Less-dis­cussed causes

TagLast edit: 31 Jan 2024 15:30 UTC by Will Howard🔹

Less-discussed causes are causes that receive comparatively less attention within the effective altruism community. Posts tagged with this topic can suggest, consider, or present a cause or intervention. This is independent of the quality of the suggestion, the community consensus about it, or the level of specificity.

Further reading

Picón, Leonardo (2022) Big list of cause candidates: January 2021–March 2022 update, Effective Altruism Forum, April 30.

Sempere, Nuño (2020) Big list of cause candidates, Effective Altruism Forum, December 25.

Related entries

Cause X | impact assessment | cause prioritization | global priorities research

Why I pri­ori­tize moral cir­cle ex­pan­sion over re­duc­ing ex­tinc­tion risk through ar­tifi­cial in­tel­li­gence alignment

Jacy20 Feb 2018 18:29 UTC
107 points
72 comments36 min readEA link

Align­ing Recom­mender Sys­tems as Cause Area

IvanVendrov8 May 2019 8:56 UTC
150 points
47 comments13 min readEA link

A New X-Risk Fac­tor: Brain-Com­puter Interfaces

Jack10 Aug 2020 10:24 UTC
76 points
12 comments42 min readEA link

Re­duc­ing long-term risks from malev­olent actors

David_Althaus29 Apr 2020 8:55 UTC
341 points
93 comments37 min readEA link

Space gov­er­nance is im­por­tant, tractable and neglected

Tobias_Baumann7 Jan 2020 11:24 UTC
108 points
18 comments7 min readEA link

Milan Griffes on EA blindspots

Gavin18 Mar 2022 16:17 UTC
77 points
52 comments2 min readEA link

Cash prizes for the best ar­gu­ments against psychedelics be­ing an EA cause area

Milan_Griffes10 May 2019 18:13 UTC
51 points
123 comments13 min readEA link

Ge­netic En­hance­ment as a Cause Area

Galton25 Dec 2019 11:30 UTC
104 points
20 comments12 min readEA link

Big List of Cause Candidates

NunoSempere25 Dec 2020 16:34 UTC
270 points
71 comments47 min readEA link

Prob­lem ar­eas be­yond 80,000 Hours’ cur­rent pri­ori­ties

Arden Koehler22 Jun 2020 12:49 UTC
274 points
62 comments16 min readEA link

De­creas­ing pop­ulism and im­prov­ing democ­racy, ev­i­dence-based policy, and rationality

Hauke Hillebrandt27 Jul 2021 18:14 UTC
47 points
11 comments26 min readEA link

Cor­po­rate Global Catas­trophic Risks (C-GCRs)

Hauke Hillebrandt30 Jun 2019 16:53 UTC
63 points
17 comments12 min readEA link

[Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Prizes] Jhana meditation

Milan_Griffes12 Aug 2022 5:26 UTC
73 points
6 comments10 min readEA link

Growth and the case against ran­domista development

Hauke Hillebrandt16 Jan 2020 10:11 UTC
430 points
197 comments31 min readEA link

De­moc­ra­tiz­ing the work­place as a cause area

Bob Jacobs26 Nov 2022 18:31 UTC
38 points
19 comments8 min readEA link

Snakebites kill 100,000 peo­ple ev­ery year, here’s what you should know

MathiasKB🔸27 Apr 2022 14:30 UTC
318 points
42 comments5 min readEA link

Tax Havens and the case for Tax Justice

Alex Barnes 15 Sep 2020 18:06 UTC
60 points
10 comments10 min readEA link

Cause X Guide

Joey 🔸1 Sep 2019 16:58 UTC
93 points
35 comments2 min readEA link

Global lead ex­po­sure report

David Rhys Bernard29 May 2021 16:56 UTC
125 points
2 comments42 min readEA link

[Question] San­ity check—effec­tive­ness/​good­ness of Trans Res­cue?

David D20 Feb 2023 15:53 UTC
43 points
12 comments1 min readEA link

Big List of Cause Can­di­dates: Jan­uary 2021–March 2022 update

Leo30 Apr 2022 17:21 UTC
122 points
18 comments19 min readEA link

Ques­tions for Reflec­tion on Gaza

gb20 Nov 2023 6:01 UTC
15 points
18 comments2 min readEA link

The Fu­ture Fund’s Pro­ject Ideas Competition

Nick_Beckstead28 Feb 2022 17:27 UTC
236 points
726 comments1 min readEA link

New cause area: Violence against women and girls

Akhil6 Jun 2022 14:48 UTC
266 points
60 comments11 min readEA link

Democ­racy Pro­mo­tion as an EA Cause Area

bryanschonfeld1 Jul 2020 1:56 UTC
81 points
15 comments7 min readEA link

My list of effec­tive al­tru­ism ideas that seem to be un­der­ex­plored

turchin31 May 2022 12:33 UTC
57 points
21 comments2 min readEA link

New EA Cause Area: Run Black­well’s Bookstore

Ben Pace5 Feb 2022 5:57 UTC
74 points
33 comments8 min readEA link

In­ter­ven­tion Re­port: Char­ter Cities

David Rhys Bernard12 Jun 2021 13:54 UTC
126 points
19 comments51 min readEA link

Bio­di­ver­sity Loss: In the Shadow of Cli­mate Change

Madhav Malhotra9 May 2022 22:10 UTC
32 points
3 comments6 min readEA link

Cost-Effec­tive­ness of Air Puri­fiers against Pollution

Lukas Trötzmüller🔸30 Jul 2020 8:37 UTC
67 points
11 comments14 min readEA link

Cause Area: Hu­man Rights in North Korea

Dawn Drescher20 Nov 2017 20:52 UTC
64 points
12 comments20 min readEA link

EA for Bio­di­ver­sity: EcoRe­silience Initiative

EcologyInterventions1 Jun 2024 5:33 UTC
8 points
3 comments3 min readEA link

[Question] Is there a list of causes that have been eval­u­ated and re­jected?

Tyner30 Mar 2022 16:36 UTC
26 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

The Scale of Fe­tal Suffer­ing in Late-Term Abortions

Ariel Simnegar 🔸17 Mar 2024 19:46 UTC
210 points
25 comments3 min readEA link

Science policy as a pos­si­ble EA cause area: prob­lems and solutions

PabloAMC23 Jan 2022 0:32 UTC
24 points
8 comments4 min readEA link

Deep Re­port on Diabetes

Joel Tan🔸6 Oct 2023 2:33 UTC
26 points
39 comments4 min readEA link

An In­for­mal Re­view of Space Exploration

kbog31 Jan 2020 13:16 UTC
53 points
5 comments36 min readEA link

My pre­limi­nary re­search on the Adtech marketplace

Venkatesh30 Mar 2021 4:42 UTC
2 points
3 comments8 min readEA link

End­ing The War on Drugs—A New Cause For Effec­tive Altru­ists?

MichaelPlant6 May 2021 13:18 UTC
123 points
20 comments2 min readEA link

A Case for Vol­un­tary Abor­tion Reduction

Ariel Simnegar 🔸20 Dec 2022 13:23 UTC
28 points
149 comments13 min readEA link

EA and the Pos­si­ble De­cline of the US: Very Rough Thoughts

Cullen8 Jan 2021 7:30 UTC
56 points
19 comments4 min readEA link

New EA cause area: chewier food for children

Andre Popovitch25 Dec 2022 5:16 UTC
40 points
19 comments3 min readEA link

On AI Weapons

kbog13 Nov 2019 12:48 UTC
76 points
10 comments31 min readEA link

The Fu­ture Might Not Be So Great

Jacy30 Jun 2022 13:01 UTC
141 points
118 comments32 min readEA link

Op­por­tu­ni­ties that sur­prised us dur­ing our Clearer Think­ing Re­grants program

spencerg7 Nov 2022 13:09 UTC
116 points
5 comments9 min readEA link

Risks from atom­i­cally pre­cise man­u­fac­tur­ing—Prob­lem profile

Benjamin Hilton9 Aug 2022 13:41 UTC
53 points
4 comments5 min readEA link

Mo­sul Dam Could Kill 1 Million Iraqis.

DC1 Mar 2022 3:28 UTC
73 points
10 comments8 min readEA link

Non-phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­ter­ven­tions in pan­demic pre­pared­ness and response

Anon-biosec-account8 Apr 2021 14:13 UTC
51 points
16 comments12 min readEA link

Brain preser­va­tion to pre­vent in­vol­un­tary death: a pos­si­ble cause area

AndyMcKenzie22 Mar 2022 12:33 UTC
50 points
29 comments10 min readEA link

Juan Gar­cía Martínez: In­dus­trial al­ter­na­tive foods for global catas­trophic risks

EA Global21 Nov 2020 8:12 UTC
12 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Mind En­hance­ment: A High Im­pact, High Ne­glect Cause Area?

timfarkas24 Mar 2022 20:33 UTC
29 points
5 comments8 min readEA link

The trans­for­ma­tive po­ten­tial of cryptocurrencies

bejaq5 Feb 2021 14:27 UTC
10 points
10 comments3 min readEA link

Space gov­er­nance—prob­lem profile

finm8 May 2022 17:16 UTC
65 points
11 comments12 min readEA link

Shal­low Re­port on Hypertension

Joel Tan🔸21 Nov 2022 5:22 UTC
55 points
17 comments16 min readEA link

De­sen­si­tiz­ing Deepfakes

Phib29 Mar 2023 1:20 UTC
22 points
10 comments1 min readEA link

AGI safety and los­ing elec­tric­ity/​in­dus­try re­silience cost-effectiveness

Ross_Tieman17 Nov 2019 8:42 UTC
31 points
10 comments38 min readEA link

Sci-Hub sued in India

cflexman30 Dec 2021 2:48 UTC
113 points
5 comments8 min readEA link

Shal­low Re­port on Coronary Heart Disease

Joel Tan🔸20 Feb 2023 4:49 UTC
26 points
11 comments18 min readEA link

New Cause Area: De­mo­graphic Collapse

Malcolm Collins30 Jun 2022 19:38 UTC
−36 points
27 comments32 min readEA link

Cause area: Short-sleeper genes

JohnBoyle10 Aug 2022 12:51 UTC
93 points
32 comments7 min readEA link

Effec­tive [Re]location

samuel11 May 2022 21:39 UTC
26 points
8 comments3 min readEA link

[Question] Ne­glected bio­di­ver­sity pro­tec­tion by EA.

Danny Forest4 Sep 2021 8:19 UTC
13 points
12 comments1 min readEA link

Should Chronic Pain be a cause area?

mariushobbhahn18 May 2021 11:31 UTC
68 points
12 comments13 min readEA link

Assess­ing the Danger­ous­ness of Malev­olent Ac­tors in AGI Gover­nance: A Pre­limi­nary Exploration

Callum Hinchcliffe14 Oct 2023 21:18 UTC
28 points
4 comments9 min readEA link

What Are Dreams Worth?

Hans Gundlach14 May 2023 7:06 UTC
19 points
1 comment4 min readEA link

The ex­treme cost-effec­tive­ness of cell-based meat R&D

Stijn10 Aug 2020 14:00 UTC
37 points
20 comments5 min readEA link

Soak­ing Beans—a cost-effec­tive­ness analysis

NickLaing6 Aug 2023 13:32 UTC
154 points
64 comments7 min readEA link

Pop­ulism in Africa :The need to pro­mote democ­racy as a cause area

Halwenge 20 Aug 2023 10:35 UTC
11 points
2 comments3 min readEA link

Longlist of Causes + Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Contest

Joel Tan🔸30 Jun 2023 12:15 UTC
46 points
6 comments2 min readEA link

Fix Pri­son Telecom

Benj Azose13 Aug 2022 9:11 UTC
31 points
3 comments6 min readEA link

Snails used for hu­man con­sump­tion: The case of meat and slime

Daniela Waldhorn6 Feb 2020 17:00 UTC
89 points
8 comments26 min readEA link

Prob­lem area re­port: Pain

Sid Sharma13 Nov 2020 19:26 UTC
113 points
8 comments51 min readEA link

Char­i­ties I Would Like to See

MichaelDickens20 Sep 2015 15:22 UTC
7 points
31 comments3 min readEA link

In­breed­ing and global health & development

pafnuty11 Jul 2021 6:32 UTC
40 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

A frame­work for self-determination

kbog21 Jul 2021 11:33 UTC
18 points
0 comments45 min readEA link

[Link] The Case for Char­ter Cities Within the EA Frame­work (CCI)

Milan_Griffes23 Sep 2019 20:08 UTC
34 points
10 comments1 min readEA link

Work Test for Char­ity En­trepreneur­ship: De­lay­ing Aging

Heye Groß7 Mar 2022 17:56 UTC
7 points
0 comments2 min readEA link

Coron­avirus and long term policy [UK fo­cus]

weeatquince5 Apr 2020 8:29 UTC
52 points
3 comments17 min readEA link

Truth­ful AI

Owen Cotton-Barratt20 Oct 2021 15:11 UTC
56 points
14 comments10 min readEA link

In­sects raised for food and feed — global scale, prac­tices, and policy

abrahamrowe29 Jun 2020 13:57 UTC
93 points
9 comments30 min readEA link

The EA move­ment is ne­glect­ing phys­i­cal goods

ruthgrace18 Jun 2020 14:39 UTC
27 points
17 comments1 min readEA link

The ro­dent birth con­trol landscape

Holly_Elmore29 Apr 2022 20:00 UTC
113 points
3 comments2 min readEA link

Cause pri­ori­ti­sa­tion: Prevent­ing lake Kivu in Africa erup­tion which could kill two mil­lion.

turchin28 Dec 2022 12:32 UTC
70 points
3 comments3 min readEA link

[Question] Is pre­vent­ing child abuse a plau­si­ble Cause X?

Milan_Griffes4 May 2019 0:58 UTC
62 points
34 comments1 min readEA link

Against im­mor­tal­ity?

Owen Cotton-Barratt28 Apr 2022 11:51 UTC
110 points
40 comments3 min readEA link

[Question] Is trauma a po­ten­tial EA cause area?

nonzerosum31 May 2019 22:04 UTC
5 points
14 comments1 min readEA link

Can we drive de­vel­op­ment at scale? An in­terim up­date on eco­nomic growth work

Stephen Clare27 Oct 2020 11:14 UTC
98 points
15 comments23 min readEA link

Prin­cipia Qualia: blueprint for a new cause area, con­scious­ness re­search with an eye to­ward ethics and x-risk

MikeJohnson9 Dec 2016 5:47 UTC
29 points
49 comments5 min readEA link

35-150 billion fish are raised in cap­tivity to be re­leased into the wild ev­ery year

saulius2 Apr 2019 13:16 UTC
98 points
16 comments37 min readEA link

Three Heuris­tics for Find­ing Cause X

Kerry_Vaughan4 Nov 2016 14:36 UTC
5 points
3 comments5 min readEA link

EAF’s bal­lot ini­ti­a­tive dou­bled Zurich’s de­vel­op­ment aid

Jonas V13 Jan 2020 11:32 UTC
308 points
23 comments12 min readEA link

Im­prov­ing Pest Man­age­ment for Wild In­sect Welfare

Wild_Animal_Initiative26 Dec 2019 17:47 UTC
35 points
1 comment33 min readEA link

[Question] Pre­serv­ing nat­u­ral ecosys­tems?

carlbaatz21 Mar 2021 11:28 UTC
11 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Jasper Synowski and Clare Don­ald­son: Iden­ti­fy­ing the most cost-effec­tive pro­grammes to im­prove men­tal health

EA Global21 Aug 2020 21:36 UTC
15 points
0 comments16 min readEA link

High Time For Drug Policy Re­form. Part 1/​4: In­tro­duc­tion and Cause Summary

MichaelPlant9 Aug 2017 13:17 UTC
24 points
15 comments6 min readEA link

Cause Selec­tion Blog­ging Car­ni­val Conclusion

MichaelDickens5 Oct 2015 20:16 UTC
7 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Con­sider rais­ing IQ to do good

Lila_Rieber13 May 2014 5:53 UTC
15 points
7 comments7 min readEA link

OPIS ini­ti­a­tive on ac­cess to psilo­cy­bin for cluster headaches

jonleighton10 Sep 2020 8:22 UTC
61 points
5 comments3 min readEA link

Risks from Asteroids

finm11 Feb 2022 21:01 UTC
44 points
9 comments5 min readEA link

The Case for Education

SamuelKnoche14 Aug 2020 17:26 UTC
23 points
10 comments10 min readEA link

Pri­ori­ti­za­tion Ques­tions for Ar­tifi­cial Sentience

Jamie_Harris18 Oct 2021 14:07 UTC
30 points
2 comments8 min readEA link

Cus­tomized COVID-19 risk anal­y­sis as a high value area

Askell23 Jul 2020 20:28 UTC
48 points
7 comments2 min readEA link

Ex­tin­guish­ing or pre­vent­ing coal seam fires is a po­ten­tial cause area

kbog7 Jul 2019 18:42 UTC
64 points
15 comments3 min readEA link

Plant-Based Seafood: A Promis­ing In­ter­ven­tion in Food Tech­nol­ogy? - Char­ity En­trepreneur­ship Ap­proach Report

vicky_cox17 Jan 2020 14:35 UTC
23 points
8 comments3 min readEA link

Preprint is out! 100,000 lu­mens to treat sea­sonal af­fec­tive disorder

Fabienne13 Nov 2021 18:37 UTC
62 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

Chlo­ram­pheni­col as in­ter­ven­tion in heart attacks

Gordon Seidoh Worley17 Feb 2020 18:47 UTC
1 point
5 comments2 min readEA link

How to get a new cause into EA

Joey 🔸10 Jan 2018 6:41 UTC
46 points
26 comments5 min readEA link

How should we pri­ori­tize cause pri­ori­ti­za­tion?

Peter Wildeford13 Jun 2016 17:03 UTC
25 points
7 comments11 min readEA link

Miss­ing Mar­ket: Sus­tain­able Afri­can ETF

James Bailey3 Mar 2021 14:57 UTC
50 points
7 comments2 min readEA link

Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Prizes: Could New Tech­nol­ogy Help Solve the Glasses Prob­lem?

Open Philanthropy12 Jul 2022 7:35 UTC
43 points
2 comments15 min readEA link

Anti-trib­al­ism and pos­i­tive men­tal health as high-value cause areas

Kaj_Sotala17 Oct 2017 11:10 UTC
31 points
31 comments2 min readEA link

Cer­tifi­cates of impact

Paul_Christiano11 Nov 2014 5:22 UTC
54 points
41 comments8 min readEA link

In­ter­ven­tion re­port: Agri­cul­tural land redistribution

David Rhys Bernard14 Jul 2021 14:29 UTC
65 points
6 comments38 min readEA link

[Question] What ac­tions most effec­tive if you care about re­pro­duc­tive rights in Amer­ica?

Gordon Seidoh Worley26 Jun 2022 15:35 UTC
11 points
11 comments1 min readEA link

Leah Utya­sheva: Prevent­ing deaths from pes­ti­cide self-poisoning

EA Global3 Nov 2017 7:43 UTC
9 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] How to help the Ama­zon Rain­for­est (fires)

Iris Amazon27 Sep 2021 11:00 UTC
11 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Ge­or­gia on my Mind: Effec­tively Flip­ping the Senate

sapphire8 Nov 2020 7:24 UTC
6 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

The cli­mate change policy with the most po­ten­tial is the most neglected

HenryStanley12 Jul 2019 17:19 UTC
18 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Helping wild an­i­mals through vac­ci­na­tion: could this hap­pen for coro­n­aviruses like SARS-CoV-2?

Animal_Ethics12 May 2020 18:25 UTC
31 points
9 comments25 min readEA link

Ne­glected EA Regions

DavidNash17 Feb 2020 11:25 UTC
31 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

Ar­den Koehler: Ideas for high-im­pact ca­reers be­yond 80,000 Hours’ pri­or­ity paths

EA Global25 Oct 2020 5:48 UTC
7 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Ineffec­tive Altru­ism: Are there ide­olo­gies which gen­er­ally cause there ad­her­ents to have worse im­pacts?

Nathan Young17 Oct 2019 9:24 UTC
1 point
6 comments1 min readEA link

A Qual­i­ta­tive Anal­y­sis of Value Drift in EA

Marisa12 Feb 2020 5:41 UTC
145 points
5 comments19 min readEA link

AI Gover­nance: Op­por­tu­nity and The­ory of Impact

Allan Dafoe17 Sep 2020 6:30 UTC
260 points
16 comments12 min readEA link

Ra­tion­al­ity as an EA Cause Area

Chris Leong13 Nov 2018 14:48 UTC
31 points
31 comments2 min readEA link

Why Char­ity En­trepreneur­ship?

kierangreig29 Oct 2015 21:53 UTC
31 points
3 comments5 min readEA link

List of cause ar­eas that EA should po­ten­tially pri­ori­tise more

freedomandutility17 Dec 2022 14:07 UTC
36 points
14 comments2 min readEA link

Wikipe­dia edit­ing is im­por­tant, tractable, and neglected

DM28 Nov 2021 15:47 UTC
199 points
43 comments17 min readEA link

Ad­vanc­ing an­tivenom by Mathias Kirk Bonde for Works in Progress

Nick Whitaker8 Dec 2022 15:55 UTC
31 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

New cause area: bi­valve aquaculture

Brian Lui12 Jun 2022 11:14 UTC
99 points
38 comments4 min readEA link

In­sti­tu­tions for Fu­ture Generations

tylermjohn11 Nov 2019 20:33 UTC
118 points
55 comments5 min readEA link

Friend­ship For­ever (new EA cause area?)

rogersbacon115 Nov 2022 16:51 UTC
91 points
14 comments13 min readEA link

Should GMOs (e.g. golden rice) be a cause area?

mariushobbhahn31 Jan 2022 13:42 UTC
106 points
18 comments12 min readEA link

Re­duc­ing night­mares as a cause area

Drew Housman18 Jul 2022 20:29 UTC
158 points
45 comments2 min readEA link

[Question] Effec­tive­ness of Malala fund ver­sus Global Health and Devel­op­ment Fund

Joseph Gardi1 Oct 2022 2:35 UTC
2 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Eva Vi­valt: Fore­cast­ing re­search results

EA Global19 Feb 2020 16:34 UTC
18 points
0 comments10 min readEA link

EA needs a cause pri­ori­ti­za­tion journal

kbog12 Sep 2018 22:40 UTC
3 points
16 comments4 min readEA link

New Top EA Cause: Politics

Davidmanheim1 Apr 2020 7:53 UTC
37 points
2 comments3 min readEA link

£4bn for the global poor: the UK’s 0.7%

Sanjay30 Nov 2020 15:50 UTC
148 points
20 comments2 min readEA link

Clean cook­stoves may be com­pet­i­tive with GiveWell-recom­mended charities

Sanjay10 Feb 2020 18:00 UTC
32 points
7 comments6 min readEA link

[Question] Are so­cial me­dia al­gorithms an ex­is­ten­tial risk?

Barry Grimes15 Sep 2020 8:52 UTC
24 points
13 comments1 min readEA link

Would a re­duc­tion in the num­ber of owned cats out­doors in Canada and the US in­crease an­i­mal welfare?

kcudding25 Oct 2019 19:14 UTC
74 points
6 comments50 min readEA link

Quan­tify­ing the Im­pact of Eco­nomic Growth on Meat Consumption

kbog22 Dec 2015 11:30 UTC
24 points
37 comments4 min readEA link

[Question] Does bio­di­ver­sity loss war­rant be­ing it’s own cause area?

emwalz10 Jul 2022 20:25 UTC
43 points
42 comments1 min readEA link

Should we buy coal mines?

John G. Halstead4 May 2022 7:28 UTC
216 points
31 comments7 min readEA link

The Im­por­tance of Un­known Ex­is­ten­tial Risks

MichaelDickens23 Jul 2020 19:09 UTC
72 points
11 comments9 min readEA link

Long-term in­vest­ment fund at Founders Pledge

Sjir Hoeijmakers10 Jan 2020 19:09 UTC
138 points
28 comments3 min readEA link

Does cli­mate change de­serve more at­ten­tion within EA?

Ben17 Apr 2019 6:50 UTC
149 points
65 comments15 min readEA link

An­tibiotic re­sis­tance: Should an­i­mal ad­vo­cates in­ter­vene?

Bella14 Aug 2020 12:29 UTC
61 points
5 comments11 min readEA link

An­tifun­gal Re­sis­tance—The Ne­glected Cousin of An­tibiotic Resistance

Madhav Malhotra4 Feb 2022 15:47 UTC
49 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Kid­ney stone pain as a po­ten­tial cause area

Dan Elton3 May 2022 1:30 UTC
61 points
6 comments12 min readEA link

Im­prov­ing lo­cal gov­er­nance in frag­ile states—prac­ti­cal les­sons from the field

Timothy_Liptrot12 Aug 2020 3:07 UTC
22 points
7 comments6 min readEA link

“Fix­ing Ado­les­cence” as a Cause Area?

kirchner.jan23 Jan 2022 10:57 UTC
89 points
16 comments12 min readEA link

Hyper­ten­sion is Ex­tremely Im­por­tant, Tractable, and Neglected

Marshall13 May 2022 15:00 UTC
19 points
6 comments4 min readEA link

Re­view of Cli­mate Cost-Effec­tive­ness Analyses

mchr3k20 Oct 2019 20:39 UTC
34 points
17 comments16 min readEA link

Some per­sonal thoughts on EA and sys­temic change

CarlShulman26 Sep 2019 21:40 UTC
198 points
17 comments6 min readEA link

[Question] Look­ing for col­lab­o­ra­tors af­ter last 80k pod­cast with Tris­tan Harris

Jan-Willem7 Dec 2020 22:23 UTC
19 points
7 comments2 min readEA link

Want to alle­vi­ate de­vel­op­ing world poverty? Alle­vi­ate price risk.​ (2018)

RomeoStevens23 Mar 2021 0:16 UTC
23 points
6 comments3 min readEA link

[Question] Will Three Gorges Dam Col­lapse And Kill Millions?

DC26 Jul 2020 2:43 UTC
80 points
9 comments3 min readEA link

Effec­tive an­i­mal ad­vo­cacy move­ment build­ing: a ne­glected op­por­tu­nity?

Jamie_Harris11 Jun 2019 20:33 UTC
68 points
11 comments17 min readEA link

How does fight­ing di­ar­rhoea stack up to malaria in effec­tive­ness?

MichaelDello9 Oct 2015 0:28 UTC
3 points
8 comments3 min readEA link

State of the land: Mis­in­for­ma­tion and its effects on global catas­trophic risks

ruthgrace21 Mar 2022 20:04 UTC
32 points
4 comments8 min readEA link

[Question] What anal­y­sis has been done of space coloniza­tion as a cause area?

Eli Rose9 Oct 2019 20:33 UTC
14 points
8 comments1 min readEA link

The Pos­si­bil­ity of an On­go­ing Mo­ral Catas­tro­phe (Sum­mary)

Linch2 Aug 2019 21:55 UTC
137 points
15 comments4 min readEA link

In­creas­ing Ac­cess to Pain Relief in Devel­op­ing Coun­tries—An EA Perspective

Lee_Sharkey31 Jan 2017 16:13 UTC
89 points
19 comments10 min readEA link

Cal New­port on an in­dus­trial rev­olu­tion for office work

80000_Hours27 Aug 2021 18:37 UTC
5 points
0 comments100 min readEA link

Silk pro­duc­tion: global scale and an­i­mal welfare is­sues

abrahamrowe20 Apr 2021 1:38 UTC
73 points
9 comments16 min readEA link

Fish used as live bait by recre­ational fishermen

saulius8 Aug 2018 20:56 UTC
65 points
20 comments7 min readEA link

Or­ga­nized Cause Evaluation

Elliot Temple28 Nov 2022 20:31 UTC
5 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

Pro­mot­ing Sim­ple Altruism

LiaH1 Sep 2021 15:49 UTC
20 points
11 comments4 min readEA link

Dig­nity as al­ter­na­tive EA pri­or­ity—re­quest for feedback

tomwein25 Jun 2020 13:50 UTC
29 points
21 comments2 min readEA link

De­liber­a­tion May Im­prove De­ci­sion-Making

Neil_Dullaghan5 Nov 2019 0:34 UTC
66 points
12 comments43 min readEA link

Is there a he­do­nis­tic util­i­tar­ian case for Cry­on­ics? (Dis­cuss)

Ozzie Gooen27 Aug 2015 17:50 UTC
9 points
34 comments1 min readEA link

Steer­ing AI to care for an­i­mals, and soon

Andrew Critch14 Jun 2022 1:13 UTC
224 points
37 comments1 min readEA link

Prevent­ing atheroscle­ro­sis, the eas­iest way to im­prove your life ex­pec­tancy?

Eli_30 Nov 2022 6:31 UTC
18 points
7 comments15 min readEA link

[Question] How should I judge the im­pact of giv­ing $5k to a fam­ily of three kids and two men­tally ill par­ents?

Blake5 Dec 2022 13:52 UTC
8 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Need for safe­guards to miti­gate tech­nol­ogy risk

tech_vulnerability_society31 Jul 2020 10:53 UTC
−13 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Ad­dress­ing Ne­glect­ed­ness in An­i­mal Ad­vo­cacy: Fo­cus on the “In­visi­ble An­i­mals”

Zoe Newton7 Jun 2024 11:05 UTC
14 points
2 comments5 min readEA link

Pop­u­la­tion Size/​Growth & Re­pro­duc­tive Choice: Highly effec­tive, syn­er­getic & neglected

RafaelF14 Feb 2021 7:14 UTC
17 points
19 comments7 min readEA link

Un­der­stand­ing Open Philan­thropy’s evolu­tion on mi­gra­tion policy

vipulnaik18 Dec 2021 19:45 UTC
22 points
3 comments13 min readEA link

Short-Term AI Align­ment as a Pri­or­ity Cause

len.hoang.lnh11 Feb 2020 16:22 UTC
17 points
11 comments7 min readEA link

Me­ta­verse democrati­sa­tion as a po­ten­tial EA cause area

Paul_Lang22 Feb 2022 0:42 UTC
26 points
13 comments3 min readEA link

Is Com­bat­ting Ageism The Most Po­ten­tially Im­pact­ful Form of So­cial Ac­tivism?

JosephBronski11 Feb 2022 4:40 UTC
−14 points
2 comments3 min readEA link

OPIS policy pa­per: Le­gal­is­ing ac­cess to psilo­cy­bin for the treat­ment of cluster headaches

jonleighton12 Nov 2020 11:10 UTC
43 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

Im­prov­ing the lives of mil­lions of Latin Amer­i­cans through bet­ter welfare tar­get­ing algorithms

NORIEGA10 Jul 2021 5:39 UTC
12 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Fam­ily Plan­ning: A Sig­nifi­cant Op­por­tu­nity for Impact

Sarah Eustis-Guthrie12 Aug 2022 0:01 UTC
99 points
9 comments14 min readEA link

The scale of di­rect hu­man im­pact on invertebrates

abrahamrowe2 Sep 2020 13:22 UTC
87 points
6 comments13 min readEA link

Hu­man­i­ties Re­search Ideas for Longtermists

Lizka9 Jun 2021 4:39 UTC
151 points
13 comments13 min readEA link

A gen­eral frame­work for eval­u­at­ing ag­ing re­search. Part 1: rea­son­ing with Longevity Es­cape Velocity

Emanuele_Ascani17 Jan 2019 16:33 UTC
21 points
18 comments21 min readEA link

The case of the miss­ing cause pri­ori­ti­sa­tion research

weeatquince16 Aug 2020 0:21 UTC
309 points
88 comments16 min readEA link

North Korea faces Covid and Drought [Linkpost]

aogara11 Jul 2022 2:07 UTC
15 points
3 comments3 min readEA link

Love seems like a high priority

kbog19 Jan 2020 0:41 UTC
55 points
31 comments12 min readEA link

[Question] Is rapid di­ag­nos­tic test­ing (RDT), such as for coro­n­avirus, a ne­glected area in Global Health?

Ramiro17 Mar 2020 22:24 UTC
11 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Paris-com­pli­ant offsets—a high lev­er­age cli­mate in­ter­ven­tion?

Ben5 Oct 2020 16:55 UTC
12 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Which nu­clear wars should worry us most?

Luisa_Rodriguez16 Jun 2019 23:31 UTC
103 points
13 comments5 min readEA link

Seek­ing a Col­lab­o­ra­tion to Stop Hur­ri­canes?

Anthony Repetto4 Dec 2021 12:39 UTC
16 points
10 comments4 min readEA link

Cause Area Pro­posal: Paper­work Reduction

Ja3k8 Aug 2022 20:23 UTC
20 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Is Min­eral Re­source Scarcity a Risk Any­one is Re­search­ing? Worth Re­search­ing?

haywyer9 Jun 2022 21:30 UTC
4 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

On the as­sess­ment of vol­canic erup­tions as global catas­trophic or ex­is­ten­tial risks

Mike Cassidy13 Oct 2021 14:32 UTC
112 points
18 comments19 min readEA link

The Im­por­tance of Ar­tifi­cial Sentience

Jamie_Harris3 Mar 2021 17:17 UTC
70 points
10 comments12 min readEA link

A love let­ter to civilian OSINT, and pos­si­bil­ities as a tool in EA

eukaryote10 Jul 2020 20:55 UTC
76 points
4 comments9 min readEA link

In­ver­te­brate Welfare Cause Profile

Jason Schukraft9 Jul 2019 17:28 UTC
118 points
14 comments35 min readEA link

Why EA meta, and the top 3 char­ity ideas in the space

Joey 🔸6 Jan 2021 15:47 UTC
88 points
20 comments10 min readEA link

[Question] What is the in­crease in ex­pected value of effec­tive al­tru­ist Wayne Hsi­ung be­ing mayor of Berkeley in­stead of its cur­rent in­cum­bent?

DC7 Aug 2020 1:50 UTC
7 points
32 comments1 min readEA link

Coron­avirus Re­search Ideas for EAs

Peter Wildeford27 Mar 2020 21:01 UTC
118 points
20 comments23 min readEA link

Hu­mane Pes­ti­cides as the Most Marginally Effec­tive Cause

JeffMJordan22 Sep 2015 6:35 UTC
26 points
20 comments10 min readEA link

En­light­en­ment How?

thisisntrob25 Jun 2020 12:46 UTC
18 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Cost-Effec­tive­ness of Aging Re­search

SarahC31 Jan 2019 20:47 UTC
52 points
16 comments6 min readEA link

In­som­nia: a promis­ing cure

John G. Halstead16 Nov 2018 18:33 UTC
42 points
18 comments3 min readEA link

The In­tel­lec­tual and Mo­ral De­cline in Aca­demic Research

gavintaylor7 Feb 2020 16:47 UTC
26 points
26 comments1 min readEA link

Find­ing more effec­tive causes

Michelle_Hutchinson1 Jan 2016 22:54 UTC
20 points
3 comments5 min readEA link

A brief look at re­duc­ing the effi­ciency of genocides

NLHeath11 Nov 2020 18:07 UTC
35 points
5 comments9 min readEA link

[up­dated] Global de­vel­op­ment in­ter­ven­tions are gen­er­ally more effec­tive than cli­mate change interventions

Hauke Hillebrandt2 Oct 2019 8:36 UTC
119 points
44 comments17 min readEA link

Benefits of EA en­gag­ing with main­stream (ad­dressed) cause areas

blehrer8 May 2019 20:38 UTC
31 points
14 comments7 min readEA link

Pri­ori­ti­za­tion in Science—cur­rent view

EdoArad31 Oct 2020 15:22 UTC
37 points
7 comments4 min readEA link

Fisher & Syed on Trad­able Obli­ga­tions to En­hance Health

Cullen12 Aug 2018 22:17 UTC
6 points
5 comments2 min readEA link

Sex work as part of men­tal health and wellbe­ing ser­vices

Mary 3 Mar 2022 5:59 UTC
48 points
9 comments2 min readEA link

Mind Ease: a promis­ing new men­tal health intervention

PeterBrietbart23 Oct 2018 17:34 UTC
24 points
8 comments5 min readEA link

[Question] What new EA pro­ject or org would you like to see cre­ated in the next 3 years?

Ozzie Gooen11 Jun 2019 20:56 UTC
75 points
82 comments1 min readEA link

Mon­key­pox: Is it worth wor­ry­ing about?

MarcusAbramovitch17 Aug 2022 5:59 UTC
27 points
11 comments4 min readEA link

Fur­ther thoughts on char­ter cities and effec­tive altruism

marklutter20 Jul 2021 19:56 UTC
77 points
13 comments7 min readEA link

A Case for Em­piri­cal Cause Prioritization

Peter Wildeford6 Jun 2016 17:32 UTC
25 points
3 comments4 min readEA link

Global cochineal pro­duc­tion: scale, welfare con­cerns, and po­ten­tial interventions

abrahamrowe11 Feb 2020 21:33 UTC
48 points
3 comments13 min readEA link

[Question] What are some soft­ware de­vel­op­ment needs in EA causes?

BrownHairedEevee6 Mar 2020 5:25 UTC
10 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

Tak­ing ad­van­tage of cli­mate change con­cerns to chan­nel dona­tions to EA-recom­mended or­ga­ni­za­tions at low marginal cost (pro­posal and call for more re­search)

ianps19 Dec 2019 14:06 UTC
26 points
7 comments4 min readEA link

Mea­sur­ing Change in Diet for An­i­mal Advocacy

Jacob_Peacock9 Nov 2018 20:21 UTC
9 points
2 comments15 min readEA link

Psychedelics Normalization

andzuck26 Apr 2019 2:50 UTC
53 points
26 comments1 min readEA link

Why and how to start a for-profit com­pany serv­ing emerg­ing markets

Ben Kuhn6 Nov 2019 1:00 UTC
145 points
15 comments6 min readEA link

Jus­tice and Global Pri­ori­ties Re­search Read­ing List

Luis Mota Freitas30 Aug 2022 19:46 UTC
34 points
2 comments3 min readEA link

Why You Should Donate a Kid­ney—The Ne­oliberal Podcast

BrownHairedEevee27 Jun 2021 4:01 UTC
8 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Ineffec­tive en­trepreneur­ship: post-mortem of Hippo, the hap­piness app that never quite was

MichaelPlant23 May 2018 10:30 UTC
92 points
37 comments13 min readEA link

Effec­tive Slack­tivism: why some­body should do pri­ori­ti­za­tion re­search on slacktivism

Kat Woods3 Dec 2021 20:32 UTC
36 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

What you can do to help stop vi­o­lence against women and girls

Akhil12 Jan 2023 11:51 UTC
332 points
24 comments16 min readEA link

[Question] Which coun­tries are most re­cep­tive to more im­mi­gra­tion?

BrownHairedEevee6 Jul 2020 21:46 UTC
19 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] How im­pact­ful is be­ing a suicide hotline vol­un­teer?

OliverHayman5 Feb 2024 5:02 UTC
12 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

What I thought about child mar­riage as a cause area, and how I’ve changed my mind

Catherine F31 Jan 2023 19:50 UTC
218 points
44 comments7 min readEA link

[Question] Is The Free­dom Fund still the best char­ity ad­dress­ing hu­man traf­fick­ing /​ mod­ern slav­ery, and why is this cause area not of more in­ter­est to EA?

Brain_in_a_Vat4 Dec 2023 9:24 UTC
24 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Char­ity Thrift Shop launched for hu­man­i­tar­ian aid in Turkey.

Abigail.G10 Feb 2023 10:57 UTC
27 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Im­mi­gra­tion re­form: a shal­low cause exploration

JoelMcGuire20 Feb 2023 15:57 UTC
104 points
7 comments36 min readEA link

Choles­terol and Blood Pres­sure as Ne­glected Die­tary In­ter­ven­tions?

RomeoStevens26 Feb 2023 18:06 UTC
6 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Shal­low Prob­lem Re­view of Land­mines and Un­ex­ploded Ordnance

Jakob P.3 Mar 2023 16:03 UTC
38 points
1 comment36 min readEA link

Effec­tive Selfishism?

ventureguess29 Nov 2023 10:42 UTC
4 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Shrimp paste might cause more an­i­mal deaths than any other food product. Who’s work­ing on this?

Angelina Li30 Oct 2023 21:53 UTC
119 points
22 comments4 min readEA link

Aging should be effec­tive al­tru­ism’s 5th cause area

Yarrow B.2 Dec 2023 8:28 UTC
20 points
15 comments1 min readEA link

Land re­dis­tri­bu­tion, re­vis­ited.

dEAsign15 Aug 2023 7:28 UTC
13 points
2 comments4 min readEA link

Le­gal As­sis­tance for Vic­tims of AI

bob17 Mar 2023 11:42 UTC
52 points
19 comments1 min readEA link

Char­ter Cities: why they’re ex­cit­ing & how they might work

Jackson Wagner18 Jul 2023 13:57 UTC
24 points
13 comments8 min readEA link

CEARCH’s Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Con­test: Awards

Joel Tan🔸7 Sep 2023 3:39 UTC
38 points
13 comments1 min readEA link

Memo on some ne­glected topics

Lukas Finnveden11 Nov 2023 2:01 UTC
70 points
3 comments7 min readEA link

New Cause Area: Por­trait Welfare (+in­tro­duc­ing SPEWS)

Luke Freeman31 Mar 2023 21:22 UTC
73 points
17 comments15 min readEA link

Eng­ineered plant pan­demics and so­cietal col­lapse risk

freedomandutility4 Aug 2023 17:06 UTC
13 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Trans Res­cue’s op­er­a­tions in Uganda: high im­pact giv­ing opportunity

David D11 Apr 2023 16:21 UTC
61 points
6 comments6 min readEA link

RIP Med­i­cal Debt

Layla S10 May 2023 20:59 UTC
0 points
13 comments1 min readEA link

The Effec­tive­ness of Vol­un­teer­ing for Cri­sis Sup­port Hotlines

William Spaul9 May 2023 12:33 UTC
26 points
9 comments3 min readEA link

[Question] Can in­creas­ing Trust amongst hu­mans be con­sid­ered our great­est pri­or­ity?

Firas Najjar24 Aug 2023 8:45 UTC
4 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Com­bat­ing nar­cis­sis­tic poli­ti­ci­ans

Dave Cortright18 Nov 2023 23:43 UTC
14 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] How could VR ad­vance­ments be lev­er­aged to im­prove the world?

michel2 Jun 2023 10:28 UTC
11 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Why microplas­tics should mat­ter to EAs

BiancaCojocaru4 Dec 2023 9:27 UTC
3 points
1 comment3 min readEA link

[Linkpost] Can we con­fi­dently dis­miss the ex­is­tence of near aliens? Prob­a­bil­ities and implications

Magnus Vinding25 Jul 2023 11:37 UTC
46 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

Co­op­er­at­ing with aliens and AGIs: An ECL explainer

Chi24 Feb 2024 22:58 UTC
52 points
9 comments20 min readEA link

Everett branches, in­ter-light cone trade and other alien mat­ters: Ap­pendix to “An ECL ex­plainer”

Chi24 Feb 2024 23:09 UTC
25 points
1 comment11 min readEA link

Ev­i­den­tial Co­op­er­a­tion in Large Wor­lds: Po­ten­tial Ob­jec­tions & FAQ

Chi28 Feb 2024 18:58 UTC
35 points
5 comments19 min readEA link

Kathryn Man­nix: What hap­pens as we die? | TED Talk

BrownHairedEevee17 Dec 2023 18:24 UTC
16 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Ed­u­ca­tion: Teach­ing Love (Philia/​Brotherly love) as a Pri­or­ity Cause

Keen Visionary3 Mar 2024 18:35 UTC
7 points
4 comments2 min readEA link

Why UFOs matter

Magnus Vinding21 Jun 2024 10:53 UTC
30 points
14 comments10 min readEA link

Wild an­i­mal welfare? Stable to­tal­i­tar­i­anism? Pre­dict which new EA cause area will go main­stream!

Jackson Wagner11 Mar 2024 14:27 UTC
48 points
3 comments3 min readEA link

Rea­sons for op­ti­mism about mea­sur­ing malev­olence to tackle x- and s-risks

Jamie_Harris2 Apr 2024 10:26 UTC
85 points
12 comments8 min readEA link

Public tran­sit ad­vo­cacy as an effec­tive cause area

BrownHairedEevee12 Jul 2024 19:53 UTC
17 points
5 comments2 min readEA link

In­ter­me­di­ate Re­port on Low Phys­i­cal Activity

Joel Tan🔸24 Jan 2024 2:50 UTC
31 points
6 comments4 min readEA link

In­ter­na­tional tax policy as a po­ten­tial cause area

Tax Geek23 Jan 2024 16:36 UTC
56 points
3 comments12 min readEA link

Agri­cul­tural re­search and development

David_Goll30 Jul 2014 21:38 UTC
4 points
0 comments6 min readEA link

Veg*n re­ci­di­vism seems im­por­tant, tractable, and neglected

xccf28 Jun 2015 18:33 UTC
18 points
23 comments4 min readEA link

[Question] Has any­one done an anal­y­sis on the im­por­tance, tractabil­ity, and ne­glect­ed­ness of keep­ing hu­man-di­gestible calories in the ocean in case we need it af­ter some global catas­tro­phe?

Mati_Roy17 Feb 2020 7:47 UTC
9 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

Cause: Bet­ter poli­ti­cal sys­tems and policy mak­ing.

weeatquince22 Nov 2016 12:37 UTC
21 points
6 comments9 min readEA link

Es­ti­mat­ing the Philan­thropic Dis­count Rate

MichaelDickens3 Jul 2020 16:58 UTC
81 points
21 comments37 min readEA link

Ro­dents farmed for pet snake food

saulius20 Feb 2019 19:54 UTC
83 points
19 comments20 min readEA link

[Question] Should lo­cal EA groups sup­port poli­ti­cal causes?

lukasb21 Jul 2020 19:54 UTC
16 points
11 comments1 min readEA link

HLI’s Men­tal Health Pro­gramme Eval­u­a­tion Pro­ject—Up­date on the First Round of Evaluation

Jasper Synowski10 Jun 2020 16:45 UTC
59 points
9 comments8 min readEA link

EA should in­vest more in exploration

Michael_PJ5 Feb 2017 17:11 UTC
23 points
27 comments7 min readEA link

Get­ting money out of poli­tics and into charity

Eric Neyman6 Oct 2020 5:28 UTC
112 points
47 comments3 min readEA link

In­ter­ven­tion Pro­file: Bal­lot Initiatives

Jason Schukraft13 Jan 2020 15:41 UTC
117 points
5 comments36 min readEA link

[Question] What Are Effec­tive Alter­na­tives to Party Poli­tics for Effec­tive Public Policy Ad­vo­cacy?

Evan_Gaensbauer30 Jan 2019 2:52 UTC
24 points
6 comments3 min readEA link

What should Founders Pledge re­search?

John G. Halstead9 Sep 2019 17:41 UTC
52 points
31 comments1 min readEA link

Fund­ing Pro­posal: Sup­port­ing a Cam­paign to In­crease Cana­dian Offi­cial Devel­op­ment As­sis­tance

jonathancourtney8 Feb 2019 23:51 UTC
21 points
0 comments13 min readEA link

Are we ne­glect­ing ed­u­ca­tion? Philos­o­phy in schools as a longter­mist area

JackM30 Jul 2020 16:31 UTC
68 points
29 comments18 min readEA link

Re­spond­ing to COVID-19 in India

Suvita26 Apr 2020 19:07 UTC
57 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

[Question] Is pro­mot­ing ve­g­anism ne­glected and if so what is the most effec­tive way of pro­mot­ing it?

samuel07222 Aug 2019 14:47 UTC
1 point
2 comments1 min readEA link

Effec­tive Lob­by­ing Dis­cus­sion Group

Noah Wescombe13 Dec 2020 23:43 UTC
13 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

New Cause Pro­posal: In­ter­na­tional Sup­ply Chain Accountability

NunoSempere1 Apr 2020 7:56 UTC
32 points
1 comment7 min readEA link

Try­ing to help coral reefs sur­vive cli­mate change seems in­cred­ibly ne­glected.

capybaralet17 Jan 2021 18:47 UTC
9 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

[Link] A Modest Pro­posal: Elimi­nate Email

arikr18 Mar 2019 0:26 UTC
9 points
11 comments1 min readEA link

How can we re­duce s-risks?

Tobias_Baumann29 Jan 2021 15:46 UTC
42 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Im­prov­ing dis­aster shelters to in­crease the chances of re­cov­ery from a global catastrophe

Nick_Beckstead19 Feb 2014 22:17 UTC
24 points
5 comments26 min readEA link

Vote Pairing is a Cost-Effec­tive Poli­ti­cal Intervention

Ben_West🔸26 Feb 2017 13:54 UTC
19 points
14 comments9 min readEA link

Cost-Effec­tive­ness of Foods for Global Catas­tro­phes: Even Bet­ter than Be­fore?

Denkenberger19 Nov 2018 21:57 UTC
29 points
5 comments10 min readEA link

On Values Spreading

MichaelDickens11 Sep 2015 3:57 UTC
32 points
13 comments11 min readEA link

[Draft] Fight­ing Aging as an Effec­tive Altru­ism Cause

turchin16 Apr 2018 10:18 UTC
1 point
39 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Global ba­sic ed­u­ca­tion as a miss­ing cause priority

lucy.ea88 Aug 2019 1:19 UTC
5 points
16 comments1 min readEA link

Cli­mate Change Is Ne­glected By EA

mchr3k23 May 2020 19:16 UTC
34 points
57 comments15 min readEA link

Notes: Stub­ble Burn­ing in India

Jason Schukraft13 Jan 2021 2:58 UTC
38 points
8 comments6 min readEA link

In­crease Im­pact by Wait­ing for a Re­ces­sion to Donate or In­vest in a Cause.

maxwell20 Jun 2019 21:22 UTC
12 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

The Case for Rare Chi­nese Tofus

George Stiffman8 Feb 2022 6:12 UTC
203 points
55 comments9 min readEA link

Die­tary habits – Another po­ten­tial Cause Area?

peter_janicki19 Jun 2021 9:16 UTC
14 points
1 comment9 min readEA link

[Linkpost] Millions face star­va­tion in Afghanistan

aogara4 Dec 2021 23:46 UTC
23 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

[Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Prizes] Crime Reduction

Sashworthhayes31 Aug 2022 19:21 UTC
69 points
18 comments15 min readEA link

On ‘causes’

Owen Cotton-Barratt24 Jun 2014 17:19 UTC
10 points
29 comments3 min readEA link

Ide­olog­i­cal en­g­ineer­ing and so­cial con­trol: A ne­glected topic in AI safety re­search?

Geoffrey Miller1 Sep 2017 18:52 UTC
17 points
8 comments2 min readEA link

Why those who care about catas­trophic and ex­is­ten­tial risk should care about au­tonomous weapons

aaguirre11 Nov 2020 17:27 UTC
103 points
31 comments15 min readEA link

Pro­ject Pro­posal: Gears and Aging

johnswentworth11 May 2020 7:29 UTC
11 points
1 comment7 min readEA link

Cause pro­file: men­tal health

MichaelPlant31 Dec 2018 12:09 UTC
147 points
31 comments24 min readEA link

[Question] 12 years of ed­u­ca­tion as a miss­ing cause priority

lucy.ea87 Aug 2019 2:49 UTC
1 point
5 comments1 min readEA link

Cos­mic EA: How Cost Effec­tive Is In­form­ing ET?

TruePath31 Dec 2017 8:37 UTC
3 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] might tar­get­ing malnu­tri­tion (not un­der­nour­ish­ment!) be an im­por­tant cause area?

peter_janicki20 Sep 2020 11:01 UTC
9 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

An­i­mal Equal­ity showed that ad­vo­cat­ing for diet change works. But is it cost-effec­tive?

Peter Wildeford7 Jun 2018 4:06 UTC
28 points
22 comments26 min readEA link

In­for­ma­tional Lob­by­ing: The­ory and Effectiveness

Matt_Lerner30 Jul 2020 22:02 UTC
75 points
20 comments33 min readEA link

An ar­gu­ment that EA should fo­cus more on cli­mate change

Ann Garth8 Dec 2020 2:48 UTC
30 points
3 comments11 min readEA link

Recom­men­da­tions for pri­ori­tiz­ing poli­ti­cal en­gage­ment in the 2020 US elections

IanDavidMoss14 Oct 2020 13:52 UTC
38 points
22 comments7 min readEA link

Man­aged Honey Bee Welfare: Prob­lems and Po­ten­tial Interventions

Jason Schukraft14 Nov 2019 19:03 UTC
76 points
5 comments67 min readEA link

Wild an­i­mal suffer­ing caused by fires and ways to pre­vent it: a non­con­tro­ver­sial in­ter­ven­tion

Animal_Ethics29 Aug 2020 14:09 UTC
19 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

How to eval­u­ate ne­glect­ed­ness and tractabil­ity of ag­ing research

Emanuele_Ascani2 Aug 2019 10:29 UTC
11 points
2 comments9 min readEA link

In­creas­ing Ur­ban Den­sity as a Recom­mended Cause Area?

Niki Kotsenko11 Sep 2022 13:23 UTC
7 points
3 comments3 min readEA link

Shal­low Re­port on Nu­clear War (Abol­ish­ment)

Joel Tan🔸18 Oct 2022 7:36 UTC
35 points
14 comments18 min readEA link

Shal­low Re­port on Ac­cess to Men­tal Health Drugs

Joel Tan🔸22 Nov 2022 2:27 UTC
37 points
8 comments18 min readEA link

Ve­ga­pho­bia—A Brief Presentation

dlnrbts28320 Dec 2022 21:08 UTC
10 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

Surveillance and free ex­pres­sion | Sunyshore

BrownHairedEevee23 Feb 2021 2:14 UTC
10 points
0 comments9 min readEA link

Shal­low In­ves­ti­ga­tion: Bac­te­rial Meningitis

peetyxk28 Mar 2023 8:57 UTC
37 points
2 comments12 min readEA link

[Opz­ionale] La pos­si­bil­ità di una Catas­trofe Mo­rale in atto (Ri­as­sunto)

EA Italy31 Dec 2022 4:17 UTC
1 point
0 comments5 min readEA link

In­ter­me­di­ate Re­port on Hypertension

Joel Tan🔸3 Apr 2023 3:54 UTC
50 points
12 comments5 min readEA link

Food se­cu­rity and catas­trophic famine risks—Manag­ing com­plex­ity and climate

Michael Hinge5 Apr 2023 20:33 UTC
26 points
0 comments23 min readEA link

Is there a case for Prona­tal­ism as an effec­tive cause area?

ben.smith7 Jun 2023 0:42 UTC
17 points
1 comment4 min readEA link

Phy­to­min­ing for Effec­tive Altruism

Benjamin M.10 Sep 2023 21:03 UTC
17 points
3 comments29 min readEA link

Every­thing I didn’t know about fertilizers

Helene_K27 Jun 2023 10:34 UTC
53 points
11 comments12 min readEA link

Quan­tum Com­put­ing : A pre­limi­nary re­search anal­y­sis report

Jaime Sevilla5 Nov 2019 14:25 UTC
49 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

In­ter­me­di­ate Re­port on Di­a­betes Mel­li­tus Type 2

Joel Tan🔸24 Apr 2023 7:11 UTC
28 points
6 comments5 min readEA link

Assess­ing the im­pact of quan­tum cryptanalysis

Jaime Sevilla22 Jul 2020 11:26 UTC
39 points
10 comments1 min readEA link

Reliev­ing ex­treme phys­i­cal pain in hu­mans – an op­por­tu­nity for effec­tive funding

jonleighton10 Oct 2018 12:28 UTC
38 points
16 comments15 min readEA link

Bet­ter weather fore­cast­ing: Agri­cul­tural and non-agri­cul­tural benefits in low- and lower-mid­dle-in­come countries

Rethink Priorities28 Apr 2023 16:25 UTC
41 points
6 comments3 min readEA link

Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Prize: Distri­bu­tion of In­for­ma­tion Among Humans

markov_user12 Aug 2022 0:58 UTC
31 points
3 comments13 min readEA link

Flood­ing is not a promis­ing cause area—shal­low investigation

OscarD🔸21 Dec 2022 10:57 UTC
65 points
13 comments12 min readEA link

[Re­minder] Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Contest

Joel Tan🔸16 Jul 2023 7:22 UTC
17 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] What is the ex­pected value of me giv­ing blood?

Matt Goodman13 Oct 2022 17:09 UTC
20 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Could we do more for en­glish speak­ing Afri­can coun­tries?

Pseudonym1016 Nov 2022 6:15 UTC
2 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

The Case for Non-Tech­ni­cal AI Safety/​Align­ment Growth & Funding

Algo_Law28 Apr 2022 16:31 UTC
17 points
9 comments8 min readEA link

Ver­ti­cal farm­ing to lessen our re­li­ance on the Sun

Ty5 May 2022 5:57 UTC
12 points
3 comments2 min readEA link

The (Cal­ifor­nia) case for State Ca­pac­ity as an EA cause area

Locke4 Aug 2022 3:22 UTC
58 points
10 comments9 min readEA link

Some gov­er­nance re­search ideas to pre­vent malev­olent con­trol over AGI and why this might mat­ter a hell of a lot

Jim Buhler23 May 2023 13:07 UTC
63 points
5 comments16 min readEA link

I Re­viewed the 4000-page Disease Con­trol Pri­ori­ties Col­lec­tion: Fund 4 Pro­grams; Divest from Cost-in­effec­tive Bed­nets and Deworming

brb2439 Jul 2022 22:36 UTC
20 points
9 comments17 min readEA link

Ok Doomer! SRM and Catas­trophic Risk Podcast

GideonF20 Aug 2022 12:22 UTC
10 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

In­creas­ing ex­is­ten­tial hope as an effec­tive cause?

Owen Cotton-Barratt10 Jan 2015 19:55 UTC
10 points
15 comments1 min readEA link

Blind Spots: Compartmentalizing

Dale31 Dec 2014 22:25 UTC
20 points
55 comments14 min readEA link

The Effec­tive Altru­ist Case for Us­ing Ge­netic En­hance­ment to End Poverty

Ives Parr28 Oct 2023 16:36 UTC
−3 points
21 comments35 min readEA link

[Question] What are some lists of open ques­tions in effec­tive al­tru­ism?

Aaron Gertler5 Feb 2019 2:23 UTC
28 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

Road safety: Land­scape of the prob­lem and routes to effec­tive policy advocacy

Rethink Priorities28 Nov 2023 15:38 UTC
40 points
6 comments5 min readEA link

Sperm sort­ing in cattle

Koushik Raghavan15 Jul 2019 2:50 UTC
20 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] In­creas­ing per­sonal se­cu­rity of at-risk high-im­pact actors

MaxRa28 May 2020 14:03 UTC
19 points
5 comments1 min readEA link

Could In­ten­tional Liv­ing (as a cause area) be an EA Blind Spot?

yanni kyriacos11 Jun 2023 1:38 UTC
4 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Cen­tre for Ex­plo­ra­tory Altru­ism Re­search (CEARCH)

Joel Tan🔸18 Oct 2022 7:23 UTC
125 points
15 comments5 min readEA link

Road Safety: The Silent Epi­demic Im­pact­ing Youth

AIPFoundation11 Aug 2022 16:07 UTC
52 points
5 comments28 min readEA link

Eval­u­at­ing Com­mu­nal Violence from an Effec­tive Altru­ist Perspective

frankfredericks13 Aug 2019 19:38 UTC
16 points
4 comments8 min readEA link

Be the Match: a vol­un­teer list for bone mar­row donation

Evan Rysdam27 Oct 2019 5:44 UTC
29 points
30 comments1 min readEA link

Against Mak­ing Up Our Con­scious Minds

Silica10 Feb 2024 7:12 UTC
13 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

Peace­build­ing and Violent Conflict

Charlie Dougherty5 Aug 2022 11:01 UTC
19 points
5 comments8 min readEA link

We Prob­a­bly Shouldn’t Solve Consciousness

Silica10 Feb 2024 7:12 UTC
33 points
5 comments16 min readEA link

If you (mostly) be­lieve in worms, what should you think about WASH?

alex lawsen18 Feb 2020 16:47 UTC
64 points
3 comments6 min readEA link

[Question] Could the drop in child vac­ci­na­tion and the lat­est news on po­liomyelitis be a new cause area?

Ramiro9 Oct 2022 1:09 UTC
8 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Rus­sian Re­sis­tance: a web­site about protesters and how one could sup­port them

Svetoslav Palović18 Jul 2022 7:00 UTC
13 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

A case for the adop­tion of Phage ther­apy in Africa

emmannaemeka7 Dec 2022 1:38 UTC
12 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

My fa­vorite ar­ti­cles by Brian To­masik and what they are about

Timothy Chan24 Feb 2024 18:10 UTC
76 points
4 comments4 min readEA link

Pri­vate Im­mi­gra­tion Spon­sor­ship: A High-Im­pact and Per­sonal EA Opportunity

ZachGoldstein24 Feb 2024 14:31 UTC
15 points
3 comments2 min readEA link

In­tac­tivism as a po­ten­tial Effec­tive Altru­ist cause area?

Question Mark26 Jun 2021 7:21 UTC
1 point
8 comments3 min readEA link

My thoughts on nan­otech­nol­ogy strat­egy re­search as an EA cause area

Ben Snodin2 May 2022 9:41 UTC
137 points
17 comments33 min readEA link

The Do­mes­ti­ca­tion of Zebras

Further or Alternatively9 Sep 2022 10:58 UTC
15 points
20 comments2 min readEA link

The in­ter­net town square doesn’t have to suck. The solu­tion to bro­ken so­cial me­dia is ob­vi­ous: demo­cratic co­op­er­a­tive own­er­ship.

blainehansen29 Oct 2022 1:57 UTC
3 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Against Loneli­ness: Cause Exploration

ColdButtonIssues10 Aug 2022 2:17 UTC
20 points
4 comments12 min readEA link

Shal­low In­ves­ti­ga­tion: Arsenic Remediation

Francis10 Jan 2023 2:54 UTC
41 points
3 comments19 min readEA link

The $100trn op­por­tu­nity: ESG in­vest­ing should be a top pri­or­ity for EA careers

Sanjay18 Mar 2021 13:54 UTC
72 points
5 comments7 min readEA link

Nar­ra­tion: Re­duc­ing long-term risks from malev­olent actors

D0TheMath15 Jul 2021 16:26 UTC
23 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Re­silience & Biodiversity

emwalz11 Aug 2022 0:37 UTC
60 points
9 comments14 min readEA link

[BBC News] Post­par­tum haem­or­rhage: Niger halves blood-loss deaths at clinics

Sean Ericson21 Jan 2023 18:36 UTC
32 points
4 comments2 min readEA link

Au­to­mated on­line suicide pre­ven­tion: po­ten­tially high im­pact?

generic_username26 Jul 2022 9:46 UTC
19 points
11 comments6 min readEA link

Poor power qual­ity is a bot­tle­neck to global health and development

Molly Hickman26 Feb 2024 13:44 UTC
37 points
0 comments4 min readEA link

Bounty: Guide To Switch­ing From Farmed Fish To Wild-Caught Fish

ozymandias22 Feb 2019 16:10 UTC
37 points
8 comments1 min readEA link

Are we already past the precipice?

Dem0sthenes10 Aug 2022 4:01 UTC
1 point
5 comments2 min readEA link

Shal­low Re­port on Fun­gal Diseases

Joel Tan🔸19 Oct 2022 5:13 UTC
17 points
0 comments15 min readEA link

Shal­low Re­port on Tinnitus

Joel Tan🔸23 Nov 2022 5:55 UTC
26 points
0 comments15 min readEA link

Why we should be do­ing more sys­tem­atic research

Joey 🔸14 Mar 2018 18:58 UTC
31 points
5 comments4 min readEA link

Shal­low Re­port on Asteroids

Joel Tan🔸20 Oct 2022 1:34 UTC
27 points
7 comments13 min readEA link

Po­ten­tial new cause area: Obesity

Akhil26 Jul 2022 8:33 UTC
33 points
5 comments7 min readEA link

The Eco­nomic Benefits of Pro­mot­ing and Pro­tect­ing the Rights of LGBTQ+ Com­mu­ni­ties in Devel­op­ing Coun­tries (cause ex­plo­ra­tion)

Susannah Hares10 Aug 2022 15:14 UTC
1 point
0 comments1 min readEA link

Cause Sugges­tion: Econ Literacy

Yonatan Cale18 Dec 2022 18:16 UTC
21 points
21 comments3 min readEA link

The Case for Pro­mot­ing /​ Creat­ing Public Goods Mar­kets as a Cause Area

MikkW24 Oct 2020 5:23 UTC
33 points
2 comments14 min readEA link

EAs should recom­mend cost-effec­tive in­ter­ven­tions in more cause ar­eas (not just the most press­ing ones)

Amber Dawn1 Sep 2022 17:45 UTC
37 points
18 comments10 min readEA link

Paper is pub­lished! 100,000 lu­mens to treat sea­sonal af­fec­tive di­s­or­der

Fabienne20 Aug 2022 19:44 UTC
49 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

The case for be­com­ing a black-box in­ves­ti­ga­tor of lan­guage models

Buck6 May 2022 14:37 UTC
90 points
7 comments3 min readEA link

The Case for Space: A Longter­mist Alter­na­tive to Ex­is­ten­tial Threat Reduction

Giga18 Nov 2020 13:09 UTC
9 points
5 comments2 min readEA link

Two Con­crete Ways to Help Feeder Rodents

Hazo13 Mar 2024 22:28 UTC
130 points
6 comments19 min readEA link

Mak­ing EA More Effective

Peter Kelly31 Aug 2022 5:02 UTC
7 points
0 comments13 min readEA link

Should we her­bivorize preda­tors?

Stijn28 Feb 2022 18:34 UTC
13 points
1 comment7 min readEA link

The So­cial Re­ces­sion: By the Numbers

Antonomon29 Oct 2022 23:35 UTC
6 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Pri­ori­tiz­ing Men­tal Health: A Call to Ac­tion for the Effec­tive Altru­ism Community

MichaelRipa26 Jul 2024 12:43 UTC
11 points
0 comments9 min readEA link

[Opz­ionale] Una lunga lista di pos­si­bili cause

EA Italy18 Jan 2023 11:28 UTC
1 point
0 comments1 min readEA link

In­ter­nal Mi­gra­tion: A Cost-Effec­tive Method for Rais­ing Wages, Im­prov­ing Liv­ing Stan­dards, and Pro­mot­ing Eco­nomic Growth

JamieSimonson6 Aug 2022 8:45 UTC
30 points
0 comments11 min readEA link

Tiny hu­mans: the most promis­ing new cause can­di­date?

akash2 Apr 2024 8:46 UTC
24 points
7 comments4 min readEA link

Reimag­in­ing Malev­olence: A Primer on Malev­olence and Im­pli­ca­tions for EA

Kenneth_Diao11 Apr 2024 12:50 UTC
27 points
3 comments44 min readEA link

A di­rect way to re­duce the catch of wild fish

Ren Ryba21 Jun 2022 10:09 UTC
17 points
12 comments9 min readEA link

The effec­tive al­tru­ist case for parliamentarism

Tiago Santos28 Oct 2021 16:10 UTC
22 points
7 comments4 min readEA link

The prob­lem of ar­tifi­cial suffering

mlsbt24 Sep 2021 14:43 UTC
49 points
3 comments9 min readEA link

Shal­low Re­port on Di­a­betes Mel­li­tus Type 2

Joel Tan🔸23 Jan 2023 3:45 UTC
41 points
11 comments14 min readEA link

Shal­low Re­port on Shigella

Joel Tan🔸24 Jan 2023 2:51 UTC
7 points
2 comments14 min readEA link

[Question] How should EAs man­age their copy­rights?

BrownHairedEevee9 Mar 2021 18:42 UTC
15 points
5 comments2 min readEA link

Make the Drought Eva­po­rate!

Anthony Repetto19 Nov 2022 23:48 UTC
4 points
8 comments3 min readEA link

Pro­ject: bio­eng­ineer­ing an all-fe­male breed of chicken to end chick culling

Cienna28 Apr 2022 14:08 UTC
45 points
15 comments8 min readEA link

“Teach­ing to Give” Idea

Noah Starbuck22 Apr 2021 1:51 UTC
8 points
2 comments2 min readEA link

Cog­ni­tive Risks of Ado­les­cent Binge Drinking

Elizabeth26 Jul 2022 17:09 UTC
25 points
2 comments10 min readEA link

Effec­tive al­tru­ism and global pal­li­a­tive care: One pro­ject case

Phil Di Sorbo21 Dec 2022 5:58 UTC
2 points
4 comments2 min readEA link

Open Philan­thropy Shal­low In­ves­ti­ga­tion: Tobacco Control

Open Philanthropy25 Jan 2023 1:14 UTC
93 points
8 comments36 min readEA link

[Question] Is nan­otech­nol­ogy (such as APM) im­por­tant for EAs’ to work on?

pixel_brownie_software12 Mar 2020 15:36 UTC
6 points
9 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Would it make sense to use hu­man rights law against catas­trophic risks—like some seem to be do­ing re­gard­ing cli­mate change?

Ramiro26 Dec 2022 21:14 UTC
12 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

Shal­low Re­port on Productivity

Joel Tan🔸25 Jan 2023 8:18 UTC
24 points
4 comments17 min readEA link

Next Steps in In­ver­te­brate Welfare, Part 2: Pos­si­ble Interventions

Daniela Waldhorn14 Nov 2019 0:40 UTC
44 points
6 comments43 min readEA link

Char­ity En­trepreneur­ship Re­search Summary

Joey 🔸21 Mar 2016 17:47 UTC
22 points
9 comments8 min readEA link

[Question] Test­ing Im­pact: Longter­mist TV Show

Anthony Fleming14 Oct 2022 23:30 UTC
4 points
1 comment1 min readEA link

Im­prov­ing in­cen­tives in re­search—could we top­ple the h-in­dex?

PCO Moore8 Aug 2022 10:11 UTC
8 points
4 comments3 min readEA link

[Question] Cor­po­rate gov­er­nance re­form efforts?

samstowers18 Apr 2022 18:09 UTC
9 points
10 comments1 min readEA link

New Cause Area: Baby Longter­mism – Child Rights and Fu­ture Children

LiaH14 Sep 2022 20:22 UTC
26 points
10 comments8 min readEA link

Is The YouTube Al­gorithm Rad­i­cal­iz­ing You? It’s Com­pli­cated.

BrownHairedEevee1 Mar 2021 21:50 UTC
44 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

Bud­dha Was An Effec­tive Altruist

maximizealtruism7 Oct 2022 23:28 UTC
8 points
6 comments6 min readEA link

Why start a fam­ily plan­ning char­ity? (Founders needed)

Ula Zarosa2 Apr 2021 10:29 UTC
28 points
6 comments4 min readEA link

Be­ing a donor for Fe­cal Micro­biota Trans­plants (FMT): Do good & earn easy money (up to 180k/​y)

Anton Rodenhauser6 Jul 2022 14:58 UTC
50 points
13 comments8 min readEA link

Fight­ing cor­rup­tion in aid—embezzling

MarcSerna8 Apr 2021 22:56 UTC
17 points
2 comments3 min readEA link

New cause area: Im­prov­ing di­ag­no­sis and treat­ment of bipo­lar spec­trum disorders

Karolina Soltys12 Aug 2022 9:08 UTC
39 points
13 comments19 min readEA link

[Question] Should re­duc­ing gov­ern­ment funded an­i­mal ex­per­i­ments be on the agenda for EA?

ChristianKleineidam29 Oct 2022 13:58 UTC
16 points
8 comments1 min readEA link

An Ar­gu­ment To Pri­ori­tize “Pos­i­tively Shap­ing the Devel­op­ment of Crypto-as­sets”

rhys_lindmark3 Apr 2018 21:59 UTC
16 points
13 comments14 min readEA link

Assess­ing Cost Effec­tive­ness: malnu­tri­tion, famine, and cause prioritization

leosn25 Sep 2022 15:14 UTC
15 points
4 comments4 min readEA link

Should we do more to miti­gate oc­cu­pa­tional noise ex­po­sure?

Drew Housman30 Jul 2022 19:11 UTC
21 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

[Question] Is there any­one look­ing at the im­por­tance of sim­plify­ing com­plex so­cio-tech­ni­cal sys­tems?

mikbp12 Sep 2022 7:49 UTC
5 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Cause pro­file: Cog­ni­tive En­hance­ment Re­search

George Altman27 Mar 2022 13:43 UTC
62 points
6 comments22 min readEA link

[Question] Any EA fo­cus/​fund­ing on lym­phatic filari­a­sis?

Yitz28 Aug 2022 19:44 UTC
10 points
2 comments1 min readEA link

Es­ti­mat­ing the Value of Mo­bile Money

Jeff Kaufman21 Dec 2016 13:58 UTC
8 points
18 comments3 min readEA link

Speedrun: Develop an af­ford­able su­per PPE

Buhl7 Feb 2023 18:43 UTC
101 points
7 comments15 min readEA link

A Case for Cli­mate Change as a Top Fund­ing Pri­or­ity

Ted Shields22 Dec 2022 23:50 UTC
2 points
9 comments4 min readEA link

[Question] What are the most un­der­funded EA or­ga­ni­za­tions?

Question Mark17 Dec 2021 23:28 UTC
3 points
5 comments2 min readEA link

Speedrun: AI Align­ment Prizes

joe9 Feb 2023 11:55 UTC
25 points
0 comments18 min readEA link

In­no­va­tion Sys­tem needs fixing

Danila Medvedev3 May 2022 19:56 UTC
10 points
0 comments5 min readEA link

How a ven­tila­tion rev­olu­tion could help miti­gate the im­pacts of air pol­lu­tion and air­borne pathogens

Mike Cassidy16 Nov 2021 11:19 UTC
68 points
5 comments15 min readEA link

The Pos­si­bil­ity of Microor­ganism Suffering

Elias Au-Yeung7 Aug 2022 6:02 UTC
48 points
5 comments25 min readEA link

Spec­u­la­tion on Cur­rent Op­por­tu­ni­ties for Unusu­ally High Im­pact in Global Health

johnswentworth11 Nov 2022 20:47 UTC
25 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion: Adapt­ing to Ex­treme Heat Ex­po­sure in South Asia

Surbhi B9 Aug 2022 23:50 UTC
25 points
5 comments16 min readEA link

The Case for a Strate­gic U.S. Coal Re­serve for Cli­mate and Catastrophes

ColdButtonIssues5 May 2022 1:24 UTC
30 points
3 comments5 min readEA link

Ground­wa­ter crisis: a threat of civ­i­liza­tion collapse

RickJS24 Dec 2022 21:21 UTC
0 points
0 comments3 min readEA link

Quadratic Pay­ments: A Primer (Vi­talik Bu­terin, 2019)

BrownHairedEevee5 Apr 2021 18:05 UTC
30 points
6 comments2 min readEA link

New cause area: train­ing health work­ers to pre­vent new­born deaths

Marshall20 Jun 2022 17:12 UTC
62 points
4 comments14 min readEA link

Fa­nat­i­cal EAs should sup­port very weird projects

Derek Shiller30 Jun 2022 12:07 UTC
66 points
42 comments9 min readEA link

An­i­mal Test­ing Is Ex­ploita­tive and Largely Ineffective

Erich_Grunewald13 Jun 2021 10:46 UTC
27 points
3 comments11 min readEA link

Open Philan­thropy Shal­low In­ves­ti­ga­tion: Civil Con­flict Reduction

Lauren Gilbert12 Apr 2022 18:18 UTC
121 points
12 comments22 min readEA link

Open Philan­thropy Pro­ject Con­ven­ing on Policy Pri­ori­ties—Novem­ber 10, 2014

EA Forum Archives13 Nov 2014 3:45 UTC
4 points
0 comments9 min readEA link

Women’s Em­pow­er­ment: Founders Pledge re­port and recommendations

Sjir Hoeijmakers19 Dec 2018 20:34 UTC
25 points
24 comments6 min readEA link

Why Ad­vo­cacy for Chil­dren in Devel­oped Coun­tries Could be a Top Cause Area

sn27 Nov 2022 5:40 UTC
4 points
15 comments2 min readEA link

Shal­low Re­port on Nu­clear War (Arse­nal Limi­ta­tion)

Joel Tan🔸21 Feb 2023 4:57 UTC
44 points
13 comments29 min readEA link

New Cause area: The Meta-Cause [Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Prize]

simeon_c11 Aug 2022 17:21 UTC
30 points
2 comments11 min readEA link

Ad­vo­cat­ing for cost-effec­tive life-sav­ing care (fund us!)

AlexandraWS13 Jan 2023 14:07 UTC
19 points
6 comments3 min readEA link

Every Gen­er­a­tor Is A Policy Failure [Works in Progress]

Lauren Gilbert27 Feb 2023 10:56 UTC
52 points
3 comments1 min readEA link

[Question] Should we con­sider the sleep loss epi­demic an ur­gent global is­sue?

orenmn6 May 2019 6:42 UTC
21 points
21 comments2 min readEA link

De­modex mites: Large and ne­glected group of wild animals

Mai T27 Jan 2023 9:30 UTC
80 points
9 comments10 min readEA link

Pain re­lief: a shal­low cause exploration

Samuel Dupret27 Jan 2023 9:55 UTC
84 points
17 comments37 min readEA link

Pro­posal: Im­pact List—like the Forbes List ex­cept for im­pact via donations

Elliot_Olds30 May 2022 17:28 UTC
83 points
31 comments11 min readEA link

Why are party poli­tics not an EA pri­or­ity?

Chantal2 Jan 2021 18:52 UTC
49 points
12 comments3 min readEA link

Ra­tional Ed­u­ca­tion as a Cause Pri­or­ity?

Yassin Alaya9 Apr 2022 11:11 UTC
10 points
5 comments6 min readEA link

[Question] Help me recom­mend effec­tive char­i­ties to peo­ple who want to donate to spe­cific causes and populations

Max Pietsch9 Feb 2023 1:07 UTC
10 points
6 comments1 min readEA link

Re­place­abil­ity Con­cerns and Pos­si­ble Responses

sapphire2 Aug 2020 18:19 UTC
34 points
7 comments5 min readEA link

Four fo­cus ar­eas of effec­tive altruism

lukeprog8 Jul 2013 4:00 UTC
13 points
7 comments5 min readEA link

Why We Think Tobacco Tax Ad­vo­cacy Could be More Cost-Effec­tive than AMF

calebp5 Mar 2020 15:03 UTC
45 points
3 comments4 min readEA link

Do EAs un­der­es­ti­mate op­por­tu­ni­ties to cre­ate many small benefits?

Peter Wildeford25 Jan 2016 4:20 UTC
11 points
11 comments3 min readEA link

Cause Area: Differ­en­tial Neu­rotech­nol­ogy Development

mwcvitkovic10 Aug 2022 2:39 UTC
95 points
7 comments36 min readEA link

Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion: Sup­port for Men­tal Health Carers

Yuval Shapira14 Mar 2023 20:04 UTC
30 points
4 comments2 min readEA link

Shal­low In­ves­ti­ga­tion: Stillbirths

Joseph Pusey13 Mar 2023 16:19 UTC
93 points
15 comments14 min readEA link

Suggest new char­ity ideas for Char­ity En­trepreneur­ship

CE8 Mar 2023 15:08 UTC
82 points
1 comment3 min readEA link

A case for the effec­tive­ness of protest

JamesÖz29 Nov 2021 11:50 UTC
122 points
27 comments66 min readEA link

An­nounc­ing the Pa­tient Philan­thropy Fund

Sjir Hoeijmakers27 Oct 2021 15:44 UTC
131 points
7 comments1 min readEA link

New cause area: ma­ter­nal morbidity

alexhill9 Aug 2022 21:21 UTC
34 points
2 comments10 min readEA link

Some pre­limi­nary notes to­wards a *real* Cost-Benefit anal­y­sis of prisons

Philosophy Bear19 Mar 2023 2:34 UTC
8 points
2 comments12 min readEA link

Mind En­hance­ment Cause Exploration

timfarkas12 Aug 2022 5:49 UTC
39 points
4 comments52 min readEA link

An EA case for in­ter­est in UAPs/​UFOs and an idea as to what they are

TheNotSoGreatFilter30 Dec 2021 17:13 UTC
38 points
14 comments5 min readEA link

[Fi­nal Call] Cause Ex­plo­ra­tion Contest

Joel Tan🔸28 Jul 2023 16:02 UTC
18 points
0 comments1 min readEA link

Deep Re­port on Hypertension

Joel Tan🔸1 Aug 2023 2:39 UTC
67 points
13 comments3 min readEA link

Cost Effec­tive­ness of Mind­ful­ness Based Stress Reduction

Elizabeth30 Nov 2017 19:04 UTC
13 points
8 comments3 min readEA link

Might stop­ping mis­car­riages be a very im­por­tant cause area?

SaraAzubuike5 Dec 2021 17:18 UTC
12 points
13 comments2 min readEA link
No comments.