft1 Jun 2020 15:01 UTC
71 points
19 comments35 min readEA link

35-150 billion fish are raised in cap­tivity to be re­leased into the wild ev­ery year

saulius2 Apr 2019 13:16 UTC
98 points
16 comments37 min readEA link

Welfare Foot­print Pro­ject—a blueprint for quan­tify­ing an­i­mal pain

MichaelStJules26 Jun 2021 20:05 UTC
73 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

Why An­i­mals Mat­ter for Effec­tive Altruism

Jacy22 Aug 2016 16:50 UTC
36 points
24 comments7 min readEA link

Does Crit­i­cal Flicker-Fu­sion Fre­quency Track the Sub­jec­tive Ex­pe­rience of Time?

Jason Schukraft3 Aug 2020 13:30 UTC
61 points
20 comments26 min readEA link

In­sects raised for food and feed — global scale, prac­tices, and policy

abrahamrowe29 Jun 2020 13:57 UTC
93 points
9 comments30 min readEA link

Sur­veys re­lated to an­i­mal advocacy

saulius12 Aug 2020 19:38 UTC
45 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Why I pri­ori­tize moral cir­cle ex­pan­sion over re­duc­ing ex­tinc­tion risk through ar­tifi­cial in­tel­li­gence alignment

Jacy20 Feb 2018 18:29 UTC
107 points
72 comments36 min readEA link

Ro­dents farmed for pet snake food

saulius20 Feb 2019 19:54 UTC
83 points
19 comments20 min readEA link

Re­search Sum­mary: The Sub­jec­tive Ex­pe­rience of Time

Jason Schukraft10 Aug 2020 13:28 UTC
76 points
7 comments4 min readEA link

[LINK] Farmed Fish Welfare Report

kierangreig24 Apr 2019 22:28 UTC
68 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Next Steps in In­ver­te­brate Welfare, Part 1: Fun­da­men­tal Research

Daniela Waldhorn11 Nov 2019 19:01 UTC
55 points
4 comments22 min readEA link

Next Steps in In­ver­te­brate Welfare, Part 2: Pos­si­ble Interventions

Daniela Waldhorn14 Nov 2019 0:40 UTC
44 points
6 comments43 min readEA link

Me­gapro­jects for animals

JamesÖz13 Jun 2022 9:20 UTC
258 points
24 comments16 min readEA link

Ac­cu­racy is­sues in FAO an­i­mal numbers

saulius2 Dec 2019 14:56 UTC
62 points
2 comments9 min readEA link

Coron­avirus and non-hu­mans: How is the pan­demic af­fect­ing an­i­mals used for hu­man con­sump­tion?

Daniela Waldhorn7 Apr 2020 8:40 UTC
72 points
7 comments20 min readEA link

Snails used for hu­man con­sump­tion: The case of meat and slime

Daniela Waldhorn6 Feb 2020 17:00 UTC
89 points
8 comments26 min readEA link

In­ter­ven­tion Pro­file: Bal­lot Initiatives

Jason Schukraft13 Jan 2020 15:41 UTC
117 points
5 comments36 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing Healthier Hens

lukasj1025 Oct 2021 16:16 UTC
95 points
4 comments13 min readEA link

Who is pro­tect­ing an­i­mals in the long-term fu­ture?

alene21 Mar 2022 16:49 UTC
168 points
33 comments3 min readEA link

Could it be a (bad) lock-in to re­place fac­tory farm­ing with al­ter­na­tive pro­tein?

Fai10 Sep 2022 16:24 UTC
85 points
37 comments9 min readEA link

EU Food Agency Recom­mends Ban­ning Cages

Ben_West🔸21 Feb 2023 21:20 UTC
173 points
20 comments1 min readEA link

New Har­vest, the non­profit nu­cleus of cel­lu­lar agri­cul­ture, is in crisis. Emer­gency town hall on 6/​10.

IshaDatar2 Jun 2022 14:08 UTC
107 points
7 comments2 min readEA link

Im­pact of End­ing US An­i­mal Subsidies

Harriet Ritchie15 May 2022 7:00 UTC
5 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

UK moves to­ward manda­tory an­i­mal welfare labelling

AdamC29 Mar 2024 16:50 UTC
152 points
11 comments1 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Africa

AnimalAdvocacyAfrica7 Dec 2020 16:11 UTC
118 points
11 comments6 min readEA link

Why An­ima In­ter­na­tional sus­pended the cam­paign to end live fish sales in Poland

Jakub Stencel30 Dec 2022 17:47 UTC
356 points
24 comments14 min readEA link

Strate­gic con­sid­er­a­tions for up­com­ing EU farmed an­i­mal legislation

Neil_Dullaghan13 Apr 2021 15:00 UTC
111 points
2 comments35 min readEA link

Le­gal Im­pact for Chick­ens files its first law­suit! Costco share­holder deriva­tive case

alene7 Jul 2022 18:01 UTC
165 points
16 comments1 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing the Re­duc­etar­ian Fel­low­ship!

Sofia_Fogel1 Feb 2022 17:51 UTC
53 points
4 comments2 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare is now en­shrined in the Bel­gian Constitution

Bob Jacobs3 May 2024 22:26 UTC
95 points
9 comments10 min readEA link

2020 Top Char­ity Ideas—Char­ity Entrepreneurship

KarolinaSarek18 Aug 2020 14:37 UTC
85 points
6 comments16 min readEA link

Les­sons from two pi­o­neer­ing ad­vo­cates for farmed animals

LewisBollard26 Apr 2024 12:37 UTC
86 points
1 comment5 min readEA link

Les­sons from the his­tory of an­i­mal rights

JesseClifton17 May 2016 19:32 UTC
40 points
10 comments9 min readEA link

An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Digest #2 (Nov 18th—Dec 2nd)

JamesÖz2 Dec 2022 11:54 UTC
31 points
2 comments4 min readEA link

Amy Huang: Clos­ing gaps in al­ter­na­tive pro­tein science

EA Global25 Oct 2020 5:48 UTC
10 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Minor poli­ti­cal par­ties as an ad­vo­cacy strat­egy: The case of an­i­mal politics

Ren Ryba13 Apr 2022 13:56 UTC
54 points
15 comments13 min readEA link

World’s First Oc­to­pus Farm—Linkpost

CatGoddess22 Dec 2021 1:35 UTC
130 points
27 comments1 min readEA link

Un­der­wa­ter Tor­ture Cham­bers: The Hor­ror Of Fish Farming

Omnizoid26 Jul 2023 0:08 UTC
164 points
14 comments10 min readEA link

Re­think­ing the Liber­a­tion Pledge (Eva Hamer)

Aaron Gertler3 Sep 2023 18:44 UTC
76 points
4 comments7 min readEA link

[Question] How has the effec­tive an­i­mal ad­vo­cacy (EAA) move­ment re­sponded to the de­cline of plant-based meat sales in 2022?

BrownHairedEevee5 Mar 2023 18:03 UTC
24 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

The ex­treme cost-effec­tive­ness of cell-based meat R&D

Stijn10 Aug 2020 14:00 UTC
37 points
20 comments5 min readEA link

Fish­ing-aqua­cul­ture sub­sti­tu­tion and aquafeeds

MichaelStJules3 Jun 2024 5:39 UTC
45 points
1 comment9 min readEA link

EAA is rel­a­tively over­in­vest­ing in cor­po­rate welfare reforms

kato6 Jan 2022 2:47 UTC
68 points
27 comments5 min readEA link

[Question] How do you com­pare hu­man and an­i­mal suffer­ing?

Harry Taussig29 Apr 2021 18:19 UTC
29 points
9 comments2 min readEA link

[Question] What’s the The­ory of Change/​The­ory of Vic­tory for Farmed An­i­mal Welfare?

Linch1 Dec 2021 0:52 UTC
50 points
6 comments2 min readEA link

Effec­tive­ness of a the­ory-in­formed doc­u­men­tary to re­duce con­sump­tion of meat and an­i­mal prod­ucts: three ran­dom­ized con­trol­led experiments

Jacob_Peacock21 Mar 2022 15:52 UTC
95 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Char­ity Eval­u­a­tors (ACE) re­leased their 2020 recom­men­da­tions (with Wild An­i­mal Ini­ti­a­tive added to their top char­i­ties)

Luke Freeman25 Nov 2020 0:26 UTC
31 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Do you think de­creas­ing the con­sump­tion of an­i­mals is good/​bad? Think again?

Vasco Grilo🔸27 May 2023 8:22 UTC
89 points
39 comments5 min readEA link

Cor­po­rate cam­paigns for chicken welfare are 10,000 times as effec­tive as GiveWell’s Max­i­mum Im­pact Fund?

Vasco Grilo🔸28 Jul 2022 8:22 UTC
78 points
19 comments11 min readEA link

Lab-grown meat is cleared for sale in the United States

Ben_West🔸22 Jun 2023 0:42 UTC
209 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

If You’re Go­ing To Eat An­i­mals, Eat Beef and Dairy

Omnizoid23 Apr 2024 2:22 UTC
80 points
33 comments2 min readEA link

Is im­prov­ing crop farm­ing effi­ciency in HICs bad for farmed an­i­mal welfare?

freedomandutility3 Mar 2024 22:36 UTC
9 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Ten Big Wins for Farm An­i­mals in 2021

EA Forum Archives25 Dec 2021 3:39 UTC
51 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

ACE Move­ment Grants: Novem­ber 2019 Gran­tee Updates

Animal Charity Evaluators21 Oct 2020 14:27 UTC
13 points
0 comments14 min readEA link

An im­pact­ful op­por­tu­nity to take ac­tion for an­i­mals, by to­day (May 7th): Re­ply to UK gov­ern­ment’s open con­sul­ta­tion on food welfare labelling

David M7 May 2024 10:08 UTC
59 points
15 comments1 min readEA link

En­vi­sion­ing a Cen­tral Knowl­edge Hub for the An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Movement

Ronen Bar31 Jan 2024 7:25 UTC
11 points
3 comments11 min readEA link

Ca­reer Guide for End­ing Fac­tory Farming

Jeffray_Behr26 May 2021 4:19 UTC
43 points
4 comments20 min readEA link

AMA: Lewis Bol­lard, Open Philanthropy

LewisBollard24 Feb 2021 18:02 UTC
69 points
123 comments1 min readEA link

From hu­mans in Canada to bat­tery caged chick­ens in the United States, which an­i­mals have the hard­est lives: results

KarolinaSarek27 Nov 2018 22:28 UTC
97 points
11 comments3 min readEA link

Why we want to start a char­ity for­tify­ing feed for hens (founders needed)

KarolinaSarek19 Apr 2021 16:47 UTC
73 points
11 comments3 min readEA link

Five New EA Char­i­ties with High Po­ten­tial for Impact

Joey 🔸14 Oct 2020 12:15 UTC
132 points
14 comments6 min readEA link

[Draft Amnesty] Un­finished draft on the case for a first prin­ci­ples, sys­tem­atic scop­ing of meat alternatives

Linch19 Dec 2022 8:29 UTC
58 points
1 comment17 min readEA link

What In­ter­ven­tions Can An­i­mal Ad­vo­cates Use To Build Com­mu­nity In Their Coun­try?

Jamie_Harris17 Jul 2020 17:42 UTC
11 points
0 comments6 min readEA link

The Tip­ping Point Case for Ve­gan Advocacy

Karthik Sekar15 Feb 2022 14:46 UTC
32 points
5 comments8 min readEA link

De­liber­a­tion May Im­prove De­ci­sion-Making

Neil_Dullaghan5 Nov 2019 0:34 UTC
66 points
12 comments43 min readEA link

Vi­su­al­is­ing an­i­mal agriculture

HenryStanley16 Jun 2018 1:05 UTC
17 points
11 comments1 min readEA link

Sen­tience Poli­tics: An­nounc­ing our end-of-year giv­ing campaign

Philipp Ryf1 Dec 2022 15:24 UTC
21 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

[Link post] AI could fuel fac­tory farm­ing—or end it

BrianK18 Oct 2022 11:16 UTC
39 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] For veg­e­tar­i­ans: Is there plau­si­bly a kind of fish farm that would make eat­ing fish eth­i­cal?

Luke Eure30 Jan 2022 7:16 UTC
17 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

Cal­ling EA lawyers: Le­gal Im­pact for Chick­ens is hiring!

alene18 May 2022 18:20 UTC
31 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Some thoughts on veg­e­tar­i­anism and veganism

richard_ngo14 Feb 2022 2:34 UTC
191 points
102 comments4 min readEA link

Fish Welfare Ini­ti­a­tive’s 2023 in Review

haven1 Feb 2024 5:27 UTC
84 points
4 comments7 min readEA link

RISC at UChicago is Seek­ing Ideas for Im­prov­ing An­i­mal Welfare

lukasb11 Jan 2021 11:58 UTC
34 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

So­cial Move­ment Les­sons from the Fair Trade Movement

Jamie_Harris2 Apr 2021 10:51 UTC
44 points
0 comments42 min readEA link

Why the ex­pected num­bers of farmed an­i­mals in the far fu­ture might be huge

Fai4 Mar 2022 19:59 UTC
134 points
29 comments16 min readEA link

How we averted 130,000 an­i­mal deaths (in ex­pec­ta­tion) with a vol­un­teer cam­paign.

JamesÖz5 Apr 2021 7:50 UTC
41 points
19 comments11 min readEA link

Work­ing with the Beef In­dus­try for Chicken Welfare

Hazo18 Dec 2022 21:55 UTC
181 points
17 comments16 min readEA link

Con­cerns with ACE’s Re­cent Behavior

Hypatia17 Apr 2021 17:00 UTC
274 points
149 comments11 min readEA link

Mea­sur­ing An­i­mal Welfare: Philo­soph­i­cal Foun­da­tions, Prac­ti­cal Indi­ca­tors, and Over­all Assess­ments

Animal Ask15 Apr 2021 10:33 UTC
53 points
4 comments2 min readEA link

Why we want to start a shrimp welfare char­ity (founders needed)

KarolinaSarek16 Apr 2021 15:57 UTC
59 points
3 comments5 min readEA link

Re­move An Om­nivore’s Statue? De­bate En­sues Over The Le­gacy Of Fac­tory Farming

scottxmulligan26 Oct 2021 17:47 UTC
80 points
27 comments1 min readEA link

Com­par­i­son be­tween the he­do­nic util­ity of hu­man life and poul­try liv­ing time

Vasco Grilo🔸8 Jun 2022 7:52 UTC
47 points
28 comments8 min readEA link

Dutch anti-trust reg­u­la­tor bans pro-an­i­mal welfare chicken cartel

Dale24 Feb 2021 15:44 UTC
47 points
13 comments1 min readEA link

Prob­lem anal­y­sis of the tal­ent bot­tle­neck in EAA’s

lauren_mee21 Sep 2019 10:26 UTC
61 points
7 comments6 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing An­i­mal Em­pa­thy Philippines

Ging Geronimo25 Jan 2022 16:37 UTC
81 points
6 comments5 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing Shrimp Welfare Project

Aaron Boddy🔸30 Nov 2021 11:03 UTC
146 points
12 comments5 min readEA link

Jeff Sebo: A util­i­tar­ian case for an­i­mal rights

EA Global18 Oct 2019 18:05 UTC
26 points
1 comment14 min readEA link

Linkpost: Big Wins for Farm An­i­mals This Decade

JamesÖz11 Jan 2023 17:30 UTC
71 points
4 comments4 min readEA link

Tyler John­ston on helping farmed an­i­mals, con­scious­ness, and be­ing con­ven­tion­ally good

Amber Dawn10 Mar 2023 15:36 UTC
67 points
1 comment16 min readEA link

Healthier Hens’ Lukas Jasiū­nas on im­prov­ing hen welfare worldwide

Karthik Palakodeti7 Oct 2023 17:31 UTC
15 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

A Primer for In­sect Sen­tience and Welfare (as of Sept 2023)

Meghan Barrett26 Sep 2023 22:40 UTC
114 points
3 comments8 min readEA link

Healthier Hens Y1.5 Up­date and scale­down assessment

lukasj1014 Apr 2023 18:16 UTC
83 points
0 comments11 min readEA link

Hid­ing in Plain Sight: Mex­ico’s Oc­to­pus Farm/​Re­search Facade

Tessa @ ALI19 Apr 2023 14:37 UTC
88 points
1 comment3 min readEA link

[Question] Here’s a com­pre­hen­sive fact sheet of al­most all the ways an­i­mals are mis­treated in fac­tory farms

Omnizoid4 May 2023 7:24 UTC
81 points
8 comments27 min readEA link

US Supreme Court Upholds Prop 12!

Rockwell11 May 2023 16:30 UTC
308 points
13 comments1 min readEA link

Re­sources: Pur­su­ing a ca­reer in an­i­mal ad­vo­cacy (even if you’re a longter­mist!)

Ren Ryba23 Sep 2023 1:33 UTC
37 points
3 comments2 min readEA link

Farmed an­i­mal fund­ing to­wards Africa is grow­ing but re­mains highly neglected

AnimalAdvocacyAfrica20 Feb 2024 8:07 UTC
44 points
1 comment6 min readEA link

Are you pas­sion­ate about AI and An­i­mal Welfare? Do you have an idea that could rev­olu­tionize the food in­dus­try? We want to hear from you!

David van Beveren6 May 2024 23:42 UTC
12 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Share­holder Ac­tivism

Animal Ask9 May 2024 11:14 UTC
22 points
7 comments20 min readEA link

[Question] What are the most tractable FAW in­ter­ven­tions?

Kaleem11 Jul 2024 15:16 UTC
18 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Model­ling the out­comes of an­i­mal welfare in­ter­ven­tions: One pos­si­ble ap­proach to the trade-offs be­tween sub­jec­tive experiences

Animal Ask29 May 2024 9:06 UTC
55 points
8 comments39 min readEA link

Effec­tive strate­gies for chang­ing pub­lic opinion: A liter­a­ture review

Jamie_Harris9 Nov 2021 14:09 UTC
81 points
2 comments37 min readEA link

Sub­sidies: Which re­forms can help an­i­mals?

Animal Ask10 Nov 2022 15:28 UTC
28 points
5 comments28 min readEA link

Fea­tures Rele­vant to In­ver­te­brate Sen­tience, Part 2

Jason Schukraft11 Jun 2019 15:23 UTC
25 points
12 comments18 min readEA link

Towards zero harm: an­i­mal-free and land-free food

Stijn23 Oct 2020 13:19 UTC
29 points
4 comments4 min readEA link

[Question] Should there be a BERI for an­i­mal welfare or global poverty?

sawyer14 Feb 2022 21:30 UTC
51 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

What could a Bi­den Ad­minis­tra­tion mean for farm an­i­mals?

EA Forum Archives20 Nov 2020 13:23 UTC
3 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

Jonathon Tree: Seiz­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties to im­prove an­i­mal welfare in Taiwan

EA Global21 Nov 2020 8:12 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Com­par­i­sons of Ca­pac­ity for Welfare and Mo­ral Sta­tus Across Species

Jason Schukraft18 May 2020 0:42 UTC
101 points
63 comments45 min readEA link

There are *a ba­jillion* jobs work­ing on plant-based foods right now

scottweathers12 Jul 2019 16:13 UTC
99 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

Con­se­quences of an­i­mal product con­sump­tion (com­bined model)

kbog15 Jun 2019 14:46 UTC
22 points
10 comments2 min readEA link

[Link] Assess­ing and Re­spect­ing Sen­tience After Brexit

MichaelStJules19 Feb 2020 7:19 UTC
17 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Global An­i­mal Slaugh­ter Statis­tics & Charts: 2022 Update

JLRiedi19 Jul 2022 16:07 UTC
30 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

AMA: Leah Edger­ton, Ex­ec­u­tive Direc­tor of An­i­mal Char­ity Evaluators

Leah_E17 Mar 2020 2:39 UTC
36 points
66 comments1 min readEA link

Poli­ti­cal Op­por­tu­ni­ties for Farm An­i­mals in Europe

EA Forum Archives25 Sep 2020 12:23 UTC
3 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing Char­ity En­trepreneur­ship’s 2023 ideas. Ap­ply now.

KarolinaSarek4 Oct 2022 16:14 UTC
241 points
8 comments11 min readEA link

Re­search for Effec­tive Fish Welfare Work

Jennifer20 Jul 2020 12:05 UTC
32 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

New Fau­n­a­lyt­ics’ Study for Ad­vo­cates on the Im­pact Of Diet & Differ­ent An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Tactics

JLRiedi27 Apr 2022 15:09 UTC
37 points
2 comments4 min readEA link

Anal­y­sis: Which an­i­mal prod­ucts cause the most an­i­mal suffer­ing and deaths in the United States?

Casey Riordan16 Sep 2020 18:38 UTC
57 points
8 comments12 min readEA link

Re­quest For Pro­pos­als: EA An­i­mal Welfare Fund

kierangreig7 May 2021 19:50 UTC
67 points
2 comments4 min readEA link

An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Africa: Re­search Out­comes and Pilot Plans

AnimalAdvocacyAfrica21 Jun 2021 17:10 UTC
41 points
0 comments7 min readEA link

Switzer­land fails to ban fac­tory farm­ing – les­sons for the pur­suit of EA-in­spired poli­cies?

Eleos Arete Citrini25 Sep 2022 19:25 UTC
184 points
29 comments2 min readEA link

Top Char­ity Ideas 2019 - Char­ity Entrepreneurship

KarolinaSarek16 Apr 2019 10:16 UTC
63 points
8 comments8 min readEA link

How to make an im­pact in an­i­mal ad­vo­cacy, a sur­vey.

Joey 🔸27 Aug 2018 0:42 UTC
34 points
8 comments5 min readEA link

[Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Prizes] Con­nec­tion can ac­cel­er­ate the end of fac­tory farming

Steven Rouk31 Aug 2022 19:11 UTC
22 points
0 comments16 min readEA link

Gen­der equity in the farmed an­i­mal movement

EA Forum Archives4 Feb 2019 6:00 UTC
5 points
0 comments6 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing our 2021 ACE Move­ment Grants

Animal Charity Evaluators30 Jul 2021 7:00 UTC
10 points
0 comments16 min readEA link

Novem­ber 2019 An­i­mal Welfare Fund Pay­out Report

SamDeere11 Dec 2019 19:06 UTC
31 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

10 Years of Progress for Farm Animals

EA Forum Archives24 Jan 2020 12:47 UTC
24 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

What in­ter­ven­tions in­fluence an­i­mal-product con­sump­tion? Plain-lan­guage sum­mary of a meta-review

Emily Grundy28 Mar 2022 3:21 UTC
45 points
1 comment2 min readEA link

Ja­son Schukraft: Mo­ral stand­ing and cause pri­ori­ti­za­tion

EA Global24 Oct 2020 19:56 UTC
9 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Natalie Cargill, Seren Kell, & Alex Foster: Clean meat — holy grail or pipe dream?

EA Global3 Nov 2017 7:43 UTC
8 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Jayasimha Nugge­halli: Meet­ing cor­po­rate cage-free egg pledges through im­pact incentives

EA Global21 Nov 2020 8:12 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

ACE Move­ment Grants: 2020 Gran­tee Updates

Animal Charity Evaluators28 Jul 2021 7:00 UTC
9 points
0 comments14 min readEA link

Doc­u­men­taries and Farm Animals

EA Forum Archives14 Feb 2020 13:37 UTC
10 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare: in­vestor/​com­pany the­ory of change | FAIRR as or­gani­sa­tion work­ing in this area, jobs

Ben Yeoh22 Apr 2022 14:27 UTC
11 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Richard Parr: Tak­ing good food global

EA Global20 Jul 2020 15:02 UTC
20 points
0 comments12 min readEA link

Kate Krueger: Grow­ing a sus­tain­able fu­ture through cel­lu­lar agriculture

EA Global1 Jul 2020 13:11 UTC
15 points
0 comments13 min readEA link

Sen­tience In­sti­tute 2021 End of Year Summary

Ali26 Nov 2021 14:40 UTC
66 points
5 comments6 min readEA link

Re­search sum­mary: brain cell counts in Black Soldier Flies (Her­me­tia illu­cens; Diptera: Stra­tiomy­i­dae)

Rethink Priorities15 Aug 2022 23:44 UTC
67 points
2 comments14 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare Fund Grants – March 2020

SamDeere9 Apr 2020 8:48 UTC
27 points
0 comments7 min readEA link

Dona­tion Match for ACE Move­ment Grants

EricHerboso27 Oct 2020 13:28 UTC
5 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare Fund AMA

Jamie_Spurgeon19 Dec 2018 14:48 UTC
21 points
20 comments1 min readEA link

Mar­i­anne van der Werf: An­i­mal ad­vo­cacy in a global context

EA Global20 Aug 2020 13:00 UTC
10 points
0 comments15 min readEA link

Does Sen­tience Leg­is­la­tion help an­i­mals?

Animal Ask9 Dec 2022 10:58 UTC
47 points
0 comments28 min readEA link

Fish used as live bait by recre­ational fishermen

saulius8 Aug 2018 20:56 UTC
65 points
20 comments7 min readEA link

An­nounce­ment: Cal­ling for Ap­pli­ca­tions for the South­east Asia Farm An­i­mal Welfare Fel­low­ship Pro­gramme! [Dead­line: 10 Nov 2021]

Divya Ramagopal28 Oct 2021 4:21 UTC
12 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare Fund: Novem­ber 2020 grant recommendations

SamDeere3 Dec 2020 13:00 UTC
28 points
2 comments7 min readEA link

Ca­reers (to help an­i­mals) in poli­tics, policy, and lobbying

Jamie_Harris30 Aug 2020 10:37 UTC
32 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Where does most of the suffer­ing from eat­ing meat come from?

Gordon Seidoh Worley9 Nov 2021 3:09 UTC
10 points
8 comments1 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing the An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Bi-Weekly Digest (Nov 4 - Nov 18)

JamesÖz18 Nov 2022 14:56 UTC
81 points
8 comments5 min readEA link

The Nav­i­ga­tion Fund launched + is hiring a pro­gram officer to lead the dis­tri­bu­tion of $20M an­nu­ally for AI safety! Full-time, fully re­mote, pay starts at $200k

vincentweisser3 Nov 2023 21:53 UTC
116 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Where ACE staff are giv­ing in 2019 and why

Animal Charity Evaluators27 Dec 2019 2:18 UTC
15 points
0 comments6 min readEA link

[Question] What foun­da­tional sci­ence would help pro­duce clean meat?

richard_ngo13 Nov 2020 13:55 UTC
31 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Claire Za­bel, Lewis Bol­lard, Isha Datar, Bruce Friedrich, To­bias Leenaert, and Alli­son Smith: Re­think­ing meat and the end of fac­tory farming

EA Global5 Aug 2016 9:19 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing our Fall 2020 ACE Move­ment Grants

Animal Charity Evaluators9 Nov 2020 10:35 UTC
14 points
0 comments14 min readEA link

Kelly Witwicki and Kieran Greig: An­i­mal ad­vo­cacy strate­gies — tech­nol­ogy vs. so­cial change

EA Global8 Jun 2018 7:15 UTC
9 points
0 comments13 min readEA link

Peter Singer on the 80K podcast

Jon_Behar18 Dec 2019 17:17 UTC
31 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Next Steps in In­ver­te­brate Welfare, Part 3: Un­der­stand­ing At­ti­tudes and Pos­si­bil­ities

Daniela Waldhorn14 Nov 2019 22:07 UTC
41 points
2 comments25 min readEA link

Leah Gar­cés: Iden­ti­fy­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties for farmed animals

EA Global5 Aug 2020 22:10 UTC
8 points
0 comments9 min readEA link

UK gov­ern­ment plan for an­i­mal welfare

Matt_Sharp12 May 2021 13:50 UTC
20 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Global cochineal pro­duc­tion: scale, welfare con­cerns, and po­ten­tial interventions

abrahamrowe11 Feb 2020 21:33 UTC
48 points
3 comments13 min readEA link

An­i­mal Equal­ity showed that ad­vo­cat­ing for diet change works. But is it cost-effec­tive?

Peter Wildeford7 Jun 2018 4:06 UTC
28 points
22 comments26 min readEA link

Cor­po­rate com­mit­ments breakdown

saulius28 Aug 2019 16:53 UTC
32 points
2 comments4 min readEA link

New study on whether an­i­mal welfare re­forms af­fect wider at­ti­tudes to­wards animals

Jamie_Harris2 May 2022 10:00 UTC
52 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

[Question] How much money donated and to where (in the space of an­i­mal wellbe­ing) would “can­cel out” the harm from leas­ing a com­mer­cial build­ing to a restau­rant that pre­sum­ably uses fac­tory farmed an­i­mals?

spreadlove568323 Aug 2021 19:53 UTC
19 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

[Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Prizes] Farmed An­i­mal Welfare in Sub-Sa­haran Africa

Open Philanthropy24 Aug 2022 10:39 UTC
22 points
4 comments15 min readEA link

Path­ways to vic­tory: How can we end an­i­mal agri­cul­ture?

Animal Ask14 Sep 2022 15:33 UTC
89 points
6 comments62 min readEA link

Fore­casts es­ti­mate limited cul­tured meat pro­duc­tion through 2050

Neil_Dullaghan21 Mar 2022 23:13 UTC
122 points
10 comments27 min readEA link

Global Food Part­ners seek­ing a Mid­dle+ Django Devel­oper to build a Cage-Free Hub

Jayasimha Nuggehalli24 Sep 2021 11:20 UTC
16 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

New skil­led vol­un­teer­ing board for effec­tive an­i­mal advocacy

Jamie_Harris18 Jun 2021 12:27 UTC
31 points
4 comments2 min readEA link

Re­nam­ing our grant pro­gram: ACE Move­ment Grants

Animal Charity Evaluators6 Oct 2020 7:24 UTC
8 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

[Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Prizes] More An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy R&D

Open Philanthropy19 Aug 2022 11:08 UTC
83 points
3 comments10 min readEA link

[Question] Has there been much work on figur­ing out the im­pact of plant-based foods?

ag400024 Jan 2021 19:12 UTC
3 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare & Alter­na­tive Proteins in the United Arab Emirates

ea nyuad26 May 2022 13:44 UTC
29 points
4 comments5 min readEA link

Seven Big Wins for Farm An­i­mals in 2020

EA Forum Archives21 Dec 2020 13:12 UTC
12 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

Lu­cas Al­varenga: A new tool for eval­u­at­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties to help farm an­i­mals globally

EA Global21 Nov 2020 8:12 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare Fund: Ask us any­thing!

kierangreig7 May 2021 19:54 UTC
63 points
130 comments2 min readEA link

Is it bet­ter to be a wild rat or a fac­tory farmed cow? A sys­tem­atic method for com­par­ing an­i­mal welfare.

Joey 🔸17 Sep 2018 23:55 UTC
56 points
22 comments6 min readEA link

The US Meat Sup­ply Crisis

EA Forum Archives28 May 2020 7:00 UTC
3 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

High-im­pact job op­por­tu­nity: Come liti­gate for chick­ens!

alene21 Sep 2021 18:58 UTC
21 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] What is the max­i­mum num­ber of days of pig con­fine­ment that you would ex­change in or­der to save one pi­glet from be­ing crushed?

fullham4 Nov 2021 21:06 UTC
14 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

The death­print of re­plac­ing beef by chicken and in­sect meat

Stijn30 Nov 2022 7:51 UTC
70 points
20 comments10 min readEA link

Veg*n re­ci­di­vism seems im­por­tant, tractable, and neglected

xccf28 Jun 2015 18:33 UTC
18 points
23 comments4 min readEA link

[Question] An­i­mal welfare orgs: what are your soft­ware and data anal­y­sis needs?

BrownHairedEevee4 Jun 2022 22:27 UTC
37 points
11 comments1 min readEA link

The Con­flicted Omnivore

Aaron Gertler30 Dec 2020 11:15 UTC
43 points
4 comments5 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing An­i­mal Ask

Animal Ask9 Nov 2020 11:54 UTC
76 points
4 comments5 min readEA link

On­line Work­ing /​ Com­mu­nity Meetup for the Abo­li­tion of Suffering

Ruth_Fr.31 May 2022 9:16 UTC
7 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

An Ini­tial Re­sponse to MFA’s On­line Ads Study

kierangreig19 Feb 2016 16:43 UTC
5 points
5 comments10 min readEA link

In­de­pen­dent Office of An­i­mal Protection

Animal Ask22 Nov 2022 12:00 UTC
30 points
2 comments25 min readEA link

Alexan­dria Beck: How the Open Wing Alli­ance is driv­ing progress worldwide

EA Global7 Jul 2020 14:32 UTC
13 points
0 comments11 min readEA link

[Question] Suggest a ques­tion for Bruce Friedrich of GFI

finm5 Sep 2020 17:55 UTC
8 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

On the Differ­ences Between Eco­mod­ernism and Effec­tive Altruism

PeterSlattery6 Dec 2022 1:21 UTC
38 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

The cost of slow growth chickens

cole_haus12 Sep 2019 17:46 UTC
18 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Pre­sent­ing: 2021 In­cu­bated Char­i­ties (Char­ity En­trepreneur­ship)

Joey 🔸7 Oct 2021 11:06 UTC
135 points
3 comments7 min readEA link

170 to 700 billion fish raised and fed live to man­darin fish in China per year

MichaelStJules8 Jun 2024 0:45 UTC
113 points
1 comment18 min readEA link

Shal­low overview of in­sti­tu­tional plant-based meal cam­paigns in the US & Western Europe

Neil_Dullaghan8 May 2024 19:23 UTC
37 points
1 comment2 min readEA link

Do coun­tries com­ply with EU an­i­mal welfare laws?

Neil_Dullaghan17 Aug 2020 1:18 UTC
67 points
0 comments80 min readEA link

Should an­i­mal ad­vo­cates donate now or later? A few con­sid­er­a­tions and a re­quest for more.

MichaelStJules13 Nov 2019 7:30 UTC
25 points
3 comments3 min readEA link

Marie Gib­bons and Natalie Cargill: Meat with­out suffering

EA Global8 Jun 2018 7:15 UTC
10 points
0 comments12 min readEA link

Beliefs About Chick­ens & Fish And Their Re­la­tion­ship To An­i­mal-Pos­i­tive Behaviors

Casey Riordan11 Nov 2020 17:04 UTC
11 points
0 comments9 min readEA link

COVID-19 and Farm Animals

EA Forum Archives7 Apr 2020 7:00 UTC
3 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

New EA Fish Orgs: Col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween Fish Welfare Ini­ti­a­tive and Aquatic Life Institute

william4 Jun 2020 15:40 UTC
67 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

Farmed An­i­mal Fun­ders’ Re­quest for Pro­pos­als: Pooled Fund Ideas Towards End­ing Fac­tory Farming

Zoë Sigle3 Apr 2024 17:07 UTC
40 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

kbog did an oop­sie! (new meat eater prob­lem num­bers)

kbog15 Feb 2019 15:17 UTC
26 points
8 comments2 min readEA link

[Question] Is it more eth­i­cal to adopt a ve­gan or veg­e­tar­ian diet in a coun­try like Pak­istan?

DoGooder30 Jan 2024 16:11 UTC
18 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

James Spur­geon: Path­ways into an­i­mal ad­vo­cacy research

EA Global3 Nov 2017 7:43 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal agri­cul­ture and cli­mate change

EA Forum Archives2 May 2019 5:00 UTC
4 points
0 comments6 min readEA link

AMA: Lewis Bol­lard, Pro­gram Direc­tor of Farm An­i­mal Welfare at OpenPhil

Toby Tremlett🔹1 May 2024 8:20 UTC
110 points
94 comments1 min readEA link

Lewis Bol­lard: Chang­ing cor­po­rate and pub­lic policy — les­sons from farm an­i­mal advocacy

EA Global2 Jun 2017 8:48 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Founders Pledge’s Cli­mate Change Fund might be more cost-effec­tive than GiveWell’s top char­i­ties, but it is much less cost-effec­tive than cor­po­rate cam­paigns for chicken welfare?

Vasco Grilo🔸5 May 2024 9:10 UTC
60 points
13 comments9 min readEA link

New cause area: bi­valve aquaculture

Brian Lui12 Jun 2022 11:14 UTC
99 points
38 comments4 min readEA link

Thoughts on the Re­duc­etar­ian Labs MTurk Study

Peter Wildeford2 Dec 2016 17:12 UTC
15 points
10 comments10 min readEA link

An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Digest #4: Dec 24th- Jan 20th

JamesÖz20 Jan 2023 11:11 UTC
43 points
1 comment4 min readEA link

An­i­mal Ethics work in 2020

Animal_Ethics27 Dec 2020 17:58 UTC
19 points
0 comments8 min readEA link

New Fau­n­a­lyt­ics Study on Re­form­ing An­i­mal Agri­cul­ture Sub­sidies: A Guide for Advocates

JLRiedi25 Jan 2023 16:34 UTC
35 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

Poor meat eater problem

Alex HT10 Jul 2020 8:13 UTC
24 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Ca­reers (Web­site to ex­plore)

EA Handbook20 Jul 2022 23:00 UTC
8 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Longter­mism and an­i­mal advocacy

Tobias_Baumann11 Nov 2020 17:44 UTC
98 points
8 comments4 min readEA link

No in­juries were reported

JulianHazell14 Feb 2023 2:18 UTC
379 points
10 comments2 min readEA link

Jacy Reese: An­i­mal ad­vo­cacy I

EA Global28 Aug 2015 8:37 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Hu­man­ity’s vast fu­ture and its im­pli­ca­tions for cause prioritization

BrownHairedEevee26 Jul 2022 5:04 UTC
38 points
3 comments4 min readEA link

Bruce Friedrich: Can food tech­nol­ogy and mar­kets get us to an­i­mal liber­a­tion?

EA Global2 Jun 2017 8:48 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

ACE Recom­mended Char­ity Fund: Six Month Up­date (July 2020)

Animal Charity Evaluators27 Jul 2020 20:02 UTC
11 points
0 comments9 min readEA link

Ev­i­dence from two stud­ies of EA ca­reers ad­vice interventions

Jamie_Harris29 Sep 2021 15:47 UTC
84 points
7 comments10 min readEA link

Open Phil’s farm an­i­mal welfare team is hiring!

LewisBollard29 Mar 2022 16:50 UTC
54 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

The scale of an­i­mal agriculture

MichaelStJules16 May 2024 4:01 UTC
49 points
4 comments3 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing our 2021 char­ity recommendations

Animal Charity Evaluators24 Nov 2021 14:53 UTC
9 points
17 comments5 min readEA link

[Question] What is the for­mal defi­ni­tion of a ‘Fac­tory Farm’?

Matt Goodman14 Mar 2023 14:14 UTC
5 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Bruce Friedrich: From ag­i­ta­tor to innovator

EA Global8 Jun 2018 7:15 UTC
9 points
1 comment17 min readEA link

How much should we fo­cus on slaugh­ter?

EA Forum Archives19 Jul 2018 5:00 UTC
2 points
0 comments6 min readEA link

Com­par­i­son chart of our 2020 recom­mended charities

Animal Charity Evaluators21 Jan 2021 2:03 UTC
15 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

De­stroy the “ne­oliberal hal­lu­ci­na­tion” & fight for an­i­mal rights through open res­cue.

Chloe Leffakis15 Aug 2023 4:47 UTC
−17 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

[Job Post­ing] Oper­a­tions Gen­er­al­ist at Farmed An­i­mal Fun­ders

kierangreig27 Jul 2021 14:47 UTC
19 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Food Safety: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Oc­to­ber 16, 2023)

BrownHairedEevee21 Oct 2023 21:14 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Healthier Hens Y2 up­date in­clud­ing im­pact es­ti­mates and pos­si­ble next steps

lukasj104 Oct 2023 10:26 UTC
43 points
4 comments10 min readEA link

Scale of the welfare of var­i­ous an­i­mal populations

Vasco Grilo🔸19 Mar 2023 7:10 UTC
58 points
24 comments5 min readEA link

What Is It Like For An­i­mals To Suffer?

ozymandias22 Jun 2021 7:00 UTC
15 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Prizes sub­mis­sion: bi­valve aquaculture

Brian Lui27 Jun 2022 13:41 UTC
35 points
3 comments11 min readEA link

[Sum­mary] Im­pacts of An­i­mal Well‐Be­ing and Welfare Me­dia on Meat Demand

MichaelStJules5 Nov 2020 9:11 UTC
40 points
11 comments6 min readEA link

The Promise and Per­ils of In­sect Farming

EA Forum Archives10 May 2021 7:00 UTC
18 points
0 comments6 min readEA link

Lewis Bol­lard: Global farm an­i­mal welfare opportunities

EA Global11 Aug 2017 8:19 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Bad­ness of eat­ing farmed an­i­mals in terms of smok­ing cigarettes

Vasco Grilo🔸22 Jul 2023 8:45 UTC
26 points
2 comments6 min readEA link

Cost-effec­tive­ness of buy­ing or­ganic in­stead of barn eggs

Vasco Grilo🔸14 Jun 2024 16:29 UTC
22 points
2 comments3 min readEA link

A New Re­source for Effec­tive Vol­un­teerism & Ac­tivism in Minutes

Nicholas Kruus24 Jul 2023 17:38 UTC
42 points
8 comments1 min readEA link

Net global welfare may be nega­tive and declining

kyle_fish26 Sep 2023 18:49 UTC
283 points
50 comments8 min readEA link

“Di­men­sions of Pain” work­shop: Sum­mary and up­dated conclusions

Rethink Priorities21 Aug 2023 15:56 UTC
88 points
8 comments13 min readEA link

The EA An­i­mal Welfare Fund Has Sig­nifi­cant Room For More Funding

kierangreig1 Dec 2021 0:10 UTC
68 points
6 comments3 min readEA link

The EA An­i­mal Welfare Fund is look­ing for guest fund managers

Neil_Dullaghan4 Nov 2023 22:37 UTC
84 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing Fo­cus Philanthropy

Focus Philanthropy27 Mar 2023 10:06 UTC
74 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

An In­tro­duc­tion to the Mo­ral Weight Project

Bob Fischer31 Oct 2022 9:13 UTC
179 points
6 comments10 min readEA link

Assess­ing bio­mark­ers of age­ing as mea­sures of cu­mu­la­tive an­i­mal welfare

Will Bradshaw27 Sep 2019 8:00 UTC
74 points
13 comments21 min readEA link

The Case for Rare Chi­nese Tofus

George Stiffman8 Feb 2022 6:12 UTC
203 points
55 comments9 min readEA link

[Question] Thoughts on Ore­gon IP3?

IsabelHasse5 Apr 2023 3:36 UTC
5 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Lewis Bol­lard: Do­ing the most good for an­i­mals post-COVID-19

EA Global12 Nov 2020 16:46 UTC
16 points
0 comments20 min readEA link

Shrimp Welfare − 2020 Recom­mended idea

KarolinaSarek10 Nov 2020 11:46 UTC
38 points
4 comments46 min readEA link

An­tibiotic re­sis­tance and meat: why we should be care­ful in as­sign­ing blame

C Tilli17 Jun 2020 8:00 UTC
74 points
15 comments4 min readEA link

Fish Welfare Ini­ti­a­tive: The 2.5 Year Retrospective

haven18 Dec 2021 9:07 UTC
94 points
2 comments12 min readEA link

Pro­ject: bio­eng­ineer­ing an all-fe­male breed of chicken to end chick culling

Cienna28 Apr 2022 14:08 UTC
45 points
15 comments8 min readEA link

My New Game On An­i­mal Welfare Just Came Out!

scottxmulligan15 Jun 2021 23:56 UTC
19 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Cost-effec­tive­ness of School Plates

Vasco Grilo🔸25 May 2024 9:01 UTC
33 points
12 comments3 min readEA link

Thoughts on the welfare of farmed insects

Max_Carpendale8 May 2019 19:22 UTC
35 points
11 comments8 min readEA link

Mov­able Vir­tual Fenc­ing Sys­tems and Live­stock Welfare

Open Philanthropy23 Aug 2022 11:41 UTC
9 points
0 comments11 min readEA link

[Question] New EA cause area: Breed­ing re­ally dumb chickens

Sam Enright20 Feb 2022 12:26 UTC
40 points
10 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Are you op­ti­mistic about the com­mer­cial­iza­tion of alt pro­teins in 2023 and be­yond?

BrownHairedEevee29 Apr 2023 22:20 UTC
24 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing Stan­ford’s new Hu­mane & Sus­tain­able Food Lab

MMathur30 Apr 2023 1:14 UTC
84 points
12 comments5 min readEA link

Should we min­i­mize the suffer­ing felt next year or speed up ne­glected welfare im­prove­ments? A sim­ple model

GeorgeBridgwater20 Jan 2020 8:22 UTC
13 points
1 comment5 min readEA link

AMA: The Hu­mane League UK—farmed an­i­mal welfare, our fund­ing gap and match fund­ing cam­paign. Ask us any­thing.

Gavin Chappell-Bates13 Nov 2023 12:36 UTC
64 points
20 comments4 min readEA link

In­cen­tivis­ing peo­ple to learn about plant based eat­ing by pay­ing them.

Johannes B8 Sep 2022 11:20 UTC
21 points
6 comments2 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing An­i­mal Policy International

Rainer Kravets4 May 2023 15:42 UTC
168 points
12 comments3 min readEA link

Nick Cooney: An­i­mal ad­vo­cacy III

EA Global28 Aug 2015 9:16 UTC
6 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Maybe Fam­ily Plan­ning Char­i­ties Are Bet­ter For Farmed An­i­mals Than An­i­mal Welfare Ones

Hank_B6 May 2023 2:02 UTC
97 points
33 comments2 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing the Launch of the Na­tional Ob­ser­va­tory on In­sect Farm­ing in France—ONEI

Corentin D. Biteau 🔸29 May 2024 16:36 UTC
84 points
8 comments2 min readEA link

Link: EU con­sid­ers drop­ping stric­ter an­i­mal welfare mea­sures (Fi­nan­cial Times)

Matt Goodman12 Sep 2023 18:33 UTC
74 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Difficult to get a job in EA not liv­ing in the West? An­i­mal ad­vo­cacy ca­reers can im­pact mil­lions of an­i­mals any­where in the world

Animal Advocacy Careers13 Sep 2023 13:34 UTC
88 points
0 comments9 min readEA link

What is An­i­mal Farm­ing in Ru­ral Zam­bia Like? A Site Visit

Peter Wildeford19 Feb 2018 20:49 UTC
18 points
6 comments3 min readEA link

A New Book to In­tro­duce Peo­ple to Eth­i­cal Vegetarianism

Sam Enright9 Feb 2022 22:19 UTC
29 points
6 comments2 min readEA link

The big prob­lem with how we do outreach

Lila26 Dec 2015 19:36 UTC
18 points
18 comments2 min readEA link

FAQ: ACE’s An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Re­search Fund

Animal Charity Evaluators6 Jan 2021 22:54 UTC
6 points
3 comments7 min readEA link

Ways EU law might mat­ter for farmed animals

Neil_Dullaghan17 Aug 2020 1:16 UTC
53 points
0 comments16 min readEA link

[Question] EA to­wards hu­mans = effec­tive vi­o­lence to­wards farm an­i­mals?

Nicolas_Feil3 Dec 2020 17:22 UTC
7 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

The Meat Eater Problem

Vasco Grilo🔸17 Jun 2023 6:52 UTC
56 points
1 comment7 min readEA link

Four pod­cast epi­sodes on an­i­mal advocacy

finm25 Jan 2021 13:40 UTC
7 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Strat­egy Fo­rum 2023 Summary

Neil_Dullaghan20 Nov 2023 21:55 UTC
61 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

The Com­mon Sense View on Meat Im­plies Some Pretty Rad­i­cal Con­clu­sions

Omnizoid14 Jun 2023 4:34 UTC
87 points
22 comments4 min readEA link

ACE In­ter­views: Eve Samyuk­tha (Ve­gans of Shang­hai)

Animal Charity Evaluators13 Sep 2019 7:00 UTC
6 points
0 comments13 min readEA link

Linkpost—dawn­watch ‘Peter Singer is not An­i­mal Liber­a­tion Now’

Charlotte Darnell20 Jun 2023 14:04 UTC
1 point
33 comments1 min readEA link

Fauna Con­nec­tions—a free re­mote sym­po­sium for an­i­mal advocates

JLRiedi3 Aug 2022 21:57 UTC
9 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Lewis Bol­lard: End­ing fac­tory farming

EA Global8 Jun 2018 7:15 UTC
10 points
0 comments13 min readEA link

Why Is Meat So Cheap?

EA Forum Archives4 Oct 2019 7:00 UTC
7 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

Healthier Hens Y1 up­date in­clud­ing challenges so far and a call for funding

lukasj1018 Oct 2022 16:41 UTC
57 points
2 comments6 min readEA link

Open Philan­thropy Staff: Sugges­tions for In­di­vi­d­ual Donors (2020)

Aaron Gertler2 Dec 2020 12:08 UTC
11 points
1 comment7 min readEA link

Pri­ori­tis­ing an­i­mal welfare over global health and de­vel­op­ment?

Vasco Grilo🔸13 May 2023 9:03 UTC
109 points
46 comments18 min readEA link

Vege­tar­i­anism, health, and pro­mot­ing the right changes

William_MacAskill7 Jun 2013 4:00 UTC
3 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Farmed an­i­mals are neglected

Vasco Grilo🔸24 Jun 2024 16:49 UTC
104 points
16 comments4 min readEA link

Rank­ing an­i­mal foods based on suffer­ing and GHG emissions

VilleSokk20 Jan 2021 20:21 UTC
117 points
36 comments2 min readEA link

Carl Shul­man — How are brain mass (and neu­rons) dis­tributed among hu­mans and the ma­jor farmed land an­i­mals?

Tessa10 Sep 2013 23:22 UTC
41 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Does the US pub­lic sup­port rad­i­cal ac­tion against fac­tory farm­ing in the name of an­i­mal welfare?

Neil_Dullaghan9 Nov 2022 22:13 UTC
128 points
10 comments11 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare Fund: May 2021 grant recommendations

kierangreig22 May 2021 3:44 UTC
26 points
0 comments16 min readEA link

[Link Post] If We Don’t End Fac­tory Farm­ing Soon, It Might Be Here For­ever.

BrianK7 Dec 2022 11:20 UTC
90 points
13 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal-free pro­teins: A bright out­look and a to-do list (BCG re­port)

FGH28 Mar 2021 7:27 UTC
47 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Know any­one in­ter­ested in liti­ga­tion?

aanello18 Jun 2021 5:54 UTC
20 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare: UK Govern­ment roles re­cruit­ing

Ben Yeoh7 May 2022 11:21 UTC
32 points
1 comment5 min readEA link

Pro­ject Idea: The cost of Coc­ci­dio­sis on Chicken farm­ing and if AI can help

Max Harris26 Sep 2022 16:30 UTC
25 points
8 comments2 min readEA link

Jose Valle: Vir­tual re­al­ity for pro­mot­ing empathy

EA Global11 Aug 2017 8:19 UTC
7 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Recom­mended Char­ity Fund: Six-Month Update

Animal Charity Evaluators2 Aug 2021 23:57 UTC
10 points
0 comments13 min readEA link

Em­pha­size Vege­tar­ian Retention

ozymandias10 Jun 2022 18:50 UTC
69 points
18 comments2 min readEA link

The moral­ity of hav­ing a meat-eat­ing pet

MichaelDello3 Jun 2016 10:33 UTC
5 points
21 comments3 min readEA link

Are China and In­dia the most promis­ing coun­tries for an­i­mal ad­vo­cacy? A sys­tem­atic coun­try comparison

KarolinaSarek9 Aug 2019 10:22 UTC
74 points
5 comments5 min readEA link

Plant-Based Meat Man­u­fac­tur­ing Ca­pac­ity Shortage in Europe 2020 − 2030

Rainer Kravets23 Jun 2022 10:17 UTC
10 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

Ap­ply for fund­ing from ACE move­ment grants

Animal Charity Evaluators23 Feb 2021 21:43 UTC
5 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

Key Les­sons From So­cial Move­ment History

Jamie_Harris30 Jun 2021 17:05 UTC
122 points
24 comments11 min readEA link

How to Lower the Price of Plant-Based Meat

EA Forum Archives12 Aug 2020 7:00 UTC
5 points
0 comments6 min readEA link

A year of wins for farmed animals

Vasco Grilo🔸24 Dec 2023 12:18 UTC
171 points
5 comments3 min readEA link

Jamie Har­ris: Max­i­mize your im­pact for animals

EA Global11 Nov 2020 17:30 UTC
10 points
0 comments11 min readEA link

On the longter­mist case for work­ing on farmed an­i­mals [Uncer­tain­ties & re­search ideas]

MichaelA11 Apr 2021 6:49 UTC
78 points
12 comments8 min readEA link

Effec­tive an­i­mal ad­vo­cacy bot­tle­necks surveys

Jamie_Harris13 Jan 2021 13:38 UTC
31 points
0 comments32 min readEA link

An­i­mal welfare EA and per­sonal dietary options

RobBensinger5 Jan 2022 18:53 UTC
17 points
10 comments3 min readEA link

Bruce Friedrich & Paul Shapiro: Fireside chat (2017)

EA Global11 Aug 2017 8:19 UTC
6 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Po­ten­tial The­o­ries of Change for the An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy movement

JamesÖz9 Feb 2022 22:13 UTC
78 points
7 comments15 min readEA link

Cor­po­rate Cam­paigns: de­ter­min­ing the scale of the ask

Animal Ask11 Oct 2022 14:40 UTC
35 points
2 comments24 min readEA link

Linkpost: Prospec­tive cost-effec­tive­ness of farmed fish stun­ning cor­po­rate com­mit­ments in Europe

Sagar K Shah15 Mar 2024 15:06 UTC
74 points
5 comments2 min readEA link

Mar­cus Davis: Re­think Pri­ori­ties — em­piri­cal re­search on ne­glected causes

EA Global9 Jul 2020 14:51 UTC
37 points
3 comments10 min readEA link

35 In­de­pen­dent Pie­ces of Ev­i­dence for Why New Cor­po­rate Cam­paigns Might (or Might Not) Work

KarolinaSarek23 May 2019 15:30 UTC
51 points
12 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Needed: Vol­un­teer fore­cast­ers for Fish Welfare Initiative

haven21 Nov 2020 19:15 UTC
18 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare League 2023 Review

Animal Welfare League 18 Mar 2024 14:23 UTC
27 points
1 comment9 min readEA link

An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Digest #3: Dec 2nd—Dec 23rd

JamesÖz23 Dec 2022 13:02 UTC
35 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

Why I’m Not Vegan

Jeff Kaufman9 Apr 2020 13:00 UTC
5 points
61 comments2 min readEA link

Which an­i­mals need the most help from the an­i­mal ad­vo­cacy move­ment?

Joey 🔸4 Dec 2018 20:29 UTC
52 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

First FDA Cul­tured Meat Safety Ap­proval

Ben_West🔸19 Nov 2022 0:09 UTC
131 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing our sum­mer 2020 ACE Move­ment Grants

Animal Charity Evaluators12 Oct 2020 18:28 UTC
24 points
4 comments9 min readEA link

What is the cur­rent best es­ti­mate of the cu­mu­la­tive elas­tic­ity of chicken?

Eli Rose3 May 2019 3:27 UTC
22 points
15 comments1 min readEA link

[Job] Web Developer

Brendon18 Oct 2022 22:27 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Will com­pa­nies make good on cage-free pledges?

EA Forum Archives9 Jul 2019 5:00 UTC
6 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

Sperm sort­ing in cattle

Koushik Raghavan15 Jul 2019 2:50 UTC
20 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Divest­ment From An­i­mal Agri­cul­ture: What Does It Achieve?

Animal Ask16 Mar 2022 10:34 UTC
63 points
3 comments34 min readEA link

How can you do the most good for an­i­mals?

EA Forum Archives21 Dec 2018 22:12 UTC
1 point
0 comments6 min readEA link

link to AMA from An­i­mal Char­ity Eval­u­a­tors

davidc28 Nov 2022 18:09 UTC
12 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

The 2018 elec­tions and farm animals

EA Forum Archives4 Oct 2018 5:00 UTC
1 point
0 comments5 min readEA link

In­dus­trial farm­ing is one of the worst crimes in history

EA Handbook25 Sep 2015 7:00 UTC
9 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

New Fau­n­a­lyt­ics’ Study for Ad­vo­cates Work­ing on Chicken and Fish Welfare

JLRiedi26 Jan 2022 17:08 UTC
17 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

Bulk­ing in­for­ma­tion ad­di­tion­al­ities in global de­vel­op­ment for medium-term lo­cal prosperity

brb24311 Apr 2022 17:52 UTC
4 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

An­i­mal Rights, The Sin­gu­lar­ity, and Astro­nom­i­cal Suffering

sapphire20 Aug 2020 20:23 UTC
51 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

[Question] Ap­ply­ing data sci­ence/​ML to plant-based/​cul­tured meat

puratchi_vinnani26 Sep 2022 8:01 UTC
16 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing our 2022 char­ity recommendations

Animal Charity Evaluators22 Nov 2022 19:08 UTC
113 points
9 comments7 min readEA link

[Question] How much do cul­tured an­i­mal prod­ucts cost in 2020?

Tetraspace30 Jun 2020 16:10 UTC
8 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

[Link] US Egg Pro­duc­tion Data Set

samaramendez12 Aug 2019 17:17 UTC
15 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Ca­reer ad­vice for Aus­tralian sci­ence un­der­grad in­ter­ested in welfare biology

ripbennyharvey21 Jul 2021 5:53 UTC
20 points
6 comments2 min readEA link

AMA: I’ve au­thored a new book (After Meat) about the tech­nolog­i­cal limits of an­i­mals for pro­duc­tion and why we’ll do better

Karthik Sekar1 Dec 2021 20:51 UTC
66 points
6 comments2 min readEA link

The In­di­vi­d­ual and the Bathwater

Tom_Beggs29 Nov 2019 14:17 UTC
51 points
3 comments5 min readEA link

Mo­ral Weights of An­i­mals, Con­sid­er­ing View­point Uncertainty

rogersbacon117 Jul 2022 19:52 UTC
17 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Which coun­tries should be pri­ori­tised in pre­vent­ing the in­ten­sifi­ca­tion of fac­tory farm­ing in Sub Sa­haran Africa?

Aashish K17 Mar 2024 17:52 UTC
22 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] What are the ethics of eat­ing car­nivorous an­i­mals?

George Stiffman22 Jul 2022 18:14 UTC
21 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Q&A with Leah Edger­ton, Ex­ec­u­tive Direc­tor of An­i­mal Char­ity Evaluators

EA Global17 Jul 2020 15:27 UTC
12 points
1 comment20 min readEA link

EA-al­igned pod­cast with Lewis Bollard

Garrison15 Aug 2019 14:48 UTC
32 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal ad­vo­cacy: Lob­by­ing through pub­lic consultation

Animal Ask25 Mar 2024 14:24 UTC
16 points
1 comment23 min readEA link

Band­ing To­gether to Ban Oc­to­pus Farming

Tessa @ ALI30 Nov 2022 14:14 UTC
119 points
12 comments7 min readEA link

Grow­ing the US tofu mar­ket—a roadmap

George Stiffman20 Oct 2022 16:46 UTC
281 points
37 comments18 min readEA link

New re­search plans from The Hu­mane League Labs

samaramendez30 Jan 2020 19:34 UTC
20 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

How much cur­rent an­i­mal suffer­ing does longter­mism let us ig­nore?

Jacob Eliosoff21 Apr 2022 9:10 UTC
40 points
50 comments7 min readEA link

Wide­spread val­ues brainstorming

brb24315 Mar 2022 12:45 UTC
9 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Ad­ding Nuance to the Small An­i­mal Re­place­ment Prob­lem: Mo­ral Cir­cle Expansion

Steven Rouk28 Oct 2022 19:27 UTC
34 points
1 comment10 min readEA link

Global perfor­mance in­di­ca­tors: Could they help im­prove an­i­mal welfare policy?

Animal Ask27 Mar 2024 14:57 UTC
25 points
3 comments15 min readEA link

Rea­sons to eat meat

kbog21 Apr 2019 20:37 UTC
42 points
43 comments3 min readEA link

The Fu­ture Might Not Be So Great

Jacy30 Jun 2022 13:01 UTC
141 points
118 comments32 min readEA link

ACE Re­port on An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy in India

MelissaMG15 Aug 2019 20:47 UTC
19 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

So­cial sci­ence re­search we’d like to see on an­i­mal welfare [Open Philan­thropy]

Martin Gould11 Jan 2024 18:46 UTC
89 points
8 comments5 min readEA link

Fauna Con­nec­tions—a free re­mote sym­po­sium for an­i­mal advocates

JLRiedi4 Aug 2022 19:44 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing new lead­er­ship in An­i­mal Char­ity Eval­u­a­tors’ Re­search team

Animal Charity Evaluators17 Nov 2022 20:55 UTC
174 points
6 comments3 min readEA link

How can we get the world to talk about fac­tory farm­ing?

LewisBollard27 Jun 2024 18:24 UTC
154 points
11 comments6 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing Im­pact­ful An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Com­mu­nity Newslet­ter!

SofiaBalderson15 Jun 2022 19:08 UTC
35 points
1 comment2 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing the first is­sue of Asterisk

Clara Collier21 Nov 2022 18:51 UTC
275 points
47 comments1 min readEA link

Suggest a ques­tion for Peter Singer

finm5 Sep 2020 17:37 UTC
16 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

Longter­mism and An­i­mal Farm­ing Trajectories

MichaelDello27 Dec 2022 0:58 UTC
51 points
8 comments17 min readEA link

An­i­mal product al­ter­na­tives for-profit roles spot-check

Jamie_Harris19 Nov 2020 7:31 UTC
21 points
0 comments17 min readEA link

[Question] Trad­ing off ve­g­anism and wild an­i­mal suffering

Ed Hunt15 Aug 2022 16:01 UTC
18 points
6 comments2 min readEA link

More Thoughts (and Anal­y­sis) on the Mercy For An­i­mals On­line Ads Study

Peter Wildeford27 May 2016 3:00 UTC
13 points
15 comments22 min readEA link

Com­par­ing Four Cause Areas for Found­ing New Charities

Joey 🔸24 Jan 2020 12:58 UTC
39 points
3 comments5 min readEA link

Book Re­view: The End of An­i­mal Farm­ing (Jacy Reese, 2018)

Jamie_Harris17 Dec 2018 22:26 UTC
9 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Prizes: Pub­lish­ing Com­pre­hen­sive Books Which Make the Case for Effec­tive Cor­po­rate An­i­mal Welfare Cam­paigns via a Writ­ing Con­test for Po­ten­tial Authors

Enginar16 Jul 2022 8:31 UTC
9 points
2 comments17 min readEA link

Mo­ral weights for var­i­ous species and distributions

Vasco Grilo🔸3 Jul 2022 18:19 UTC
15 points
10 comments3 min readEA link

Re­quest for pro­posal—EA An­i­mal Welfare Fund

KarolinaSarek28 May 2020 3:02 UTC
35 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

New Re­port on the Welfare Differ­ences Between Cage and Cage-Free Housing

Ajeya14 Sep 2017 10:28 UTC
4 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

Is veg­e­tar­i­anism/​ve­g­anism grow­ing more par­ti­san over time?

schmiessja23 Jan 2020 6:14 UTC
56 points
3 comments8 min readEA link

What’s up with the King Amend­ment?

EA Forum Archives25 May 2018 5:00 UTC
1 point
0 comments4 min readEA link

Ve­ganism, Op­ti­mal Health, and In­tel­lec­tual Honesty

Michael_2358 🔸19 Dec 2022 14:31 UTC
33 points
19 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Ca­reers 2021 Plans and 2020 Review

lauren_mee17 Feb 2021 13:32 UTC
71 points
3 comments5 min readEA link

Lewis Bol­lard: Farm an­i­mal welfare and al­ter­na­tive pro­tein op­por­tu­ni­ties in Asia-Pacific

EA Global21 Nov 2020 8:12 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Food for­tifi­ca­tion of fac­tory farmed an­i­mals’ food - CE ask report

KarolinaSarek9 Nov 2018 12:45 UTC
15 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

The Deter­mi­nants of Adopt­ing In­ter­na­tional Vol­un­tary Cer­tifi­ca­tion Schemes for Farmed Fish and Shrimp in China and Thailand

jojo_lee17 Nov 2022 12:02 UTC
53 points
0 comments67 min readEA link

[Question] Is this a valid ar­gu­ment against clean meat?

orenmn17 May 2019 6:00 UTC
13 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

A di­rect way to re­duce the catch of wild fish

Ren Ryba21 Jun 2022 10:09 UTC
17 points
12 comments9 min readEA link

CE: Who un­der­rates their like­li­hood of suc­cess. Why ap­ply­ing is worth­while.

SteveThompson3 Nov 2022 10:17 UTC
162 points
21 comments4 min readEA link

Le­gal Pri­ori­ties Re­search: A Re­search Agenda

jonasschuett6 Jan 2021 21:47 UTC
58 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Im­pact En­trepreneurs Wanted to Help Farmed An­i­mals and Climate

Che Green3 Apr 2024 16:24 UTC
11 points
1 comment3 min readEA link

Sav­ing Chick­ens, Sav­ing Humanity

Blake8 Aug 2022 16:26 UTC
12 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] How should longter­mists think about eat­ing meat?

lukasb16 May 2020 20:21 UTC
21 points
29 comments1 min readEA link

Lev­er­ag­ing Blockchain and Web3 tech­nolo­gies to re­move an­i­mals from in­dus­trial agriculture

cfirestone11 Jun 2022 7:14 UTC
13 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Healthier Hens Y2.5 up­date and new avenues

lukasj1019 Apr 2024 16:55 UTC
54 points
4 comments7 min readEA link

[Question] EA’s Achieve­ments in 2022

ElliotJDavies14 Dec 2022 14:33 UTC
98 points
11 comments1 min readEA link

An­tibiotic re­sis­tance: Should an­i­mal ad­vo­cates in­ter­vene?

Bella14 Aug 2020 12:29 UTC
61 points
5 comments11 min readEA link

Marginal Cases, On Trial

Devin Kalish22 Jun 2022 20:06 UTC
18 points
0 comments21 min readEA link

Po­ten­tially high-im­pact job: Colorado Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture, Bureau of An­i­mal Pro­tec­tion Manager

alene10 Dec 2021 0:00 UTC
16 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

Sum­mary: The Im­por­tance of End-of-Life Welfare | Brown­ing & Veit

Vasco Grilo🔸22 Apr 2022 10:19 UTC
7 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Meat Tax: Why Chick­ens Pay The Price

Animal Ask16 Mar 2022 10:34 UTC
77 points
1 comment41 min readEA link


Kayode Adekoya28 Aug 2022 7:12 UTC
7 points
0 comments9 min readEA link

Which in­sti­tu­tional tac­tics can an­i­mal ad­vo­cates use?

Jamie_Harris29 Apr 2020 14:11 UTC
17 points
0 comments10 min readEA link

Please Test/​Share my New Ve­gan Video Game

scottxmulligan29 May 2021 22:21 UTC
24 points
10 comments1 min readEA link

New Fau­n­a­lyt­ics’ Study On The Bar­ri­ers And Strate­gies For Suc­cess When Go­ing Ve­gan or Vegetarian

JLRiedi7 Sep 2022 16:20 UTC
42 points
4 comments5 min readEA link

Ex­cerpt from ‘Do­ing Good Bet­ter’: How Vege­tar­i­anism De­creases An­i­mal Product Supply

Evan_Gaensbauer13 Apr 2018 22:10 UTC
12 points
21 comments2 min readEA link

Ni­cole Rawl­ing, Nick Rousseau, and Kyle Fish: What role might in­sects play as part of the fu­ture of food?

EA Global5 Apr 2019 15:31 UTC
9 points
0 comments26 min readEA link

Test Your Knowl­edge of the World’s Biggest Problems

AndreFerretti9 Nov 2022 16:04 UTC
29 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Two Inad­e­quate Ar­gu­ments against Mo­ral Vegetarianism

Erich_Grunewald30 Jan 2021 10:16 UTC
7 points
4 comments5 min readEA link

Health Be­hav­ior In­ter­ven­tions Liter­a­ture Review

Jamie_Harris24 Jul 2020 16:21 UTC
25 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Africa’s 2022 Re­view—Our Achieve­ments and 2023 Strategy

AnimalAdvocacyAfrica23 Dec 2022 20:14 UTC
72 points
2 comments14 min readEA link

(Video) Why Ve­gans Are So Annoying

cryptopsyfan694206 Sep 2021 4:11 UTC
4 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Con­crete next steps for age­ing-based welfare measures

Will Bradshaw1 Nov 2019 14:55 UTC
38 points
3 comments7 min readEA link

Sam Bankman-Fried should spend $100M on short-term pro­jects now

Yitz31 May 2022 19:17 UTC
16 points
14 comments3 min readEA link

The Liber­a­tion Pledge

nico stubler25 Jan 2022 19:27 UTC
9 points
50 comments36 min readEA link

Can a Ve­gan Diet Be Healthy? A Liter­a­ture Review

Erich_Grunewald12 Mar 2021 12:47 UTC
60 points
21 comments11 min readEA link

Which asks should be pri­ori­tized in an­i­mal ad­vo­cacy? - Char­ity Entrepreneurship

KarolinaSarek29 Mar 2019 13:14 UTC
27 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

Sa­cred Cow: has the Effec­tive Altru­ism com­mu­nity had its view on an­i­mal hus­bandry challenged?

edwardmdruce29 Aug 2022 15:59 UTC
8 points
12 comments5 min readEA link

Char­ity En­trepreneur­ship’s 2020 re­search plans

KarolinaSarek3 Apr 2020 3:33 UTC
55 points
3 comments7 min readEA link

May The Fac­tory Farms Burn

Omnizoid25 Dec 2022 8:48 UTC
208 points
27 comments14 min readEA link

CCTV cam­eras in slaugh­ter­houses: Modest benefits for an­i­mal welfare

Animal Ask27 Sep 2022 14:50 UTC
70 points
8 comments16 min readEA link

The im­pact we achieved to date: An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Careers

SofiaBalderson2 Sep 2022 14:14 UTC
42 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

In­de­pen­dent re-anal­y­sis of MFA veg ads RCT data

Jeff Kaufman20 Feb 2016 4:48 UTC
11 points
6 comments3 min readEA link

Tech­ni­cal re­search for an­i­mal product al­ter­na­tives skills profile

Jamie_Harris30 Nov 2020 15:56 UTC
23 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

High welfare meat—CE ask report

Joey 🔸22 Nov 2018 17:12 UTC
12 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Cleaner Fish: A Ne­glected Is­sue Within A Ne­glected Issue

Martine Klock Fleten9 May 2021 9:32 UTC
51 points
0 comments10 min readEA link

Leah Edger­ton: Strate­gic con­sid­er­a­tions for effec­tive an­i­mal advocacy

EA Global16 Jan 2020 17:38 UTC
23 points
0 comments10 min readEA link

Should I be ve­gan?

Jess_Whittlestone17 May 2015 12:06 UTC
33 points
53 comments9 min readEA link

[Linkpost] Tak­ing on the World’s Largest Food Com­pa­nies | Vicky Bond from The Hu­mane League

Max_Carpendale16 Jan 2022 17:35 UTC
19 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

[Question] Meat sub­sti­tutes: out­side view

JuanGarcia19 Jan 2021 9:37 UTC
6 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Notes from “Cog­ni­tion, welfare, and the prob­lem of in­ter­species com­par­i­sons”

Barry Grimes16 Nov 2021 9:17 UTC
30 points
0 comments11 min readEA link

If we build it, will they come?

EA Forum Archives10 Mar 2021 2:14 UTC
19 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing the Sen­tience In­sti­tute Podcast

Jamie_Harris5 Dec 2019 18:12 UTC
22 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Causal Net­work Model III: Findings

Alex_Barry22 Nov 2017 15:43 UTC
7 points
3 comments9 min readEA link

An in­te­grated model to eval­u­ate the im­pact of an­i­mal products

kbog9 Jan 2019 11:04 UTC
40 points
18 comments4 min readEA link

Sen­tience In­sti­tute: US Fac­tory Farm­ing Estimates

HenryStanley25 Apr 2019 9:32 UTC
28 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal rights ini­ti­a­tive with far-reach­ing con­se­quences and pos­si­bly high chance of success

MartinB11 Aug 2022 21:29 UTC
203 points
23 comments1 min readEA link

The Welfare Range Table

Bob Fischer7 Nov 2022 10:19 UTC
359 points
17 comments8 min readEA link

So­cial Move­ment Les­sons from the US Pri­son­ers’ Rights Movement

Jamie_Harris22 Jul 2020 12:10 UTC
32 points
3 comments132 min readEA link

[Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Prizes] Build­ing a new milk

Open Philanthropy26 Aug 2022 7:09 UTC
5 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Who Sup­ports An­i­mal Rights?

zdgroff29 Jul 2019 10:58 UTC
34 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare Fund: April 2022 grant recommendations

kierangreig25 Aug 2022 23:47 UTC
59 points
7 comments13 min readEA link

Re­sources on An­i­mal Ethics and Helping Animals

Eleos Arete Citrini10 Sep 2021 23:22 UTC
34 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Cost-effec­tive­ness of The Hu­mane League’s cor­po­rate cam­paigns: 2015-2017

Avi Norowitz31 Mar 2018 22:17 UTC
14 points
8 comments6 min readEA link

Bounty: Guide To Switch­ing From Farmed Fish To Wild-Caught Fish

ozymandias22 Feb 2019 16:10 UTC
37 points
8 comments1 min readEA link

Oc­to­puses (Prob­a­bly) Don’t Have Nine Minds

Bob Fischer12 Dec 2022 11:59 UTC
94 points
19 comments10 min readEA link

Anal­y­sis of EA fund­ing within An­i­mal Welfare from 2019-2021

JamesÖz27 Sep 2021 19:03 UTC
54 points
9 comments5 min readEA link

How much (phys­i­cal) suffer­ing is there? Part II: Animals

mariushobbhahn10 Jan 2021 12:48 UTC
13 points
4 comments15 min readEA link

Pop­u­la­tion Size/​Growth & Re­pro­duc­tive Choice: Highly effec­tive, syn­er­getic & neglected

RafaelF14 Feb 2021 7:14 UTC
17 points
19 comments7 min readEA link

[Question] Is there a mar­ket for prod­ucts mix­ing plant-based and an­i­mal pro­tein? Is ad­vo­cat­ing for “se­lec­tive om­nivores” /​ re­duci­tar­i­anism /​ mixed diets ne­glected—with re­gards to an­i­mal welfare?

Ramiro4 Jan 2022 20:45 UTC
19 points
7 comments2 min readEA link

Miti­gat­ing chicken and fish suffer­ing by clos­ing the “dairy gap” in Asia and Africa—Longer Version

Enginar12 Aug 2022 22:14 UTC
24 points
0 comments29 min readEA link

New Fau­n­a­lyt­ics Study on Lo­cal Ac­tion for An­i­mals as a Step­ping Stone to State Protections

JLRiedi16 Nov 2022 16:12 UTC
40 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

Leah Gar­cés on turn­ing ad­ver­saries into al­lies to change the chicken industry

80000_Hours13 May 2021 16:04 UTC
8 points
0 comments104 min readEA link

An­i­mal Welfare Cause re­port, Founders Pledge

Stephen Clare22 Dec 2021 0:00 UTC
23 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Euro­pean cit­i­zens’ ini­ti­a­tive for ve­gan meal reg­istered by EU Comission

Miguel Lima Medín 🔸28 Oct 2022 12:48 UTC
13 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Pro­posed method­ol­ogy for leaflet­ing study

Alex_Barry6 Feb 2017 14:41 UTC
7 points
17 comments11 min readEA link

MFA Ad Study Tar­get­ing Former Vegetarians

jonathonsmith8 May 2016 21:38 UTC
9 points
22 comments1 min readEA link

What are the most im­por­tant charts, graphs, statis­tics, or other data vi­su­al­iza­tions re­lated to effec­tive giv­ing?

JulianHazell2 Mar 2022 15:59 UTC
8 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal farm­ing for the fash­ion in­dus­try and other non-food pur­poses in Africa

AnimalAdvocacyAfrica25 Jan 2024 13:22 UTC
27 points
2 comments4 min readEA link

The Effects of An­i­mal-Free Food Tech­nol­ogy Aware­ness on An­i­mal Farm­ing Opposition

Jamie_Harris16 May 2020 7:30 UTC
34 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

How tractable is chang­ing the course of his­tory?

Jamie_Harris22 May 2019 15:29 UTC
41 points
2 comments7 min readEA link

Launch­ing 60,000,000,000 Chick­ens: A Give Well-Style CEA Spread­sheet for An­i­mal Welfare

AppliedDivinityStudies4 Jun 2021 21:08 UTC
35 points
19 comments3 min readEA link

[Question] How many chick­ens are be­ing saved by cor­po­rate cam­paigns?

SamNolan25 Nov 2022 1:10 UTC
11 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Should We Try to Change An­i­mal Welfare Laws in In­dia or Taiwan?- Char­ity En­trepreneur­ship’s Ap­proach Report

vicky_cox8 Jan 2020 18:45 UTC
27 points
13 comments2 min readEA link

New Fau­n­a­lyt­ics Study on Chi­nese Con­sumers’ At­ti­tudes Towards Farmed An­i­mal Welfare

JLRiedi26 Oct 2022 17:21 UTC
32 points
1 comment3 min readEA link

Im­pact in­vest­ing for farm animals

EA Forum Archives8 Mar 2019 6:00 UTC
2 points
0 comments6 min readEA link

[Question] How much do cur­rent cul­tured an­i­mal prod­ucts cost?

Tetraspace4 Jul 2019 16:04 UTC
21 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Mea­sur­ing Change in Diet for An­i­mal Advocacy

Jacob_Peacock9 Nov 2018 20:21 UTC
9 points
2 comments15 min readEA link

What mat­ters to shrimps? Fac­tors af­fect­ing shrimp welfare in aquaculture

Lucas Lewit-Mendes3 Nov 2022 10:31 UTC
238 points
14 comments23 min readEA link

Neil Buddy Shah: What an­i­mal ad­vo­cates can learn from medicine and global development

EA Global21 Jan 2020 15:00 UTC
36 points
0 comments12 min readEA link

Sce­nar­ios for cel­lu­lar agriculture

JesseClifton20 Jun 2016 21:40 UTC
15 points
7 comments10 min readEA link

(Video) How to be a less crappy person

cryptopsyfan694202 Aug 2021 19:32 UTC
5 points
15 comments1 min readEA link

Char­ity En­trepreneur­ship: Grad­u­ate light­ning talks

EA Global3 Jul 2020 14:48 UTC
15 points
0 comments14 min readEA link

What can we learn from the fur-free fight?

EA Forum Archives28 Aug 2019 5:00 UTC
1 point
0 comments4 min readEA link

Global poverty could be more cost-effec­tive than an­i­mal ad­vo­cacy (even for non-speciesists)

Peter Wildeford31 May 2016 15:02 UTC
17 points
23 comments5 min readEA link

EA In­ter­view Series, Jan­uary 2016: Peru­mal Gandhi, Cofounder of Muufri

Jacy12 Jan 2016 17:02 UTC
14 points
7 comments7 min readEA link

The­o­ries of Welfare and Welfare Range Estimates

Bob Fischer14 Nov 2022 13:52 UTC
91 points
22 comments9 min readEA link

An End to Cages in Europe?

EA Forum Archives23 Jul 2021 0:32 UTC
56 points
2 comments6 min readEA link

Meat Externalities

Richard Y Chappell🔸11 Jul 2022 3:23 UTC
80 points
12 comments2 min readEA link

An­i­mal Ethics’s 2020 ac­tivi­ties plan

Animal_Ethics17 Jan 2020 23:03 UTC
12 points
0 comments9 min readEA link

Vicky Bond: How cor­po­rate re­form is chang­ing the land­scape for animals

EA Global22 Mar 2019 14:56 UTC
15 points
0 comments13 min readEA link

Ca­reers ad­vis­ing calls and an on­line course about im­pact-fo­cused an­i­mal advocacy

Jamie_Harris18 Sep 2020 13:37 UTC
17 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Cog­ni­tive Dis­so­nance and Veg*nism

Grue_Slinky13 Aug 2019 13:33 UTC
7 points
2 comments8 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Ca­reers’ in­tro­duc­tory course (2022 co­hort)

Ana Barreiro20 Aug 2022 1:16 UTC
58 points
1 comment5 min readEA link

In­sect farm­ing might cause more suffer­ing than other an­i­mal farming

ishankhire1 Nov 2022 9:54 UTC
50 points
16 comments1 min readEA link

Some in­for­ma­tion on the use of fish oil in aquaculture

Avi Norowitz31 Mar 2019 22:50 UTC
28 points
2 comments3 min readEA link

In­sider Activism

Animal Ask7 May 2024 14:51 UTC
17 points
4 comments38 min readEA link

Up­dates to Fau­n­a­lyt­ics’ An­i­mal Product Im­pact Scales

JLRiedi7 Dec 2022 17:37 UTC
16 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Les­sons learned from coun­try vis­its and pi­lot coun­try se­lec­tion – Healthier Hens 6M Update

lukasj1012 May 2022 14:05 UTC
33 points
2 comments15 min readEA link

Are poul­try birds re­ally im­por­tant? Yes...

Vasco Grilo🔸19 Jun 2022 18:24 UTC
13 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

How We Banned Fur in Berkeley

jayquigley5 Aug 2017 14:53 UTC
16 points
7 comments5 min readEA link

Why an­i­mal char­i­ties are much more effec­tive than hu­man ones

utilitarian018 Apr 2019 17:48 UTC
14 points
15 comments2 min readEA link

3-hour pod­cast about the meta-ethics of util­i­tar­i­anism and much else with philoso­pher Tor­b­jörn Tännsjö

Gus Docker24 Nov 2020 17:25 UTC
18 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

The war on an­i­mal product alternatives

EA Forum Archives15 Aug 2018 5:00 UTC
1 point
0 comments6 min readEA link

Em­piri­cal Re­search in An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Jan­uary 2020

Jacob_Peacock12 Mar 2020 17:50 UTC
12 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Africa’s 2023 Re­view and Plans for 2024

AnimalAdvocacyAfrica2 Feb 2024 17:26 UTC
24 points
3 comments17 min readEA link

A sum­mary of our work in 2019

Animal_Ethics31 Dec 2019 17:03 UTC
9 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

Lewis Bol­lard on big wins against fac­tory farm­ing and how they happened

80000_Hours24 May 2021 8:16 UTC
12 points
0 comments110 min readEA link

An Eval­u­a­tion of An­i­mal Char­ity Eval­u­a­tors

eaanonymous12342 Sep 2022 4:33 UTC
90 points
4 comments44 min readEA link

Ve­gan­uary’s im­pact has been huge – here are the stats to prove it

Nicholas Kruus26 Jan 2024 14:50 UTC
25 points
22 comments1 min readEA link

Con­sumer Power Ini­ti­a­tive- Ac­tive Pro­jects and Open Roles

Brad West6 Jan 2023 14:40 UTC
17 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

Abo­li­tion­ist in the Streets, Prag­ma­tist in the Sheets: New Ideas for Effec­tive An­i­mal Advocacy

Dhruv Makwana11 Jan 2023 13:45 UTC
98 points
9 comments3 min readEA link

McGill EA x Law Pre­sents: Im­pact Liti­ga­tion for An­i­mal Welfare

McGill EA x Law11 Jan 2023 0:00 UTC
8 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Part 1/​4: A Case for Abolition

Dhruv Makwana11 Jan 2023 13:46 UTC
33 points
7 comments3 min readEA link

Part 2/​4: Limi­ta­tions with Cur­rent EA An­i­mal Advocacy

Dhruv Makwana11 Jan 2023 13:48 UTC
23 points
0 comments11 min readEA link

Part 3/​4: Scru­ti­nis­ing Ob­jec­tions to (Tra­di­tional) Abo­li­tion­ist Approaches

Dhruv Makwana11 Jan 2023 13:49 UTC
19 points
1 comment17 min readEA link

Part 4/​4: Un­der-ex­plored Abo­li­tion­ist Approaches

Dhruv Makwana11 Jan 2023 13:51 UTC
27 points
5 comments13 min readEA link

Marginal Reducetarianism

phgubbins12 Jan 2023 18:44 UTC
24 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

What hap­pens on the av­er­age day?

rosehadshar17 Aug 2022 10:09 UTC
357 points
32 comments5 min readEA link

Don’t Balk at An­i­mal-friendly Results

Bob Fischer16 Jan 2023 11:52 UTC
152 points
7 comments14 min readEA link

Video: A Few Ex­cit­ing Giv­ing Op­por­tu­ni­ties for An­i­mal Welfare in Asia

Jack_S18 Jan 2023 19:03 UTC
30 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

New re­search find­ings on nar­ra­tive in U.S. an­i­mal advocacy

Aidan Kankyoku23 Jan 2023 22:00 UTC
47 points
3 comments2 min readEA link

A new fram­ing to re­place “Welfarism vs. Abo­li­tion­ism”

Aidan Kankyoku26 Jan 2023 18:15 UTC
104 points
10 comments18 min readEA link

How meat-free meal se­lec­tion varies with menu op­tions: an ex­plo­ra­tion (ed­ited)

Sagar K Shah14 Feb 2023 11:51 UTC
65 points
10 comments2 min readEA link

[Question] What is the im­pact of an­i­mal agri­cul­ture on wild an­i­mal suffer­ing?

OscarD🔸12 Feb 2023 8:02 UTC
27 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Did cor­po­rate cam­paigns in the US have any coun­ter­fac­tual im­pact? A quan­ti­ta­tive model

KarolinaSarek24 Jun 2019 20:27 UTC
32 points
7 comments13 min readEA link

Can This Idea Dra­mat­i­cally Im­prove Effec­tive Ve­gan Ac­tivism?

NothingIsArt27 Feb 2023 16:56 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal welfare cer­tified meat is not a step­ping stone to meat re­duc­tion or abolition

Stijn4 Mar 2023 17:04 UTC
52 points
12 comments9 min readEA link

In­tro­duc­ing the An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Fo­rum — a space for those in­volved or in­ter­ested in An­i­mal Welfare & re­lated topics

David van Beveren6 Feb 2024 0:52 UTC
109 points
9 comments2 min readEA link

[Question] The suffer­ing scale of hu­man dis­eases vs fac­tory farming

jackchang1101 Sep 2023 19:34 UTC
13 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Lewis Bol­lard: Les­sons learned in farm an­i­mal welfare

EA Global12 Feb 2020 20:08 UTC
15 points
0 comments12 min readEA link

The Hu­mane League—Room for More Fund­ing & 2023 Impact

carolinemills17 Nov 2023 14:58 UTC
66 points
1 comment5 min readEA link

Yes/​No de­bate #2: Is it OK to eat meat? (Ger­man)

jorges22 Oct 2023 14:48 UTC
9 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

The Epi­demic of Se­cond-Hand Bat­tery Cages Be­ing Im­ported into Africa: What does this mean for the cage-free move­ment in Africa?

Jacob Ayang 4 Jul 2023 17:22 UTC
80 points
10 comments3 min readEA link

Is Stir­ring up Anger Good for Ve­gan Outreach?

Dr Faraz Harsini10 Jul 2023 13:46 UTC
24 points
11 comments2 min readEA link

An ex­pert sur­vey on so­cial move­ments and protest

JamesÖz12 Jul 2023 14:08 UTC
92 points
3 comments6 min readEA link

[Question] Does im­prov­ing global health cause meat-eater prob­lem?

jackchang11026 Jul 2023 21:05 UTC
5 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

The Role of In­di­vi­d­ual Con­sump­tion De­ci­sions in An­i­mal Welfare and Cli­mate are Analogous

Gabriel Weil10 Jun 2022 6:18 UTC
40 points
35 comments11 min readEA link

[Opz­ionale] Vuoi aiutare gli an­i­mali? Con­cen­trati sulle de­ci­sioni azien­dali, non su quello che la gente man­gia.

EA Italy31 Dec 2022 4:41 UTC
1 point
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Opz­ionale] Re­port sulla causa per il be­nessere an­i­male di Founders Pledge

EA Italy31 Dec 2022 4:29 UTC
1 point
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Opz­ionale] An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy Ca­reers (car­riere per la difesa degli an­i­mali) (sito web da es­plo­rare)

EA Italy31 Dec 2022 4:52 UTC
1 point
0 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal welfare in the United States: Op­por­tu­ni­ties for impact

Animal Ask22 May 2024 8:57 UTC
31 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Post­docs and PhD/​MS po­si­tions in Farmed In­sect Welfare for 2024

Meghan Barrett10 Oct 2023 19:54 UTC
82 points
5 comments2 min readEA link

Protest against Tesco’s cruel prawn farm­ing practices

Paul_C24 May 2024 12:33 UTC
4 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

EU farmed fish policy re­form roadmap

Neil_Dullaghan22 Aug 2023 19:00 UTC
95 points
1 comment3 min readEA link

[Opz­ionale] Il lun­goter­minismo e l’at­tivismo per gli animali

EA Italy17 Jan 2023 20:17 UTC
1 point
0 comments4 min readEA link

An­i­mal Char­ity Eval­u­a­tors Is Seek­ing In­ter­ven­tion Effec­tive­ness Re­search and Cost-Effec­tive­ness Estimates

Animal Charity Evaluators21 Apr 2023 12:49 UTC
51 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

What will in­sect farm­ing look like and ac­tu­ally mean for an­i­mal welfare? (Re­post from my blog Karthik Logic)

Karthik Palakodeti26 Apr 2023 8:33 UTC
36 points
6 comments10 min readEA link

Char­ity Feed­back from 2022 Char­ity Evaluations

Animal Charity Evaluators1 May 2023 10:57 UTC
29 points
1 comment4 min readEA link

Over 350,000 lay­ing hens com­mit­ted to cage-free hous­ing in Ghana

Daniel Abiliba13 Sep 2023 19:24 UTC
69 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

re­speggt’s Car­men Uphoff on in­no­va­tive tech­nol­ogy to end chicken culling

Karthik Palakodeti20 May 2023 22:16 UTC
15 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

KFC Sup­plier Sued for Cruelty

alene24 May 2023 21:37 UTC
147 points
13 comments1 min readEA link

Case Study of An­i­mal Welfare League’s Cage Free Pro­ject in Ghana

Daniel Abiliba27 May 2023 7:00 UTC
7 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

Why Africa Needs a Cage Free Model Farm and Pro­ducer’s Directory

Daniel Abiliba27 May 2023 9:23 UTC
52 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] How use­ful is it to use a slav­ery/​fac­tory farm­ing com­par­i­son as a de­ci­sion mak­ing heuris­tic?

yanni kyriacos11 Aug 2023 22:38 UTC
11 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

What hurts shrimp the most? (Quan­tify­ing and pri­ori­tiz­ing shrimp welfare threats)

Hannah McKay13 Jun 2024 9:53 UTC
91 points
4 comments17 min readEA link

Welfare con­sid­er­a­tions for farmed shrimp

Rethink Priorities14 Dec 2023 17:55 UTC
106 points
8 comments54 min readEA link

Short agony or long ache: com­par­ing sources of suffer­ing that differ in du­ra­tion and in­ten­sity

cynthiaschuck21 Feb 2024 16:58 UTC
96 points
14 comments20 min readEA link

[Question] Should Founders Pledge sup­port only the non-con­scious as­set trans­fer arm of Band­han’s Tar­get­ing the Hard­core Poor poverty grad­u­a­tion pro­gram?

brb2437 Jan 2022 22:54 UTC
8 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Pre-slaugh­ter mor­tal­ity of farmed shrimp

Hannah McKay12 Mar 2024 13:57 UTC
69 points
4 comments18 min readEA link

Want to help an­i­mals? Fo­cus on cor­po­rate de­ci­sions, not peo­ple’s plates.

EA Handbook13 Feb 2019 0:00 UTC
13 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

[Question] How bad is life ex­actly for an­i­mals in fac­tory farms?

felixmattsson23 Nov 2022 4:54 UTC
25 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

How To Help Farmed An­i­mals Without Go­ing Ve­gan (A Hap­pier World video)

Jeroen Willems🔸18 Feb 2022 15:31 UTC
37 points
1 comment10 min readEA link

Re: Some thoughts on veg­e­tar­i­anism and veganism

Fai25 Feb 2022 20:43 UTC
46 points
3 comments8 min readEA link